286 -
I would have loved to have seen the new damage buffs, applied to the old system i wonder what doms would havw been like?
and alternate zones with no DR, no HD, no TS, and no Global Resits *cough*
[/ QUOTE ]And mez resist off mez protection on option, Em/ tries to slide that in... and twist wrist. -
Wtf did i miss, usually ppl are just argueing with terps and his lack of logic?
[/ QUOTE ]lol he finds the need to follow me around like a lap dog to no matter what thread i enter and attempt to find some reason i'm wrong about what ever it is the thread is about. I could say alot of ppl dislike the new pvp and he'll try and find a way i'm wrong lol. So at first i didn't notice it, but once i caught on, i just ignored him, and let him know he was ignored and to this day he still finds the need to quote me lol.
Also i ignored him for the reasons you just stated as well, sorta like the cherry on top, made it easy. And the bad part is i have a really thick skin, but i guess some worms can even get under my layers lol. Don't worry he'll have something to say i'm sure. -
*** You are ignoring this user ***
[/ QUOTE ]You must be one of those sicko's that still sit outside your ex's house even after she breaks up with you lol. You have been ignored for a while now and still find it necessary to speak things i say. Lucky for me i no longer have to endure your nonsense, but i did say i'd qoute you to remind you from time tio time, when you lashed at me that indeed you are still ignored. And i'm sure being as silly as you are you'll even respond to this knowing i can't see it lol sad. But anyway continue to forum pvp, while i do the real thing. -
There are pvp drops in this game!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
[/ QUOTE ]I have been killing solo, on teams, the arena and i have no luck, i say it's a myth. And judging by 300+ mil peices i say it is a myth, not even the uniques they are like 600mil lol. -
I have to say, the lack of teaming V-Side is disturbing, took 15 mins of me running around on my therm healing a corr and dom to get invited to a team.
[/ QUOTE ]Your right, but when they do team it's spectacular, i was teaming with conflict last night on my stalker, he invited me to a nice slaughter at first. It was like 5 of us and like 20 heroes and they had heavies. But we fought and fought until, all of a sudden more vills came in the zone, and more teams formed and we pushed them from the vill base all the way back to the hero base and held them their for a loooooong time it was funny.
It was so bad at first though, newb vills couldn't take the heat and switched sides to run with the heroes (as if they wern't deep enough) I mean literally as soon as you fight one person, like 7 or more swoop down on you and kill you, it was tough at first lol.
But i say all this to say, the average vill, probably has more expeirence than the average hero, do to the fact one most vill builds are inferior to most hero builds, secondly epics have been so inferior for so long, you just had to make work arounds, even little things like heavies were inferior, until the nerf that hero heavy was the most feared thing in rv hands down. I have seen entire teams held at the same time.
Edit: a little side note, i found this program that lets you play with a xbox 360 or ps3 controller and i was using it lastnight, very sexy on ranged toons i must say, on melee it took me a while to get used to the setup, but i got it after a while. You can map buttons in unison with your power trays, and use the analogs for movement, the only thing you use the keboard for is typing, it's called switchblade. And on a blaster it's spot on, you can do alot more on the run with a controller, properly mapped out than a keyboard i'd say, i like it. -
I don't taunt bot without support. That's just stupid. If I'm "Tauntbotting" it's probably for other toons. So while "pop out" they'll be popping off in your face. You can try that though...we'll see how it goes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why is it assumed that the range AT in question is solo? While I keep said taunt bot busy, my team is tearing up his team, or tearing up the taunter. Teams work both ways. Just as you wouldn't taunt solo, I wouldn't bother attacking a taunter solo. Like you said, that's stupid. And since most taunt bots are Tanks, it's also boring as hell. Tanks that teamed get ignored. Tanks that are solo get torn up. Taunt hasn't changed that.
Realistically, the minus range in Taunt has done nothing but increase the time it takes to kill the taunter. It hasn't gotten more kills for the taunter or his team. No PvPer worth anything will decide to go all melee with a Tank or Brute just because he got taunted. That would be stupid.
[/ QUOTE ]i havent seen blaster melee since like i13 beta lol. Do they even take melee attacks any more? -
A good player on a mind/fire or mind/nrg or earth/nrg or grav/elec..etc...can beat a blaster.
