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  1. See_and_Believe

    Odd death poses

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    I couldn't think of a clever caption.

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  2. "Its like they're speaking a whole different langauge"
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I did too.

    Example of Ethnically Incorrect Bayani

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    Some ppl are just color blind i guess
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    Then people started coloring Bayani as a white guy and well, I had to draw a line some where.

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    For some reason, i find this hillarous.
  5. See_and_Believe


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    That's soooo yesterday

    Honestly, I didn't notice that combo when I made mine. It's fun! And I enjoy my character too: Necro/Storm MM.

    Oooh, I would love to have a gold title on top too! Pwetty pweease Ex?

    As a side note, I really feel the need to throw in a couple "mushroom mushroom" in my bio.

    edit... like 7: now I realize why I didn't do that one too. I did notice it, but I don't have vet titles yet.

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    can i borrow 15mil? lawl, jk
  6. sweet zombie jesus is pretty awsome ^^
  7. nothing beats the o.o oh [censored] look
  8. I'm almost scared to ask how that came about
  9. thx projectionist ^.^ look foward to the remaining sketches
  10. See_and_Believe

    Some Questions

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    Well actually NOW is the time to offer such a trade, because of I13, many people will be starting on new servers where they have no influence to "bank roll" new toons using the new powersets.

    A better alternative than having to buy additional slots.

    I'd take you up on it depending on the server, but I am swamped with my own queue.

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    Most of my "assets" are on freedom. Blue side primarily
  11. See_and_Believe

    Some Questions

    I wanted to inquire if it was unlawful or "against the rules" to offer ingame influence/enhancments for an artist's time... thx in advance for your input
  12. See_and_Believe


    Yay! a groin shot thread!
  13. Heya was looking over ur art and find that i like it ^^ if you would like to give my main a try u can find him here>> See and Believe i look forward to seeing more of your work