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  1. Off the Wire:
    The Villianous League of Extraordinarily Evil Evil Villains, a small, nondescript VG on the Virtue server, recently donated $20 million worth of Infamous Reputation to the principal perpetrator of Virtue's Costume Contests.

    Corruptor Sight Beyond Sight, along with group leader Hauputmann von Doom, a mastermind, and Memknok, a demonic brute, invite everyone to take part in the villian Dispari's contests.

    The League hopes the next contest will happen soon. In unrelated news, this newsreporter isn't wearing any pants. Officials said that was strange, as there was no desk to sit behind, and the local Cub Scout troop are now in therapy.
  2. There are a number of good points on both sides of the issue here.

    I have to confess, I've farmed myself. I wanted to play with a friend of mine, and I ended up getting almost 17 levels in 45 minutes. (Level 3 to level 19)

    What I found, later, was that when I hit level 20, I was unable to find a team to help me get my cape. Or I was unable to find a team to help me do regular missions. Hell, I'm unable to find a team to help me do AE non-farm missions.

    I love the Architect. I see great things coming from the Architect. But it seems that the only people in /broadcast, the only people teaming, are teaming for farms. I'm forced to farm if I don't want to solo. And I suck at soloing.

    My two copper pieces.
  3. ReconstructedMan

    Infinity SGs

    Hello Infini-tites:

    I'm new to City of Heroes (my highest toon is level 21, an nrg/dev blaster) and I'm looking to join an active Supergroup. Well, active in that there are people in it that like to chat, as the last SG I was in didn't seem to have anyone on except for myself, my roommate and one other.

    I used to play WoW, and my group there was fun. So I'm looking for a group that likes to joke around, but doesn't hesitate to come to a members aid if possible.

    My global handle is @ReconstructedMan
  4. Global: @ReconstructedMan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Location: Southwestern Louisiana
    Height (Main toon: Shorter than average) RL Height: 5'10
    SG Affiliation: NONE currently, just joined up with a friend of mine. Recon is my first CoH toon.
    Most Recongizable Toon: The Reconstructed Man (looks a little like Megaman. )