[/ QUOTE ]i highlighted/fixed the key words in your quote, But a not so good blaster can pew pew most in sirens, not the case with doms.
I mean literally, a flying psi blaster can wreck most vill builds, it's so sad it's funny. Webnade the target and just sit back 80 feet or more depends if they took snipe and kill most targets with out even a response. The new way mez works is highly exploitable as BF's serve no purpose.
In the old days if web naded you could atleast take a bf so you could run, now you sit their for your few seconds of death. They have already gotten off two or more attacks before you can even begin to respond in most cases. And oh my, don't be on a melee hahaha. -
I find it funny how some folk refer to blasters HP capping with hoarfrost. Any decent blaster build is capped at 1606 anyway. Hoarfrost is a slow recharging heal.
[/ QUOTE ]
Seriously, the only people who benefit from the +HP are the ones too lazy to get the accolades or too poor to get the IOs.
Admitedly, I often fall into the first catagory, but the second isn't that hard.
[/ QUOTE ]especially if that ain't your main toon, i just can't make myself accolade all my toons, i get bored, it's very monotonus. If i plan on serious usage then sure, but just to dick around and kill a few ppl i don't need accolades on my blaster to do that, to me it's just a crutch, if i died with my 1300-1400 hp than i did something wrong and i doubt that 200hp matters in the grand scheme of things.
I play like 10 or more toons constantly i just can't do them all, lol i just can't. I'm fine with my 4 fully accoladed toons. If my blasters die than gf lol. -
The thing is, you don't LET a Blaster use Build Up or Aim. You hold them before they even think about it =p. And at that point, they're dead.
[/ QUOTE ]In a perfect world, but i find alot of blaster are slipery (doms miss) and even if you stop bu+aim their base damage with defiance is brutal to a squishie. -
Then their is the chance you'll pvp, and reg>wp there, way more survivable and you don't need lol aidself. Regen by far is one of the if not the hardest thing to kill in pvp.
And if IO'ed Doms were losing to an SO'ed Fire/Em, they deserved to die. Even if it is SC, lolFire, and Doms are much better off than they were.
This is just how I see it.
[/ QUOTE ]From what i saw, it's just this design in pvp, basically start of with your heavy hitters, so when your held you can spam the lower blast(which coincidentally hit hard as well) Building defiance with flares and fire blast ain't no joke. And bu+aim is a major advantage in itself. Just think no vill even has a BU that achieves 100% damage boost, they cap at 80% and the heroes have two AT's that can get 100% their supposedly low to moderate damage AT Tanks can achieve what the vills strongest AT's can 80%.
But damage is king in this new pvp, and though fire isn't as dominate as it was in the past. Versus a soft target fire kills just the same, you figure at 30 a blaster would have 4 attacks? So bu+aim start from highest to lowest and by the time the holds kick in the blaster can spam the two antimez blast.
This new pvp is so cheesy, especially mezzes, just earlier i was on my fire brute and a psi/dev blaster webbed me and flew out or taunt range and punished me from above forced me to run in the hospital. Even the vill base is poorly designed as compared to defense, i remember when the hero base had alot of flaws the devs improved their base. Now flyers just float over the vill base, and just destroy those who are not expecting it.
Edit: the rest of what you said i agree with totally, especially the mez deal, i have been crying about mez resist since i13 it is a joke. I wish they make a arena option to bring protection back, a melee or blaster should not be on par with a troller in holds, and they called themselves doing us a favor by giving trollers good damage. But that's not their role so it's a silly change. I don't look for trollers when i seek damage, castle botched this up or posi who ever made him do it. -
Ah. Also notice due to DR that overall my pve 45%ish goes to 17% - also prob about the same time. Been a while since ive been in a pvp zone obviously. Thanks for the reply without "Cry moar!" i was expecting.
[/ QUOTE ]Ironically these harsh changes we're designed for players just like yourself, and DR was a result of i13. Unfortunatly no one even newer players really like DR, most of the hard core crowd quit over it, we beg for a i12 solution like everyday, and no relief in sight. Pvp is not in a good state of flux, thanks to these harsh changes castle forced on us, maybe one day he'll yield and give us a arena option or ae option or something. I doubt it though, as fighting castle on a issue is harder than trying to beat his in game persona with a lvl 5 sewer team. And coincidentally pff was unstoppable in i13, you missed your chance to be op'd, whole teams couldn't kill a pff user.
