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  1. Richard (Rick to his friends) woke up slowly, fumbling about for his watch to see what time it was. Seeing it was only midnight he rolled back over and was about to go to sleep when he realised he'd gone to bed without changing out of his costume yet again. It wasn't until he was halfway undressed that he finally noticed the unnatural silence around him. That was wierd, usually King's Row was full of noise. Even in the middle of the night, there was always something happening outside to produce sound of some kind or other.

    Sticking his head out the window, he looked up and down the street in something resembling surprise at the fact that not only was there no noise but there was absolutely nothing visibly moving out there. Not even the usual Skull thugs selling Superadine on the street corner. Stupid guys that the were, always came back no matter how many beatings he handed them but tonight they were conspicuously absent. Grumbling to himself about lack of sleep he put the costume top he'd just gotten out of back on and grabbed his axe, feeling the familiar tingle as the aura of invulnerability the enchanted weapon gave him settled into place as usual. Not wanting to wake any of the other people in the building he climbed out the window and dropped to the ground outside his third story window. Resting his axe over one shoulder, he picked a direction at random and set off to find the source of this unnatural calm.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I might be able to out-geek you, Samuraiko... I'm doing a fish-out-of-water plotline for my first NaNoWriMo... dumping superheroes into a high-fantasy setting >.>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's something I'd actually like to read, could you maybe post it here when you're done?
  3. Abbie kept following the teleporting hero until he reached the bank, where it appeared all hell was breaking loose. Reappearing at the edge of the roof of the building directly across the road from the bank, she stopped a moment to assess the situation. Some fire chick she didn't recognise throwing fire everywhere, a bunch of heroes who by the looks of things had just arrived and were still organising themselves, and a heap of civvies lying around either dead or unconscious, she couldn't tell which. Assuming the assembled heroes were capable of dealing with the fire chick, she turned her sights on the Skulls that had apparently crawled out of the woodwork to add to the mayhem.

    Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

    I believe I am.

    She jumped off the roof, falling at an alarming rate towards the ground. However, before she hit there was a burst of that same purple-black energy and she slowed dramatically, the Dark Nova form's natural flight abilities bringing her to a hover roughly two stories from the ground. Turning towards the unsuspecting Skulls, she let fly with an explosive energy blast right into the middle of the group. Several Skulls were flung back by the detonation, but those who weren't turned and fired their various weapons at her. Abbie returned fire with a barrage of smaller, more directed blasts.
  4. Rebel_Scum

    Smurfy question

    Virtue is the server most of the people who roleplay ingame congregate on. Theres the odd one on the other servers, but way more of them on that one.
  5. Just down the road a ways, a girl carrying a suitcase was walking towards the Two Six. Had she not been wearing what was very obviously a superhero costume, one might have assumed the girl was just another citizen. She seemed slightly preoccupied, faint flashes of blackish energy coming from her eyes the only evidence of the heated discussion taking place within.

    This is all your fault, you know.

    What? You were so busy screaming at me to do something, so I did something. How was I supposed to know that barrel was explosive?

    Because it's a barrel! Have you never played computer games, barrels ALWAYS explode if you shoot them!

    I wasn't even aiming for the stupid barrel. Can't you just accept it was an accident and leave it be?

    No, I can't. Because now I'm stuck doing community service out in the [censored] end of King's Row for something I didn't even do.

    And it doesn't occur to you that I'm just as stuck and just as unhappy about it?

    Abbie had no answer for that one. Yeah it was only a week ago and it would take some time to get used to but she still wasn't sure letting Lakara merge with her had been the best idea, life-threatening situation or not. Since then she'd registered as a hero, gotten dumped for it by her boyfriend, saved a few people and beat up a few villains before the incident. Afterwards she'd been found to be negligent and given a choice of a relatively short prison sentence or a few months of community service. Knowing what typically happened to heroes in prison she'd opted for the community service, but she was starting to wish she hadn't.

    She was interrupted from her thoughts by movement ahead. Looking up, she noticed a significantly larger than usual hero appear out of thin air, then disappear again and reappear further away. She didn't recognise him, but he did seem to be in something of a hurry so she decided she should follow him. The suitcase was abruptly shoved through a hole Lakara opened for her into a pocket dimension she sometimes used to store stuff, and a purple flash lit up the area as she followed the teleporting hero with her own brand of teleport. Reporting at the Two Six could wait, there was work to be done.
  6. Rebel_Scum

    WoW vs CoX RP

    [ QUOTE ]

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    A matter of opinion at best. Personally I like CoH/V better.

