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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    We are superheroes/villains. We should own skyscrapers, spacestations, underwater bases, tropical islands. Our bases should have monorails, arena-like training rooms, open spaces, Icon-like tailors, recreation rooms and members' quarters.

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    *applause* These would be brilliant...
  2. Sausagemaster

    Gratz to Toxus

    Thank you very much man. Its just a shame that I was ill when I was getting close, and was therefore not thinking straight - and levelled up in our base. By myself
  3. I'd be up for that too - spent some time in there with a team and got all but Captain Mako, then THE MOST obnoxious stalker in the WORLD spoilt the badge hunt for us and we stopped trying.
    Send me a tell sometime.
  4. We also have MILLIONS of refined arcane salvage for trade, and would like rid of it if only to make room in the storage racks.....
    If anyone's interested, send me a global tell.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Tohit/def/end Hami-O up for trade.

    Would like something with dmg/* in return.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Keep hold of that Stego - is perfect for Toxus.
    I'll give you the next Hami I get that has damage in it
  6. Makes me wonder, if they are gonna change base rent, and increase prestige earnt by 25% (both changes have been mentioned before), are they gonna refund SGs the difference then? I wouldn't sniff at an extra 25% of our total earnt to date...
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm just annoyed that the Devs decided to make a bunch of badges exclusively for healers, including 3 SG-healing badges that unlocks extremely worthwhile hardware.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Here here. We have a largish SG and are still only about halfway to the SECOND of the healing badges. While I've no illusions that, as a Rad Defender, I won't be getting the surgeon badge any time soon, the fact that these SG badges are way out of our reach too is a little disheartening.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What we need now are MORE TANKER PRIMARIES, DAMMIT!!!. And I'm grievously saddened / annoyed that we're not getting any in I8.

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    Agreed.. A LOT!

    More Scrapper Primaries as well would be even cooler.. I want something new to do with me new account/slots.. not repeat "history", such as it was.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thirded. Scrapper epics SERIOUSLY need addressing too. They get to choose from 3(!), whereas the other ATs have one or two more. Pah.

    On the subject of Granite armour, I for one didn't realise there was a -recharge debuff, perhaps thats why they are considered overpowered - that part of it is not really common knowledge?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    You need 6 anchors (which is why you need 8 rooms, 6 for the anchors, 1 vault and the entrance).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats what I thought too. Well, for IoP raids that is. For instant raids all you need is a raid tper and at least 2 anchors, everything else is gravy. At least, that's my understanding.
    I believe that a raid ends after a certain amount of time, or until all but one anchor is destroyed, so having 6 is a good start.

    And in which case Hammer, we are more than a little raid worthy. We'll have to catch up and discuss it.
  10. Hey man, Toxus here - I believe we're raid capable too, and would like to try it out too, next time we hook up I'll have a chat about it.

    What is the basic requirement for instant base raids then, I can't quite recall. In fact, what about CoP trial raids? I remember something about 8 rooms, but can't say for sure. How many anchors do ya need - we've reached a point where we can't play any more, which I was surprised about....
  11. Do you need to have a raid teleporter for these or are the basic crafted ones sufficient for this?

    Also, dammit. Sold the computer as I figured it wouldn't be useful until we had a raid worthy base, ironically so we could afford the teleporters and additional control. Grr
  12. Hey there, think this is sorta partially treading on this thread's toes, but this is the situation we are in...

    Currently our Supergroup (Justice Squad) has around 20ish members, about 9 players and have worked hard for a modest functional base to date. We have 2 teleporters, a workshop with basic and intermediate workbenchs, and of course power and control (with 12 surplus control....).

    My problem is, how do we expand further than this without having the control necessary for rez rings, another teleporter, advanced worktable etc? We currently have about almost 200k saved, but that is the best part of a week or twos work (with all players adding significantly to this figure). Do we try and save up the ASTRONOMICAL prestige needed for a supercomputer, which means our base will not change for the next several months, or is there some creatable item we can make with the workbenchs we have that will help us out.

    For the record we currently have the following auxiliary items (actual names forgotten so will use 'wooly' descriptions or guess at actual names
    Corner console
    Straight console
    Holo globe
    Monitor Bank

    On a related note, does anyone else think that crafted items should NOT cost prestige? Maybe make salvage rarer or created items 'cost' more salvage to make, but it seems a touch backward to pay for something you have already made...

    Also, perhaps scaling costs down in a base to enable smaller groups to have a functional base within a reasonable time frame.... Or maybe just scaling prestige up with level, as, I don't know about anyone else, but after level 34, I don't even go into SG mode anymore. No inf and 9 prestige for an even conned mob is NOT worth the hassle....