And defense actually worked, that part was cool i guess -
has personal force field and eye of magus doe nothing to bolster defence while in pvp zones? And im not being overreaching - activating either adds literally NOTHING to defense totals. Since when and why?
[/ QUOTE ]Since i14 around their, when it was determined pff was op'd, all the values was reduced and elusivity nerfed. To many ppl abused pff, so it had to go, it still works how ever and grants nice protection it's just not game changing anymore. -
I have my evil blaster just waiting to munch some heroes. The funny thing is going to be when the sole hero users call themselves picking up a vill, and find out how underpowered most of them are. And then all these years of us thinking castle had something against vills, might be true lol.
[/ QUOTE ]
LMAO too true, too true.
When Blasters and Scrappers fill the zones above ALL other AT's for both Heroes and Villainside (thanks to Rogue) maybe it will finally dawn on people eh? LOL, the only ones playing purely Villain AT's will be those who decided "not" to go with the Rogue expansion, all others will realize the "true" power and cash in on a Hero-turned Villain
[/ QUOTE ]
Eh. I dunno what will really happen. I don't really see people only playing Blasters and Scrappers. Dominator's, Stalkers, and Corrs are doing well right now, and Heroes pretty much have only Blasters going for them. I mean, Defenders and Controllers don't really have much going for them right now because everyone can hold, the once useful debuffs are lolzy, and the Devs seemingly hate any support whatsoever. Tankers and Scrappers are better than they were, but still, melolee. In my opinion, Villains have more going for them right now because they have 3 exceptional AT's with Corrs, Doms, and Stalkers compared to Heroes 1 AT of Blaster.
I see the same AT's being played, but it will be interesting to see which side people PvP on. I myself will most likely be playing on Heroes just because I hate the Villainside environment (and for some reason, that affects how often I play my toons--until AE, I had 2 level 50 villains, now I have around 10).
[/ QUOTE ]I kinda disagree here siph, reasons, because 1st and foremost out of the toons you just named, you can't even run any of them to like warburg and in some cases RV lvls. Bring a corr or dom to sirens if you want and you'll just get farmed. Next stalkers are far from exeptional, it's that kinda of misconseption that lead to all the nerfs they endured over the past few issues. Stalkers are just a safe toon, that you can relax and attack at your own pace and are only deadly in groups a very poorly designed AT with many holes in it's overall usage. Now i'll agree doms and corrs pick it up RV lvls when epic shields and things come into play. But so do blasters, scrapper, tanks, and all heroes. And as far as controllers and defenders being weak, that too is a misconception, the pvp community wasn't crying to castle because those toons were weak, we were crying because their actual roles changed dramatically and didn't make sense.
Sure certain defenders like those who relied heavily on slows lost a bit of their sting, but toons like emps and certain rads do just fine and not to mention thermal trollers.
No i stand by my original sentiment and i base it solely off how much easier it is to fight vills in a zone as opposed to heroes. Don't confuse a few good doms and stalkers and confuse that for some sort of dominance, most are noobs and bottom feed (more so stalkers) But a corr or dom can't survive one good chain from a blaster until rv but a blaster can survive.
I just sat and watched this guy in sirens on freedom "Hotbox" i think? He was a SO'd fire/em and he was killing IO'd doms and cors in seconds flat, infact it got so bad i was like damn in broadcast his one fight, he killed this corr so fast he was dead, but his body was still standing, with 0 hp ko'd like npcs when you flash ko a lvl 1 mob with your lvl 50, i kid you not.
Alot of heroes don't even play Cov so they have a misconception about it, so when they go rogue, it will be a rude awakening i promise you. -
Anyways, what will be will be. I'm just looking forward to Rogue and villains finally getting access to one of the most overpowered AT's to ever grace the pvp game. Maybe Villains will finally stand a chance against Heroes at that time? We can always dream.