    [ QUOTE ]
    the fights would come down to melee getting kited by hunters chain feared by warlocks or stick and nuke by mages

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    Super Reflexes, Elec Armor, most VEATs and I think Ice Armor have slow resist. Not to mention all players have access to to travel powers that go far faster than anything in WoW, and one (Teleport) is completely unaffected by slows.
    Willpower, Dark Armor and VEATs have fear protection, everyone else can use breakfrees or mez protection buffs from support classes.
    'stick' I think refers to immobilise, which all melee sets have protection from and everyone can get in combat jumping.

    [ QUOTE ]
    the cov/coh ranged would be stunlocked by rogues or out healed by combat healers (disc priest/restro druid)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Every ranged class in CoH/V has at least one mez, and a lot of the debuff sets have -heal debuffs. As for stuns, again breakfrees or support class mez prot buffs. Or just don't get hit by the stuns in the first place with -tohit debuffs or +def buffs.

    [ QUOTE ]
    this is my first and last month i have no idea why i wasted money on this game its dead

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just because it doesn't have millions of people like WoW does, does not make it dead. WoW is the outsider, not the rule.

    [ QUOTE ]
    unless i wanna cyber....i mean come on as soon as i got in to get game i got tells of people flirting trying to "ERP"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oddly, in my almost two years of playing I've never had a single tell of that kind. Incidentally in WoW I got them regularly, even on the Tauren.

    Also as a general point, all CoH/V characters can be more stealthy than the average rogue or catform druid by taking the concealment pool, and all can have equivalent or better healing powers than most WoW 'healers' by taking the medicine pool. Not to mention, almost all our powers are uninterruptable and don't require us to stand still for 3 seconds or more watching a little bar get pushed back every time we get hit. Also, almost every buff or debuff power in CoH/V stacks.

    Pretty much the only advantage WoW has in a direct fight is the higher level cap and the bigger numbers than go with it. In terms of game mechanics, CoH/V is far superior. As a single example: WoW mezzes vs CoH/V mezzes. WoW ones typically last ten, maybe 20 seconds at most and break if the victim is attacked. CoH/V style holds last up to 40+ seconds and render the victim completely vulnerable and unable to act for that whole time.
  7. With Valkryie off balance, Cassie's bots pressed their attack. A renewed assault of lasers and plasma bursts struck the hero, punctuated by explosions from Big Mac's missiles and the occasional seeker drone from the two protectors. Meanwhile, Cassie extended a hand towards Mechan, who'd walked straight past the hero with no concern for his own wellbeing at all. The machinery in her glove hummed softly, and a pair of shield bubbles sprang up around the other mastermind. After reshielding all her bots while she was at it, she decided to switch things up a bit. A bigger sphere of force expanded off her, and longbow and hero alike were repelled away. More of her bots' firepower followed them down the hallway.
  8. Cassie's bots were more standard models, so they lacked the customised melee weapons Mechan had apparently built into his. Still even the standard bots were no pushover. They kept firing from behind as Breaker held the hero's attention, a wall of sustained firepower between them and Valkryie. A pair of seeker drones whizzed over Breaker's head, detonating in front of the hero's eyes to effectively blind her, at least for now. Meanwhile, Cassie shoved a fresh cell into her rifle and kept firing. "Stupid bloody regens", she muttered to herself.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    ((She could've been going to rob a bank, then saw the massive brawl and decided to join that instead, then end up helping to steal the device, getting payed and going back to Warburg, all that stuffs))

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    ((Hey! That's my story, get your own! ))


    [ QUOTE ]
    “Getting back up after we kill you ain’t fair.” He groaned through gritted teeth as Valkyrie’s blade ate into his metal arm. “Could REALLY use some more gun bout now…”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mac and the two drones coming around the corner behind Mechan's warbots saw the situation and fully aggreed with Mechanomorphic's assessment. The big assault bot raised his plasma cannons, and the drones did the same with their smaller weapons. "More gun, coming right up", Mac commented as Valkryie found herself under fire from the side.


