Shadow Wail

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    No, you can only join one SG at a time.

    No, you'll be flagged as friendly in any non-PvP zones.

    As far as I know, Rogues are still flagged as Villains in PvP, and Vigilantes are still flagged as Heroes - so for example a Rogue could only enter Siren's Call via the red side, and only be able to target blue side players.

    Do you have a link for this statement or is this inside speculation? I havent found anything substantial when it comes to PvP and Post-GR status.

    I am under the impression that Vig/Rogues get to go between regions at will ( Could be wrong but I would like a red name VERIFIED statement) I would think that this also means that as a Rogue, I can enter Bloody Bay from either PC or RI, what would be the point of playing in PC and getting a rare urge to PvP but then I have to return back to the RI to get there.

    Would this also be true in Pocket D? In order to go to Pocket D will I have have to go back to the RI and will my Pocket D teleport temp power not work in PC?

    What exactly is the point of switching sides or staying as a Vig/Rogue if I cant do anything as I freely want?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
    Shadow Wail: There's a reason it's PVE, not PVP. This is not WoW.
    Cant blame me for wanting some renegade fun?! m I would think that being marked as a Vig/Rogue in a PvP zone would give me free reign.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    I don't know "Canada Joe". But what you see is not necessarily what other people see, such as the objects summoned by Propel which are created client side and different for everyone. They could have these new contacts become invisible for the person for whom they are "dead", and visible for everyone else.
    Does this explain why in one mission a few years ago I summoned an old lady and had her walking around in the mission? I wish I backed up my old comp with my history photos of CoH
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Swergen View Post
    This is from the article.

    "Although being neutral has its own rewards, being a vigilante or rogue gives players access to the entire game – even parts of the game that were originally exclusive to hero or villain. In addition, vigilantes and rogues can team up with anyone."

    How do neutral folks interact with the SG's they were part of before they became nuetral? Can they still go into their base? Do they still earn prestige? ect. ect.
    Also add:

    --Can they join a hero or villain SG while already joined one of the other?

    --Can I attack a hero or a Villain in a PvE zone? Also, Can I attack a member of my old alignment in a PVP zone while I am a Vig/Rogue and attack also attack a member of my future alighment?

    If my second question is yes, I might like PvP so much more...the idea of being a Rogue that can attack anyone in a PvP zone whenever I want and at any level range makes me giddy and excited to PvP.

    The devs should really make neutral would be epic and awesome to have SG bases with TPs to EVERY zone!
  5. I also stated this n the FB feed (Add me as a friend f you want)...but why is IGN just seeing Dual Pistols? Don't the devs have industry previews for their games?

    Granted Dual Pistols was going to come out with GR not with GR but early and they should have seen it by now if they didn't early release it but really...3 months after its early release?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm pretty sure the Devs aren't going to do all that work on Praetoria, and then just leave it capped at 20 - there's loads of ways they can expand it using the new lore for Praetoria 2.0.
    Replace Praetoria with Cimerora and Orobouros...also remove the level and you have the previous situation in the two mentioned zones and massive features that people loved at first.

    just stating history....whether you disagree or not it is your opinion Golden Girl.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
    It really makes me laugh to see people who have all these insights into a short video. Miraculous "guesses" that are probably dead on. Basically Closed Beta testers that are taunting the rest of us with there little drops of inspiration. Oh you guys dropping your hints. You are just too cool for school aren't you? Yes the video was awesome if not too short. But geez enough is enough with these veiled hints. I call shenanigans on the beta testers.
    I second this...people and their golden comments irritate me
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Vines is actually alot more useful as a detail when compared to over done designs like Arctic or Ulterior, which is sad.
    do you have a costume you could show me?
  9. I agree with Lascher...what is the point of i19... if I am not buying GR I just get a market merge and as for the whole "Were getting new costumes... we should be happy" mentality...Let me remind you of the artistic masterpiece that is called Vines...the more and more I think of these new costumes the more and more im reminded of the Vines set that made me want to question my sanity.

    Oh and a revised CoP doesn't mean jack on a small uninterested server like Champion redside...the devs should just say that the entrance to the CoP is in Praetoria and to get there you have to own GR because that's what the devs want.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
    The replies to this post have been a grave disappointment. Everyone's so reasonable that its just not entertaining!
    I just gave up trying to argue or communicate with half the people here. If by NYC Comic Con I am not excited about this game as I was a few years ago, I am moving on. The most ill give it is till i19 where Ill have to have GR to play Incarnate content.

