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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Bow Tie is a let down. I was hoping for just a simple bow tie to the front of the neck, but it also includes a thick strap that goes around the back of the neck and looks really, really bad, at least with the tuxedo I tried it with. Oh well.

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    Where is this bowtie? Is it available for females?

    PS- new hair changes are pretty crappy, sorry. Why not add Wedge 2 for the new one, and make the better (old) one Wedge 1? And so on...
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    I would have picked PvE Combat if that was an option, which it should have been IMO.

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    I would say that storyline is the PVE option, since you'd PVE through the story arcs.

    At any rate, I voted costumes. Judging by it's lead, devs, lower icon prices so we can enjoy it more!
  3. Qurios

    Top Issues 8.10

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    The only reason my SG and I ever ventured off our home server was because we ran out of slots. Now we all have toons on different servers that we rarely if ever play. I myself have 38 toons on 6 different servers and I still delete toons off my home server because I need the room for a new idea/consept character. One of my guild mates has over 100 toons spred across all the servers.
    The 2 ideas I want implemented more than any other are additional slots per server and SG mebership based on accounts not individual characters. If these 2 things were put in I can telll you there would be a lot of consolidation going on.

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    Your last phrase is probably why it won't happen. I would think the devs want toons spread across servers to avoid smaller servers getting less populated, and larger servers having more congestion.
  4. Since you certainly seem to know your stuff, I'll ask how you put up with the slow animations of neutron bomb, and the rabbit like speed of neutrino bolt.

    I tried neutron bomb and respecced first chance I got- it was so underwhelming after witnessing cosmic burst for the first time. Similarily, I wish I coud drop neutrino bolt. It keeps me clicking so much I don't have time for much else.

    I also love snipe for the first strike and pulling.

    Having said this, I find rad/rad anemic compared to by dark/dark. Any words of wisdom why I'm thiking wrong?
  5. The tendrils aura for eyes glows off centre. It sorta glows off their eyelids and to the left.
  6. Thanks for your help! I can't wait to see the Malta, Carnies, etc...
  7. Thanks alot Sparky. How did you get these? I tried a search for zloth, but I only found demo making stuff. Is there some kind of model viewer out there?
  8. Awesome! Thanks! Keep them coming! Please?
  9. Hi, I did a search but found nothing. Basically, everytime I see an AV, it's a mid a soup of graphic effects and toons as our teams pummel the NPC to a stain. As such, I've never really seen any of the AVs and many top end mobs.

    Is there a sight/link someone might know of to help me out? Thanks.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    I remember Cuppa saying we were going to get a free respec after I-7 hits. Did anyone remember or see anything specific as to when they were going to grant this? Same day as I-7 hits, the next week, the next month? Just curious if I need to find a Villian spec team before then.

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    Less than a week after I7 goes to live - but not right as it goes to live. I will let you know for sure when I7 actually releases.

    I hate to burst everyone's bubble here - but I7 is not going up before the end of May. We have a few more things left to fix/tweak.

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    Positron says this month....

    Kinda confused...