    Back with Mechan, Cassie had an idea. "I'll go see if I can find one of the scientists that was working on this thing, there's probably one or two still lurking about somewhere." She and her two protectors turned to leave. Unfortunately the only exit was the hallway they'd entered through, thus they too ran straight into Valkryie. After hastily reshielding all her bots, Cassie pulled the pulse rifle back out and all three of them fired photon grenades.
  10. Slash halted his movement at the Doctor's raised voice. He wouldn't outright obey the man's order, but he was programmed with more than enough intelligence to recognise additional relevant information when it was presented. He looked back at Cassie, awaiting her command. Cassie stood still for a moment, considering. Probably best to go along with the Doctor's orders at this point, since he seemed to understand the device far more than she did.

    "Mac, drones, with them", Cassie ordered, gesturing to the departing Warbots. The two drones and the assault bot turned and followed them out of the room, weapons at the ready. "Hack, Slash, with me." The two protectors took up positions on either side of their mistress as she looked back at the Doctor. "I never got around to learning temporal mechanics so I'll take your word for it. Any idea what that Recycler dude wants it for?"
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Dr. Mechan turned to the other mastermind, her robots being effected from the EMP burst. "I didn't get a doctorate from M.I.T. in quantum mechanics for nothing," he said, his mouth grinning with a twisted, metallic gleam to it. "You've probably never heard of me, and I like it like that. Dr. Mechan is what the people of Paragon City fear me as," he introduced himself to the General and the girl. "Longbow actually thinks I'm stupid enough to not shield my minions from their EMP grenades...hmmphh..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "I've been meaning to put some EMP shielding on mine but there always seems to be something more important to do, price of being wanted for a list of crimes longer than my arm I guess. Anyway, nice to meet you Doctor. I'm Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassie. I don't care which you use, and I don't even remember what the heroes call me these days. No fancy degrees for me either, I more or less taught myself everything I know." As she spoke, her bots followed their normal programs and spread out, tagging everything that looked useful and wasn't already claimed for transport back to her warehouse in the Isles. A series of teleport flashes followed the bots around the room. One of the protectors activated a laser cutter and went to help the soldier detach the device they were here for from the floor. "What's a Temporal Mapping System anyway? Something to do with time I'm guessing", Cassie wondered aloud.
  12. The girl let out an impressive string of curses as her bots were swiftly disabled by the EMP grenades. As they stood jerking and sparking from overloaded systems she pulled out the same medical device she'd used earlier and pointed it at the two protectors. Apparently the device worked on robots too, as the two bots were quickly operational again. From there they repaired Big Mac, who didn't take kindly to being EMP'd. His dual plasma cannons swept the room, the concussive pulses sending longbow flying in all directions, only to be lasered out of the air by the now-repaired drones.
  13. ((So is she dead or just severely wounded? Either way, great scene ))

    "Some people just don't know when theyre outclassed", the girl commented as her bots were thrown backwards by the explosions. Their shields absorbed the majority of the blasts, but one of the protectors was sparking oddly as he struggled back to his feet. A flash of green from the other protector and he was more or less fine. Targetting the mechs, all five bots switched to area-effect weapons and let them have everything they had. Volley after voley of swarm missiles flew from Big Mac's rocket pack as the protectors launched photon grenades, and the drones sprayed laser fire not quite in all directions but certainly close.
  14. The girl hadn't got to where she was by being timid, and she sure as hell wasn't going to back down now. She'd seen these things fall before, all it took was enough concentrated firepower. She gave the order and her bots opened fire on the cataphract, blowing holes and chunks out of its armor but it remained to be seen if they could do anything more than scratch the paint. Another bolt of force flew from the girl's hands in an attempt to knock the huge machine over, because if it was flat on its back then it would be unable to return fire.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    "We're dealing with a Longbow tapping at some terminal, next to some bay doors," he reported. "Giant robot behind those doors, I assume?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The girl almost jumped as the radio in her suit started talking. Muttering to herself about comm frequencies and useless decryption technology she fired her rocket boots and streaked off out of the ruined diner and into the office next door, searching for the room the guy on the radio was talking about. Her bots fired their own jets and flew after her, one of them scraping on a wall in it's haste to follow her.

