
Forum Cartel
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  1. Name: Caligo Knights
    Website: none atm
    Global Chat Channel: nope not enough ppl for it to be worthwhile
    Leader: Necribas, second in commands- Quick Arrow.(yes a period at the end) and Solar Ray.
    All victory toons are welcome and as we get more people I want to try to set up base raids and sg activities. As of right now 80% of the time there is someone one(be it me or somebody else). If you want to join either pm me or email Quick Arrow. or Necribas.
  2. lol nice. ive got a few pvp moments too.

    1) was going one on one with a brute in warburg when this random mm jumps between us and tries to summon his zombies. This pisses us both off so we both use our strongest attack effectively ghenking him then going back to what we were doing. Well later this mm comes back for round 2 but this time attempting to set a trap. It pretty much ended the same way.

    2) Again in warburg some random controller tries to hold my srapper. Needless to say it doesnt work so well and i end up two-shotting him. Well he comes back again and again until i get annoyed and ask him to stop. Anyway he calls me a noob and starts ranting how controllers can never beat a scrapper with a few f-bombs here and there and then logs out. Well while hes logging out some stalker fells the urge to AS the guy. He stops logging out puts to the stalker to sleep and then i finish the job. Lol one more intresting fact a week later i got into a team with the controller, he saw my name and just quit.
  3. lol first the evangelical archetype and now this? this is going to be a good year for coh.