    The Champion server is as dead as a 6 month old corpse and whats left on the server doesnt really entertain me. The constant lack of meaty content makes me bored. game features and systems and ideas that were once introduced as the "start of" have been moved on to other things.

    Cimerora: Awesome for a few hours until you got tired.
    Oroborous: Great i9f you missed content but once you've done it...not fun.

    Half of the time I want to run arcs for the story but half of my server (Redside only thank you) says that they rather do the same arc several times for the merits instead of exploring the other arcs.

    At this point I am at the stage where I have to admit defeat and realize that this game isn't as good as it was.

    I am not about to throw away 5 years of gaming cause a project was postponed but there isn't anything left to can only do a hami run with the same 40 people before you fall asleep at the keyboard.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    I'm not quite sure where people got the idea that GR was a one-shot instead of an ongoing thing. I fully expect them to add to the 1-20 Praetoria part eventually, too. Will that be upsetting that you have to have GR for?
    Ive never said it was a one shot deal.

    I am not upset that they are adding Praetoria content and that we are forced to buy it, I am teeved that we are expected to buy GR to partake in a global system that we have all wanted since we first got out first 50 and looked around and moved to our next project.

    If the devs added 20-50 content in Praetoria, I wouldn't go screaming like a banshee because its not fair. That is in its full right is fair, in order to go play Praetorian content inside the Praetorian zones, you must be a GR subscriber...that is fair and profitable. You bought the expansion you play the content because its expansion exclusive. To add incarnates as a global feature into an expansion that some might or might not get isnt really fair...say what you what it isn't fair to the people that cant afford it for whatever reason.

    If they release Incarnates in i19 and say that in order to play incarnates you are going to need Praetoria that isnt fair.

    NOW if the devs went and said that some of the incarnate levels are going to require GR but some might not that is a different story.

    Ill pick up GR when I see enough content for my time
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
    I wonder if I could get a job following Posi around with a tuba and anytime he can't deliver something I'll play the brrr brr br part.
    It is not his fault. He and the devs created the incarnate system as intended... the closed bet community complained about drop rates, function in the CURRENT game. The only issue that I see is a lack of planning. Making the Alpha Slot with not enough to hold us over is a mistake nothing that we should hate spam Posi...hes like a big teddy bear I love Posi
  13. you cant compare CoV to an expansion for both. They added stuff to CoV and that was for CoV only. When they add stuff for CoH only ( Most issues) you bought CoH.

    But it is a different story when you sell a product to the whole community but require the entire community to buy it in order to play it when it is in an issue and when these issues have been publicized as free mini expansions. Once we now have to buy X to play Z then we get into a tricky area where some people might get upset.

    saying that this was the case with CoV does not make sense. They never said "Hey here is new content for everyone to play but you have to own City of VIllains to play it. The addition of Grandville to CoV should not effect anyone in Paragon City since they never got into The Isles
  14. Thank you 666...why do we need GR for something that isnt in GR?

    I made a similar comment in a different thread where I said it wasn't cool that we had to own GR to play Incarnates...something we've been waiting for. Now that GR will not have Incarnate levels... we still have to buy GR? They might as well start doing this across the board.

    This has to bring to a change in that whole " Our updates are free" because post GR you will need GR to play these expansions.
  15. I wouldn't scream sarcasm?

    I mean its not the most probable reason but it was a sneak preview...Posi didn't say a sneak preview for beta testers or as a whole for GR release...semantics are their specialty...

    I for one rather see incarnate plus incarnate content in a free issue rather than an expansion so if they try to pull the "GR customers only in I19 there will be a mass exodus since i18 will come out around DCUO and since its the best time for them to do so at NYC Comic Con I want to say that i19 might come out right after it in October.

    I think they are playing a really dangerous game so close to its competition coming out. Before anyone says that we said the same thing about CO take to consideration that DCUO is an established franchise with over 4 years of content fans and multimedia-merchandise so my saying that we said this about CO isn't going to float well...CO wasn't real completion but DCUO and maybe Marvel might be is it ever gets off the ground... then yea that's going to be a competitor.

    People already declared that they are going to let their accounts expire on this thread...I really want to be a fly on the wall at paragon studios.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Hang on. Let me eat this rancid meat and drink this sour milk first.

    At least one dev cares for Toxic Blast!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    NO! Go sit in the corner!

