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  1. You know, I think I KNOW captain he the dimwit who INSISTS that it is IMPOSSIBLE to "single pull in this game", and ruins every single pull just to prove his point, be he a blaster, Controller, defender, scrapper, or tanker? My favorite is the Tanker Captain Impatient who insists on taunting every single mob being pulled while the other mobs are still in the radius of his taunt power...or the blaster who pulls with fireballs, or the Kheldian (who should know better) who pulls with his AOEs....or...

    (EDIT): Speaking of Khelds, they have one of the BEST pulling tricks around.

    In squidform, start on ONE side of a doorway, target a mob out of your line of sight and activate your wimpiest single target attack, then move as fast as possible to the other side of the dooway. Your flight momentum will carry you across and your shot will go off when you are alread out of the mobs' LOS.
  2. RedwoodTheElf

    XP and I5

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    EQ does it, the higher level rez spell used, the more XP you get back (they have XP loss upon death there) with the first starting at 0%XP return, going up to 95%, IIRC.

    And it would basically be XP given just for Debt relief, kinda like exemplar does now.

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    Does anyone else find it amusing that the guy arguing in favour of what amounts to free XP whenever he gets rezzed is named "Leech?"

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    How about this: Change the debt system to work like DAOC and EQ, where you LOSE XP instead of just having some doubled-up XP bar, and THEN make the rezzes work that way.

    Then we can make it so you can actually DE-DING too. Won't that be fun? And how about lowering your hitpoints permanently until you visit a "Doctor" NPC and pay him influance to restore your lost hitpoints?

    No? Don't Like that Idea? COH's death penalty is MILD.
  3. RedwoodTheElf

    XP and I5

    there've been a number of times since Exemplaring was added that I have DELIBERATELY died to get debt, so I could keep making progress on my XP bar while Exemplared.

    Then again, I'm a loonie.
  4. RedwoodTheElf

    XP and I5

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    How about implementing some sitting commands that are assigned to a key? Every other game of this type has it where you press one key, and you sit down. Not CoH.

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    Try these:

    /bind C "powexec_name Rest"

    /bind V "em sit"
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    "We will be making it so that a Boss will NEVER show up on the mission for a solo player at the lowest Reputation level (Hard-Boiled, though we’re changing that to Hero). Instead, any named villain will be a Lieutenant."

    Has this been put in place already? I've been doing solo missions a lot the last few days, and all the named Archons I've seen have been Lts, not Bosses.


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    On a simmilar note I an archvillian in one of my missions on
    the "heroic" level whats an archvillin doing in a liutenat capped diffculty setting.
    A Boss or even a EliteBoss I understand but an ArchVillian on the lowest settiing.
    Shouldnt they be reserved for only trials, taskforces and the higher difficulty setting.

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    Archvillain missions are archvillain missions, dude. What, you want to capture countess Crey without having to actually fight her? Dream on!
  6. Actually a Nebula is a cloud of gas, not a collection of stars.
  7. RedwoodTheElf

    Spectral Terror

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    This means that, to avoid alphas, you simply cast it AROUND A CORNER.

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    I was asking about avoiding the alpha strike, using it as an Oh [censored] power, not in general. There's tons of ways to avoid it or minimize it as a starting power, where I think it has at least some uses. I can't see using it as an Oh [censored] power, tho.

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    Mostly agree on that...its main use in my playstyle is as an opener on large groups of +2 to +3 mobs to reduce them to bitesize chunks. Again, from around a corner, which is INCREDIBLY useful...I don't see these other fear powers being useful in that situation at all.

    Currently, its a decent AOE hold on minions, and I really don't mind the scatter when I'm soloing. The only time I use it in groups is against mobs with lots of holds/mezzes when you need to lock down as many as possible (remember, I skipped flash, so if I want to stop more than one mob at a time, ST is my only option currently.)

    As for "O Cr--!" buttons, If I wanted those I'd play a gravity controller with dimshift. Now THAT tips the balance FAST.
  8. RedwoodTheElf

    Spectral Terror

    OK...guys are asking for what advantages ST has over other fear powers, and one guy asked how to avoid the alpha strike after casting it:

    Unlike ALL the other fear-based powers, it is effectively a persistant AREA OF EFFECT power. This means that, to avoid alphas, you simply cast it AROUND A CORNER. Got that? you and your phantoms are standing around a corner, and you toss ST right into the middle of the mobs. Then you and your pets/group simply pick off anything that runs your way.

    I'm all for souping it up a bit...and how about making it ATTACKABLE? make it more powerful, but let the mobs shoot at IT instead of the caster, and I'm sure lots of the complaining will stop. But whatever you do, DON'T make it mobile. Bad enough that Phantom Army and Phantasms ignore mobs 2 feet behind em and make a beeline for me, training me with agroed mobs...
  9. RedwoodTheElf

    Spectral Terror

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    It depends on the secondary. As Ill/Rad in the 30's and 40's, a challenging solo fight (90% wins, 10% running away when pets do somthing weird, no deaths) was:

    Pair of +3 bosses.
    8 +4 minions.
    At least 3 +2 bosses, 4 +3 lts, and 10 +2 minions grouped together.

    At +2, the groups I fought were ~5 +2 bosses, ~6 +2 lts, and ~10 +2 minions (CoT or Rikti mostly). That was my bread and butter solo, anything less than that was just filler.

    Ill/Emp or Ill/FF wouldn't be a few steps behind IMX.

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    Ill/Kin is a bit better. Early 40s, I can usually take on 3 +3 bosses (assuming only one of them is CC) In general, add one +3 boss to what you've got there (again, with at most one or (with +1 mobs) two CC type bosses)

    This is assuming that I've got two Phantasms and group inviso already up when I hit em, group-port into the middle of em, and "blind" the nastiest mind controller boss for all I'm worth, while using Fulcrum shift, Siphon Power, Transferrance and Spectral terror/Phantom Army whenever they are charged.

    This particular character skipped "flash"...If I had that, I would probably add 3 or so minions and a Lt. as well to the "kill factor"
  10. RedwoodTheElf

    Spectral Terror

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    Oh, and can the spectral terror look like Martha Stewart? Just wondering.

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    Naw...It should look like Hillary Clinton. MUCH scarier.