[/ QUOTE ]
After GR, heroes vs villains will be in name only. Every zone will essentially be Warburg. I really like the different faction feel, so I'm not so sure I'm looking foward to it from that perspective.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yea, from "that" perspective, I'm not really looking forward to it either...but, at least villains will finally have some decent PvP toons to bring to the field.
[/ QUOTE ]I have my evil blaster just waiting to munch some heroes. The funny thing is going to be when the sole hero users call themselves picking up a vill, and find out how underpowered most of them are. And then all these years of us thinking castle had something against vills, might be true lol.
What makes me so mad is how good the new pve content is, from prolifications, down to GR i was checking out the new stuff, and it is some very good pve changes coming. Even the part where no more ppl begging for fills, i was amazed. And how it's such a disparity in pvp content, if they used half their pve effort we would all be happy id imagine. -
Any well built blaster who knows what he is doing(this includes having high kb prot) will rofflestomp ANY dom.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is inaccurate at best.
Any Psi/ Fire/ or Sonic/ Blaster that is built right should have no problems with any dom. But when a dom is hitting Thunderstrikes for 460pts of damage, it's pretty irresponsible to say that they should never beat a blaster.
KB may be the best Mez in the game but it's not the only way to get a kill, just one of the easiest.
What tools do blasters have that make them have so much more survival?
Hoarfrost and their inherent (attacking through mez portion) is all I can think of...and if I have my Mu Pet out it's put's HF to shame in less than 60 seconds. So that leaves defiance.
Defiance is nice and it does allow blasters an edge vs doms in a sense that while a dom is using it's mitigation (Mez) the blasters can still attack. I hardly think those two things sway the balance in the Blasters favor to the extent of the above hyperbole.
Doms get Domination which doesn't do what it used to do, but still provides some nice Mez Protection, which could be viewed as comparable to Defiance 2.0 in that Doms don't get mezzed as long and are able to do attacks sooner than blasters would. They get Pets in most sets. And a Pet in our epics...also one Assault set has a Pseudo Pet with Voltaic Sentinel. I imagine a blaster going against a smart dom that had the Mu Guardian out, Singy, and VS doesn't sound like he would be just a pushover.
Blaster V Dom = Blaster has a slight edge, but player skill (In building and playing) should close the disparity.
[/ QUOTE ]Only thing though mel, is in a arena match and i'm on my blaster, "You get no pet" I mean seriously i'm not going to sit and let you heal up with that mu. And he can't last a chain, i'll take a sac loss to rid myself of that advantage. And then once he dies it's business as usual.
Blasters have always been a tough match up for doms, and even in this gimp pvp, this fact hasn't changed, it worsened in my opinion.
When you asked "
What tools do blasters have that make them have so much more survival?" the answer is very simple defense through better offense. If your opponent spends most of the match on the defensive because you never have to stop firing, all those other tactics go out the window.
And then theirs bu+aim, it will come a time where your going to miss the blaster a few times from your lack of bu or aim in most dom cases. And a few misses and mean the difference in winning and losing.
I agree that fire/ psi/ sonic/ blasters are the ticket, when it's said who has the advantage. But who isn't using sonic/ fire/ or psi/? I can't think of the last time i dueled someone that didn't have that combo. Remember castles new pvp is damage+hp so to be successful most are using the optimum toons that can produce the desired effects.
so imo all skill being equal, blasters>doms in a head up match up, it's just to much to overcome, and i only see victory if the dom is just better than the blaster.
Edit: i'm not implying it will be sweeping victories, but in a 10 min match i'm thinking like 8-2 6-1 or something like that in the blasters favor, unless like i said the dom is just a better player. -
You know i remember it was a time i'd pvp and something would happen so funny i'd laugh for ages. It had funny things, challenge, competition, a since of achievement after some kills. I remember my first time in RV with my pve ice/em blaster. Morgy farmed me for like hours on his dom, im stubborn i figured I'd win that day after a while he just stopped and told me where i was going wrong.
That to me was pvp, i didn't get mad and cry to castle on the forums, i took my [censored] whoopin and learned not to take whoopins anymore like that. We actually became cool, i got my style together and the rest is history.