    Ha! No, don't go there. I, myself, have several times faced such an accusation (I wish!). Some of us are just unflappable that way.
    that reminds me of my mom...

    No, ive had a few interactions where I would say something and this poster would act like she was in the paragon studios office taking notes and come back and say "Posi told me that after we have lunch he is going to tell me all about how the bases will change..."

    Again, All I want is Toxic Blast... give me that and I will be happy...Ill shut up! The idea of snot rocketing a tar patch like power makes me giggle with joy.

    And those videos on youtube were removed...sigh I was getting so much fun from them!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    OK no pissed anymore, **** happens I get it its ok cause what does it really matter in the sceme of things nothing really just a game.

    I read everyones post in this thread and read between the lines of some peoples post that sounded like they had inside info and it musta been really borked. So devs delay it yada yada please just get it right and it better be more awesome then I imagine.
    lol I am allowed to feel upset right?!

    I was thinking that myself the other day, there's a certain person who always makes her post sound like she is a dev ghostwriting!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peregrine_Falcon View Post
    I've criticized the devs many times in the past because they didn't listen to our feedback. From Positron's post it appears that they actually listened to us this time. I'm really happy to see that.
    I think people are pissed about the devs not listening to things that matter to them. I want a toxic blast set but that will never happen...that pisses me off.

    I was really hoping for an incarnate level in the release of GR; that was one of my focus points, since its not here, Ill just but it when i19 comes out or sometime in Sept.

    From the tutorial videos on youtube I like the look but for me its too anemic for me to buy as is until I get a full feature list.
  20. Instead of pulling the slot because there wasn't much to do with them and that the devs didn't like the way it worked with the players...why not add 50+ content for i18??

    I am always confuzzled by the dev interest in 1-20 content? Everything the devs know bout 1-20 contradicts their attempts to make 1-20 content. A year or so they bumped the rate at which we level in the 1-20 range...I would think that if they want to showcase their awesome work with GR they would make leveling in that area as hard as possible but not impossible so the hypothetical new customers can see what the devs have done and to keep an interest going.

    On a side note...I guess the marketing dept is working? they now have CD on sale on Itunes? Can they have done these sort of thing 2-3 years ago?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, I'm pretty sure they wanted to - but it hasn't quite turned out that way, so they're faced with either giving it to us when it doesn't work, or delaying the release of GR.
    weren't we supposed to get this in early 2nd quarter of 2010? then didn't that become early 3rd quarter 2010 and then mid 3rd quarter 2010...since they are not going to release incarnate level then can we roll back to this month??
  22. I would love to be a fly on the wall at Paragon Studios.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The new zone events, which are the Incarnate system content, were rumored to take place in Praetoria.
    If that's the case, then Praetoria isn't just 1-20 content.
  24. I don't mind shelling out the cash for GR but I mind the fact that the features list seems pretty anorexic and now something that has been mentioned several times (Incarnates) isn't going to be on that features list were left with:

    -4 new powersets
    -4 new zones
    -Praetorian costumes
    -level 1-20 content
    -side switching

    -4 new powersets, While they are cool, I for one am not interested in 3 of those sets, would I experiment with them when it comes out...maybe.

    -4 new zones, yes the zones looks awesome and amazing but that doesn't last long before it gets boring.

    -Praetorian costumes, Any new costumes are amazing. I don't think were getting the Praetorian Police Dept Gloves since those seem to shoot at you but again, new costumes are always fun.

    -Level 1-20 content, as everyone here has stated at least once... that content is usually PL'd over or rushed so it doesn't help in the least. I actually don't rush any of the levels and usually takes me a year and a half to get a toon to 50. I will never understand the rush to 50 and put that toon in the closet.

    -Side switching, I don't mind taking a villain over to be a hero or a hero to be a villain. That novelty runs thin unless there is NEW content in the extremes alignments (hero side and villain side)


    I don't see what is so blasphemous and wrong with wanting a bang for the buck? I am not saying that I am going to go and boycott the game because GR looks emaciated, I will probably wait for the complete collection and get it in September or October.

    What does bother me is that in order to play a system wide feature I have to buy an expansion. I don't see why the incarnate system has to depend on GR unless there was something in GR that explained incarnates or that there was some sort of incarnate tie in to GR.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    You're still going to need a copy of GR to use the Incarnate system
    They better add something to GR to make me (and other players) bite because I am not surprised by this announcement and I prolly wont be picking up GR because of this.