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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Can I laugh at the hypocrisy of this sentence?
    And just how is it that you see my honesty as hypocrisy?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solicio View Post

    I know you probably didn't mean for that to be funny, but it really is. You're literally advocating to add grind just for the sake of grind at this point.
    In a way, yes, I want my characters to continue growing. When you got every thing slotted the way you want it, from my point of view, there is nothing left, no growth, nothing earned. Yeah, they are supposed to be heroes, not mercenaries who have to profit from everything, but this player behind that character wants some reward, something to work towards with anticipation of more to come. The "Grind" as you call it doesn't bother me as long as it is fairly fresh and continues producing rewards.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
    But then you're in the exact same situation as before for level 60s.

    But then going to level 60 will take me much longer to get there!
  4. A "Combined" market at Pocket D would rock. A Pocket D AE would be pretty cool for that matter. However, a Tailor, AE & Market interfaces at your base would really be great!

    I happen agree that crafting facilities for non group members needs to be more proximate to each and every one of the markets.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    Ohhh if only there was a thread on searching that had been stickied at the top....
    Thank you for pointing it out, I am embarrassed to admit that I missed that thread.

    And as for how many options? Well enough that feels a bit less cookie cutter. Yes I do realize that mathematically their are a significantly large number of possible combinations so that things being "Exactly" the same are not going to happen very often.

    I think I have made my point though, which for the most part it has not been very well received. *Sigh* That is one of the reasons it has taken me so long to return to the forums after they moved.

    Have a nice day!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    1. This has been suggested many, MANY times, and the devs have come out saying it will basically never happen. Please do a search before posting in the future.

    2. The biggest problem with suggestions about raising the level cap is that it's a slippery slope. Let's say they raise the cap to 60. Within a few months (maybe sooner), you'll start to see suggestions talking about how "there's nothing to do once you hit 60 but retire your character, the devs should add level 60-70 content". So at some point, you just have to set a firm level cap and stick to it for good, and that's already happened.
    I did do a search and returned many thousands of hit, far too many to investigate. The search function does not allow you to get things very refined.

    And I would have no objections at all (Indeed it would please me) to see level 70 content a year or two down the road, and level 80 at some point beyond that!

    So many people are asking "Where does it stop?", well I think that those levels will become so slow to attain that it will not really be an issue for some time to come. But I do feel that level 50 is too soon to stop a characters growth. I really don't want to max out every possible power with purple built to some formula. I want a character that I like, one that, given enough options, is not exactly like everyone else's and has room to continue growing in it's own direction.

    Sorry if that steps on your toes.
  7. Yes it is subjective, but then what isn't? I am certainly not alone in my feelings, but yes I am aware that there are others who prefer to play 50s almost exclusively.

    As for the expanded travel powers the "Why" would be to offer something new, to improve on things as they stand now, but then improvement is subjective as well. I think it would improve things by greatly reducing the "Commute" times and offer the players something a bit different.

    We can assume (I would hope) that getting to level 60 will take a lot more time than it did to get to 50, possibly doubling the "Growing" lifespan of a toon. Thats nothing to sneeze at! As for making characters overpowered, they would need NPCs who match them. In a world of funnybook heroes, is there really such a thing as overpowered? Again, that is obviously subjective. The same can be said for an "Over the Top" AoE. I think it would be fun. Same for sidekicks, they are (or perhaps were is a better word) a hero comic book staple and I think they would be fun, I would like to see them have a place in the game. Above 50 seems logical to me.

    Lag is an issue for some folks, but not for all of us, again it is subjective, but yes, it could create problems for some players. But then there are other things that can cause lag as well. Perhaps a "Streamlined" mode of play might be considered for players who cannot run in the graphics intense environments so as to help relieve that problem.

    I have been playing off and on since the game debuted and I look forward to Going Rogue with much enthusiasm. I hope/I suspect it will help improve the quality of play for me by providing a fuller gaming experience, much like I would hope for from level 60 content.
  8. It would be neat to at least have a tailor shop available as a base room.
  9. I would love to have custom costumes. Take the pet to the tailor and dress them up!
  10. For many players, getting to 50 means retiring the toon, it would be nice to give 50 level characters something to work for, I would like to see level 50-60 content added for that reason.

    Some suggested options might include:

    1: Expanding the Travel Powers.

    A. Map Travel. To be taken only after your main travel power in the same set, available from level 51. Click on a spot on the map of Run/Fly/Teleport/Jump there in one movement.

    B. Zone Travel. to be taken after Map Travel. Click on this power and a pull down menu offers you options of places to Run/Fly/Teleport/Jump to in a single movement.

    C. Team Map/Zone Travel. As above but allowing the entire team to travel together to the same fashion to the same destination.

    2. Sidekicks/Minions (Pets).

    A. Sidekick/Minion: Available from level 51, players would be able to take this power and summon a sidekick for heroes or a minion for villains. This pet would have a selectable power sets and a custom player designed costume as if it were a low level toon. The pet would have a travel power that mirrors the controlling characters travel powers. This is a very personalized individual power with countless variables, it could be way cool. Ideally the pet would level up with the player, becoming more versatile and powerful as the controlling character nears 60. The Pets powers should be slottable and it should be allowed to continue to level up to a point even after the main toon hits 60.

    B. Assemble Team: Available after taking Sidekick/Minion, the player would be able to summon a temporary team of 2-4 Allies/Lieutenants (Perhaps adjusted by players level) which will stand by the controlling character until the mission ends or they are defeated. These would be in addition the sidekick or minion. This power can only be used once per mission.

    C. Grand Master/Paragon/Sensei/Crime Lord: The last power in the set, this character is so heroic/great/powerful/evil that he or she has attracted a host of followers always running in and out to assist him or just adore and watch him or her. This would be a toggled power allowing players to turn it on or off as desired.

    3. Expanding all the original power sets to add at least one more "Over the Top" AoE power.

    Yes I am aware of the Master Minds and their pets, this would not really be the same thing, though I see no reason that an MM could not take this set as well.

    So with all the other powers that they DIDN'T take to begin with on their way to level 50, there would be plenty of options as well as those untapped pools giving a character plenty to grow with.

    I feel that expanding the game to level 60, with new zones and new NPCs would bring a lot of players back to the game and allow all those inactive 50s to feel the love again!

    Please feel free at add your own thoughts and suggestions!
  11. Well, Winged Fez Monkeys or Circus Clowns or maybe Wild Beasts! (Lions Tigers & Bears! Or a Wolf Pack!)

    Variety is the spice of life after all!

    But what I really want customizable pet costumes more than anything else!