Now the devs step into a realm they shouldn't have trying to make everyone the same, and the biggest thing that gets alot of vets, is all that work you put in to learn the game, just for such drastic changes. I could except it if pve played this way, then to me it was just a game play change. But to make us play this mess in pvp only is awful, and it's sad that i actually like pve more now and only because my toon seems powerful in pve as compared to the weak pvp shell dr makes all of them.
Quick note devs, most of the more fun games aren't balanced, there actually far from balanced, it's just sometimes over the top stuff is fun, and underwhelming things are not. I just recently started playing EA's 1943 and most things on that game can be considered op'd, from one shot head kills to bombing runs, to high ground snipers. But that game is fun as hell, very good pvp.
Human nature is to like bigger and better, not economy class, just like the dom buffs, ok we get buffs, it's like sweet. Than before the ink dries they get nerfed, our pvp is so random, it doesn't seem to have any direction. It feels like the most important things that happened, developed over a cup of coffee. Meaning, devs sitting back eating breakfast, drinking coffee and just say well, damn today i think i'll nerf a set to hell because afterall i did contemplate that like 2 years ago.
I still believe all the nerf sets(the ones that no longer perform like veats) should have been left alone, and just the under performing sets just get a buff. And actually base the buffs off player feedback if it's a pvp change get actual pvp input. -
Just hopped of my fire/elc and my mind/psi, doms really didn't need nerfing, but it's not doom like i figured it would be. Usually castles nerfs are more decisive, like an air strike or something, maybe he's in a good mood lately or something? Meh it's not doom it could be worst, like the AS nerf or Veats. Doms are still playable/viable from what i see as compared to before.
I wanted to get some Advice/Help on a katana/Dark scrapper for Zone Pvp. I know its not Fotm but I wanted to see if I can get help on what Powers to take/avoid or if anyone has had any experience with the 2 sets in Pvp. If anyone has any builds I can look at please Post so I can see what possibile directions I can go. Thanks in Advance.
[/ QUOTE ]Not to be funny, but the best advice someone can give you about that combo, in i13-15 pvp. ReRoll
Now to show I'm serious, I'll give a few reasons first, you have less resist than most blasters in the zone. I kid you not dark armor scraps are like throwing bloody meat into a tank of tiger sharks, one of the best soft targets to face. And easily soloed by a stalker, and thats saying alot because stalkers damage is cheap atm, and can't really solo squat in the zone.
Then their end heavy, so all those therms will just love you, and did i mention even stalkers can solo them? lol i remember the last one i caught, i figured i was in for fight. And he clicked all his little toys and died in short order.
Now maybe with, billions invested, they might be viable, i can't say as i never seen a viable one. But say GG castle for making pvp so limited as it is now, but with DR you won't do well with DA it's just not happening, and that has nothing to even do with it not being a fotm.
Edit: The irony is i bet that's your concept toon, and he's great in pve and you figured it would be cool to try some pvp? And this new pvp is supposed to be geared for such things. But with DR and other poorly implemented sacrifices to fun, it will be damned hard to put out a viable DA scrap. Concept toons have no chance, your forced to use a fotm or die often, and unless losing is fun you'll then quit pvp and go back to pve.
That's whats actually happening to us now gg Castle, atleast in the old system more combo's were doable, and you could have fun with a non fotm and not get farmed in a zone. For instance some dudes used to run stone/stone tanks and just have fun being nearly invincible. Now they get wrecked, two stalkers can kill a stoner with granite up np. -
Hmm i'd roll ppl over with yall for fun, i have
All 50 and can be purpled and pvp io'd as needed, lol. -
I was under the assumption that the 20+ was a guess or rough estimate and not a "compulsive lying problem".
Then again, what do I know
[/ QUOTE ]Thats what i thought too, kinda like when i ask my bro who won the game and he's like, the mets beat the braves like 10 to 6, when i see ESPN later and find it was really a 12 to 5 loss, I'm not like "you lied bro, you cheated them out runs"
I'm more like that's still a bad L they took gg mets? -
Have you even been to Sirens Call on Freedom lately?
[/ QUOTE ]
yes, alot actually on a /dev and a dom. flying /devs are really not all that hard to deal with, it is a zone after all. learn how they use the terrain to their advantage and counter it, dont just whine when they are out of range of AS for you to pick off solo.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree that they aren't hard to deal with. I take out flying Blasters quite often on both my Bane and my Corr. I am curious though how you think a Stalker is supposed to deal with them. I ask because I take out Stalkers and Doms with regularity on my flying Dev Blaster and have never considered either to be much of a threat. I'd love to know how you think a Stalker is supposed to kill me when I play him.
