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  1. Sandy_Beach

    Exemplar Aggro

    Did respec on my 49 scrapper last night exemplared down to 33. It worked great! I was initally concerned I was going to cause more harm than good, but was happily surprised.

    Thanks a TON.

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm more worried about Lead Scorchers or Shockers who also cast Heal on their minions.... What the heck kind of power set is THAT? That's utterly unfair, since not one of us can create a character who can zapp AND heal.

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    Um.... an empathy/electrical defender? I could be wrong but when i was playing with defenders that was one of the options
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh - we did make Nemesis and Rikti more difficult by giving them more powers - at the higher levels.

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    Thankyou, that'll put an end to my grumpy posting on the other thread - still think it's a mistake, but I appreciate the candor.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    And you have yet to produce any examples or proof that would indicate that the developers (or any MMOG) are so ignorant of powerlevers thet they would make changes to game mechanics or content based on an accelerated rate of advancement.

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    But thats kind of the point. Because people are powerleveling the content has to be made to keep them as paying customers. So content development time gets invested in those who ran past all the content that was already in place. And while you may or may not agree with whether or not that's ok, you can hardly say that doesnt affect the non powelevelers game. We all want new things to do and try, whether they make those things for the 50's or for the 30's or for the teens will be something that poweleveling will affect - how could it not?