259 -
Don't forget toggle debuff's particualry the ones that reduce Accuracy are wonderful for pulling groups as long as you rember to high-tail it arround a corner and make sure your pals don't interrupt till the foes crunch in unless theyre a sturdy AT using taunt or voke and also continue the 'yank aound the corner technique. Dangerous for the squishy doing it but not too bad if covered by heals or buffed or excellent agro tranferance round the corner in question. I find Darkest Night to be the very safest followed by Rad's RI and then the rest... I've sometimes seen snowstorm make them freak out too much and run to other mobs though... plus it mayhap slows em too much for your own good. Still it will at least bring one whole mob to your hidden possition. Breaking LOS is essential. and though not everyone must be behind something, they absolutely must not disturb anything till the mobs are where you want them, since I'm pretty sure even brawl will move the agro to you off the toggler, at least for the mob in question. Still preferable they get behind stuff too.
Little matches DN for this method though for pure safety. In one single toggle your cutting the To-hit chance and the damage by 20ish % to full -25% depending on AT. Be wary though. Even with the best of intentions any togglebot can and may go running the wrong way. Particualry Telleporting ones or sniper class ones. It's a mostly reliable technique though.
Take care,
Heather (AKA rogue Demonhunter and Avid toggle puller, artiste... well its handy in the low levels and solo anyway.)
Biggest disappointment yet. Cryptic, please if you are going to have a huge event be prepared to handle the load. The servers were not playable enough to even gain from the double xp. I gained less xp than I normally do because of the wasted time waiting on trying to even log in. After 30 minutes of failed attempts I gave up. 2 Thumbs down for not being prepared.
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So - which server? This doesn't help anything, you know.
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Agreed. Only saw one server hit red status Friday night, and even logged in out of curiosity. Didnt see any strange lag around the typical choke points.
Perhaps an ISP issue?
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably Freedom. I alt-hopped last night after leaving Freedom cause my pal (normaly no issues) simply couldnt get on there. By the time we were both switchign to virtue even that was getting hard to get on... though I noticed it ran better then Freedom did once I was in there.
Can't give you nay numbers. Just how it 'Seemed' when I approched rough spots like Wents or Talos train staion etc.
Oh BTW if your ever having too much trouble loading the screens in the bussier Wents, try the Kings Row one. Nice and clean. Less people and those that are there are less likely to be needlessly keeping active toggle powers while perfectly safe in Wents. Probaly cause they don't have them yet.As apposed to any clever thinking...
Great! I can add a few more XP to my characters before i let my account expire and switch to World of Warcraft. If you have any sort of life it takes far too long to level once you get past 25th level.
[/ QUOTE ]
What the heck have you been doing? Soloing... on Heroic and dying a lot?
I have to do that on any toon I want to not levle up fast. It doesnt get hard to level until the 40's buddy and even that I'd wager issue 10 will fix, including finding teams villian side since Issue 10 wil lhave a big whoopin levle 35-50 Co-op Heroe and Villian zone.
I'm sticking arround and letting my LOTR and WoW accounts Expire.
As for this weekend. Im upset my pal couldn't get on freedom last night but I switched over to a Virtue alt to hop into action with him. thank heaven for the games AWESOME and unmatched Global chat system so we'd both know where each other could get to (server wise).
I'm also cheesed its Fathers day weekend they chose for this.... I just have no time for it.
Last I'm upset with myself that the only toons I'm realy geard up mentaly to level are all ones I don't want to outpase story arcs on... Oh woe!
Oh well... get a few toons to Stamina level. That'll be fine enough.
Other then that it's all fun.
Later all,
Heather (AKA Rogue Demonhunter and alts) -
Villians and Heroes teaming up!
Level 35-50 content! but especialy 40-50...
More inventions? (That will hopefully use more of the less popular rares like Alien blood sample, Complex chemical formula, Diamonds... and absolutely NO Impervium, Enchanted Impervium, Defic Weapons... which by the way has no bussines being in a healing enhancement.. and for the love of god no Pangean Soil!) anyway just actualy look at the market and see what stuff is selling for before you decide to put certain things in those recipes.
Ahem... anyway.
Yes! To all the above. The World Event and Heavies are just icing on the cake. Bravo!
Thank you Dev's! Been waiting for this for years... Now I belive I can safely let the WoW and LOTR accounts lapse.
You have me. I surrender.Happily. Plus it wil lbe easier on my bank balance.
Heather (Rogue Demonhunter)
PS: Can we have another Temp useful in combat for the next Vet temp? The Pets are ok... but can't even do any emotes... let alone hop into the fight. Fighting versions with a dimiss command... that'd be cool and cute. -
Actually, Guides are saved from purges.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh awesome! thanks... (wipes forehead) that's a relief. (cause there were an awful lot of them)
Save your art, story and RP threads! -
An attempt to save this guide from the Old Thread
Purge of 97. -
Will nobody think of the children?
Man that's a lot of guides to try to save from the old posts purge... I might need some help. Hey all! Lend a hand please.