[/ QUOTE ]Well do to the damage nerfs "GG Castle" you can no longer fight a blaster head up in the zone. Now not even spines is much of a threat with their high resist to all buffs"GG Castle"
So really the only way to kill one is to either catch him snoozing, or a well timed red rush when he attacks someone. And only my elec/reg i feel reasonably confident of success, my poor em is just two slow.
But reds+bu AS if you can, but TS is deadly, you can all but one shot a blaster in sirens with a red filled TS so all you need is a ranged follow up, like emp gloves or something.
But anything short of that, you just have to be very patient and wait, also temp webnades do the trick and a bane on the team helps or dev corr.
I wish castle actually pvp'd, it's kinda hard to make changes, based on which side cries more about a particular thing.
Castle: Hmm some of ppl are crying about stalkers and my flawless data mines say they dont die as much as others "they must be op'd' I'll nerf them every other issue.
"Heaven forbid it's because there just invisible, so it's a bit harder to gank them than most, they also can solely engage when they want if they want, so any data will be skewed"
Castle: Many many ppl would rather bring i12 back in some form or incarnation, it's threads everyday about it in some way or form since i13 dropped. "I'll pretend i don't notice it though and just not admit my mistake"
Castle: Hmm time to nerf regen again. -
6x scale down to 2x scale AS damage is a mega nerf, it was even worst when AS was partially resisted.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unless I'm missing something, AS still is partially resisted. The crit portion is not resisted, everything else is. Sometimes if you're running BU and you chomp a few reds, you might be able to get a Blaster to half health.
[/ QUOTE ]Your right, sux badly atm in a damage and hp pvp and sucky damage vs resist. -
From what I have seen, people who mostly play villains in general are much slower to adapt to changes than people that mostly play heroes. And usually when they do make an attempt at adapting, it is usually just to roll another Stalker and hide (literally) from the problem rather than try to beat it.
[/ QUOTE ]
stalkers have gone well with everything that has been fotm in zones so far.
issues ago it used to be corruptors who would scourge immediately after AS did 50+% dmg on most all targets.
now with doms granting guaranteed lockdown for a couple seconds and kb being borderline op, setting up AS is super easy.
pretty sure this has been said in this thread but worth repeating to show this connection.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, basically Stalkers have to wait for somebody else to do something to be effective.
And when 2/3 of the players in any given zone are Stalkers, what then? When the only Corr in the zone is getting farmed because he's the only one the heroes can see, do you think he's gonna follow you around to scourge after the AS? Do you think those Doms that are just gonna be happy to keep setting up the heroes so some random unteamed Stalker can come along and take to kill? How is that Stalker going to deal with the hovering Dev Blaster that can see him long before the AS and can attack even when held? Have you even been to Sirens Call on Freedom lately? The skies are full of them.
Stalkers are not only one of the worst methods of adapting to the current environment, but also one of the most boring. Stalkers are essentially a one trick pony. It's a horribly designed AT that is completely dependant on a horribly designed mechanic. They are most effective in small numbers teamed with other ATs that can set up the kills, but when there are too many of them (which is almost always the case), or they aren't teamed (again, almost always the case) they are a non-factor. Corruptors and Dominators, and even MMs in large numbers are far more dangerous than Stalkers and are far more capable of adapting to what the other side is doing.
[/ QUOTE ]Qft, i actually agree with that sentiment, but you have to realize stalkers were fine before all the so called pve buffs. So they nerfed AS to work better in pve and stalkers still can't get teams. I just sat on a team and like 4 stk was lfg all with good lvls and the leader waited like 10 min and grabbed another brute and a fort.
Teaming is superior and yet it shouldn't be forced on you to do well, stalkers always were the one toon vill side you could choose your role. Some of us teamed, yet went solo some, some of us went solo mostly. Now it's team or be a bottom feeder.
6x scale down to 2x scale AS damage is a mega nerf, it was even worst when AS was partially resisted.