    The room wasn't that hard to find with the radio signal to guide her, and soon enough the girl and her five remaining bots landed near Dr. Mechan. "What's this about giant robots?", she asked.
  16. ((But she would have to go through said destroyed diner to get to the office/lab, right?))
  17. Hearing Doomtastic saying something about 'Warburg' and 'chemical burn', the girl and her bots immediately stopped firing at the crystals and threw up the same protective shields that they'd used when the generator exploded. Once again they were tossed about like ragdolls as the crystals exploded, but the shields saved them from more serious injury. As the dust settled from this latest explosion, green flashes again lit up the area as the bots repaired each other. She looked around for more heroes, but the only one visible was the unconscious Positron. Slinging her rifle back over her shoulder she and her bots moved into the now ruined building, searching for their allies.
  18. Rebel_Scum

    Flighty (Story)

    I might not be the best critic but for what it's worth, I like it.
  19. ((Ok since Cowman appears to have dropped off the face of the earth, I'm moving on.))

    Whether the hero was down or not, she didn't know. But they had bigger problems now, namely the rapidly spreading Tiberium crystals. "I'm going to kill whoever was using that stuff", she muttered. Though she'd never seen it before now, she was rapidly losing any desire to ever see it again with the rate it was spreading. Villain or not, she didn't want the world covered in this crap. Only problem was she wasn't familiar with it and thus didn't know how to get rid of it. Ordering her bots to fire their energy weapons only at the crystals, she decided she should get a sample to study later. Maybe she could put it in one of those magnetic vacuum containment units, like the ones they used for antimatter storage.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Log out in Pocket D = Social Butterfly, Barfly, Raver

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's already a Raver badge, it's for beating up trolls during the troll rave event in Skyway. (Not the supatrolls, the normal ones that show up in the event itself and eventually turn into supatrolls.)
  21. The girl in the powersuit let out a colorful string of curses as Mr. Invincible smashed one of her bots across the street. This time the Protectors didn't even bother looking up, the drone was far past being able to be repaired. Instead, they kept firing at the hero. At the same time the girl slung her rifle back over her shoulder and charged the emitters in her gloves, producing a bolt of pure force to send the hero flying backwards.
  22. Detecting the incoming blastwave, the girl in the powersuit and all six of her robots diverted all available power into their various shields. As the blast rolled over them they were tossed around a bit but they were mostly fine. Once the danger was past a number of green flashes lit up the area as the two Protectors repaired first the other bots then each other, while the girl pulled out a medical device to activate a similar function on herself. Before putting it away she looked around to see if anyone important was hurt while her bots went back to their primary orders and resumed lighting up Mr. Invincible.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    The cars suddenly arced up over the explosions and laser fire, catching a few moments of hangtime before plummeting toward the villains.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Big Mac the assault bot looked up at the rapidly approaching vehicles with the cold, calculating calmness of a machine. At just the right moment he raised both arms, his plasma blasts pushing the improvised projectiles off course so they wouldn't squash him or any of his friends. They impacted harmlessly onto empty pavement beside the villains. One careless Drone got clobbered by the flying chunk of pavement, but he was repaired soon enough by the two Protectors.

    "Really, you think I would build minions that could be wiped out that easily? I'm offended", the girl in the powersuit laughed before resuming her assault on the invulnerable hero.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Larry pulled himself back to his feet. His arm was a sickly green color and it felt like his skin was cracking apart with every movement, but he could feel his body fighting it off like most everything else.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "What IS that stuff?", the girl in the powersuit asked. If it could do that to a hero when her bots had barely dented him, she wanted some. And speaking of heroes, probably best to hit him when he was down. She barked a command at her bots and the ones that could switched to their secondary weapons. The assault bot launched a volley of incendiary missiles, the protectors fired photon grenades and the drones kept firing their lasers since they lacked a secondary system. A third photon grenade flew from the girl's own rifle to add to the destruction.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    "The more the merrier the carnage!" Nightshade cackled. "Come along with us, just don't wreck anything expensive. We're looking for some fancy tech. There's a fat paycheck for anyone who comes along too!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The orders as such were conveyed to her minions and she nodded, all of them moving forward to add to the imminent carnage. They didn't get very far however before all hell broke loose.

    The sudden appearance of two heroes - and one of them being Positron himself - would have given most villains reason to hesitate. And so she did, but only long enough to cast force shields over her minions. Combined with the existing shields the Protectors had already applied, very little would slow the bots down at all now.

    As the final larger shield bubble expanded outwards and her own personal shield (Stolen from Black Scorpion himself) flickered into existance around her, she pulled a plasma rifle from who knows where and all seven of them let fly. Positron seemed to be fairly well handled by the others so the multitude of laser beams, photon grenades, plasma blasts and a couple of seeker drones went hurtling towards the other hero she didn't recognise.