Check each to make sure it's got a recent (within 2 weeks apparently.... yah... Mods pretty tight on the allotted time there I know) post. Guess they gotta do what they gotta do.
Forget all the argument posts! (unless youve got a realy hialrious, old calssic one)
Save the guides! And your favorite art, story, and rpg stuff too!
Don't know if the mods are going in more personal like or just telling it to delete anything older then 2 weeks that hasn't seen action. -
Bumped to protect VS the great old post purge of 97.
Bumped to keep from being lost in the great old post purge of 97....
Bump to protect from the Old Posts Purge.
**Nevermind apparently Guides are safe!** -
Bumping this guide to protect it from the Old Posts Purge.
Can't loose the usful stuff.
Bumping this Thread to this great guide to protect it from the Old Posts Purge.
too good to loose.
Bumping my friends old, but humorous RP of his very first character. Protected from the Purge I hope.
Important that this thread not be lost in the 'Old posts' purge.
Therefore... Bump. -
So . . . do we lose the access to Epics if the level 50 is deleted (which would be stupid, but given some of the choices of Cryptic over the years, thought I should ask).
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Once you have a 50, you can delete it and still make Kheldians. I deleted my only two 50s when ED hit because they became worthless, and I knew I'd never play them again. I was still able to created Kheldians.
[/ QUOTE ]
Awesome! First hand knowledge from someone that had the guts to do it. Thanks CF. Ooo seriously contemplating deleting my weak [censored] 50 FF/Dark fender now.
Excellent in game info.
Oh edited here...
Pretty darn sure you do not want to delete your 50. Hang on for server transfers. Hopefully that will happen sometime soon and then move your unused 50 to an unused or little used server. I've heard any PB or WS you've already made is safe should you delete your 50 but you absolutely cannot make a PB or Ws without an 50 existing on some server in that account.
Pretty sure... not 100% but about 99.9% sure.
Course if they never enable server transfers that idea is moot.
Take care,
The problem's new, but it's not an I8 costume piece, so I'm hoping this is the right place to mention it.
The texture for the Plain Long Skirt is backwards. The back of the skirt is now smooth, and the front has the back's normal appearance, only a bit stretched and flattened.
[/ QUOTE ]
OMG it looks like the backside is shaded to 'skin' the tookus of a female toon. Having that flatened on the front looks realy hideous.
Jay your sexy... but chick's [censored] on their front. Not good. lol
Currently can't change the color or interior tails on Trenches withought using the 'copy all colors' option. which makes you have to redoe all the rest with that option off.
Can't change the color of the office belt.
Appart from the office belt it seems like we have fewer belt options with Trenches then with the VERY LIMITED number of Open Coats we currently have. MORE belt options and more OPEN coats/suits too please. Plain jackets made from the base 'Uniform' one and or thin stripes on such jackets withought the wrist and back buttons would help here. Open Suits and different textures then the faux tweed would be nice. (but those arn't bug issues...) however the coloring problems with the interior trench tails and new office belt are.
Speaking of belts and chest options... still hoping for some Detectivish/Agent/Longbow like options. Even if only MM's get pistols, some of us would still like to PRETENDwe have them, for theme if nothing else.
Thanks a bunch...
Excellent guide!
Saving this to favoretes.... -
Fight crime on the moon? Psshhh!
I want to see a villain zone on the moon, complete with a Earth destroying laser! Ok, maybe not a complete one, but I sure want a SF where I get to help build a super laser.
[/ QUOTE ]
We have a giant energy beam we call a "laser" and we will use it to destroy Paragon City if you don't pay us..... one MILLION dollars!
[/ QUOTE ]
Actualy if the 5th have been there since the 70's they would think a Million was a lot of money just like Dr. Evil did.
Oh... that would be a priceless Cut Scene.
Anyway. Thumbs up to this moon idea... hey back when they were asking us what zones we wanted I chose Water and Moon. Though I wan't hoping for a 'water' zone but rather more to do and see in and under the water that already exists in the game's zones.As for the Moon though... definitly wanted a zone for that. Love the 5th C base idea and the Igneous are perfect for it... They better be slower though... I hate how fast even the lava ones can move. Crazy.
Not sure the Palnt monsters are even needed though. Definitely NO COT if the Dev's are looking.
But if one must have 'magic' theme somewhere have the uncanny atomosphere be the lingering effect magical tech or a spell of a Mu settlement. A clan who fled the planet entirely when the Orenbegans "wiped" their countrymen out back on earth save for refugees already mentioned in the City Of, storyline. But zero Circle of Thorns. lol. Meh... just thinkin' it.
Peace all,
Does anyone know if theres any way to choose which dance you break into? I mean the taunts are numbered... the flexes are numbered... why in the world are the various dances not specifiacly labled? I realy dislike some of them on certain characters.
If anyone knows that would be grand.
Theyre so adorable.
However I hope you feel better soon Star and your friend.
Take care,