Almost everything he said in this post is absolutely true.
First: While the "team" attitude seems to be selfish, lets be real.
How many /nrg retards...errr blasters have you seen run into a mob like they are a tank then run away after the whole mob aggros on them and almost kills them requiring the AT's that have a heal to focus on their stupidity as opposed to helping the team? Where as if a Regen runs into a mob and you decide to heal him, thats your mistake, we don't need it, we have DP, Recon, and IH, and half the time we can rez ourselves, all you emp 'fenders/'troller's need to get over your "god complex".
Second: I don't agree with the 'troller position, having held mobs means they run away less and makes them easier to kill

Last: All other AT's are jealous that they have to rely on a team, where as a Regen can stand alone and shine with no one else's help, and i have a prime example. One time i was on a team of 8 doing the Nightstar praetorian AV mish, the whole team but me wiped i held her while the WHOLE team hosp'd and came one other AT, with the exception of a stone tank (btw, just cause you have granite, doesn't mean you know how to tank, it just means your nigh un-killable), that could EVER even try that....yeah i didn't think you could.