540 -
Going to be gone off and on over the summer on little notice, likely. Odds are decent I will be around for this one.
A and B are constants that vary depending on AT and what originalvalue is refering to (damage res, tohit, defense, etc etc)
No, its just a sad fact of i13 pvp
FinalValue = OriginalValue * (1 - ATAN(A * OriginalValue) * 2/pi * B)
makes the hurting start -
That much +rech will probably get DR'd fairly heavily, Merc. I'd try and work assault in to go along with the +dmg as well.
A few things I would change for pvp:
In dominate, I would exchange the Unbr Hold IO for the damage proc, and the chance of +2 mag hold for a pure damage IO. Mag is meaningless in pvp now, and the hold duration is going to increase very little with that much hold enhancement already.
The placate proc in mez is a big deal for messing with peoples targeting.
I'd rework the AM slotting some, to get more +rech from enhancers into it, frankenslotting if need be.
I'd juggle the KB and stealth IO's a little, moving them out of the high end cost travel powers into CJ and sprint.
Would definitely work the dmg proc into ice blast, and slot the other acc piece in place of the dmg/rech or dmg/end. The purple procs are a big deal on anything in pvp, esp lower damage scale AT's.
Terrify is kind of iffy imo, but if you have fun with it, you can find a few uses for it, like MM's. Flurry is good to have instead X(
re: mac
Slotting Acro is wasteful, imo. You can fit another KB IO (zep) in CJ, and one in manuvers (which I'd try and slot a bit for +def), and wind up way ahead in kb resist mag. Slotting frozen armor is iffy when you get up to ~24ish ranged, I'm having trouble even justifying taking it on my fire/dev rebuild (for pve), because its not really adding anything, given the kinds of positional defense numbers you can come up with using sets easily now. It actually seems more worth while as a dr power in pvp if you really crank ranged def using sets. (general thing, the def with it on your build is a lot better via frozen armor).
OCD jumped me, one I like better below, but it could use more damage in dominate.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5934B4F13511886CFF4426D29B4A5D09642A12DB796D 2292C8C17624C44509|
|4620564A350473AC82475DA744AA23131FE0074A126AEF07E 0317E8D2B8F277A8D1|
|9FE1AE7E9753C0B593F67DE67CF39E77BE7366267FFBAC578 8FBA785E29F2A6B965|
|59CAA98F55AA55CD66BAE79ADBE59D3CAC22584E83FA8372D 6ADE304BCD41F2D0F5|
|339BEBEBEA825632B4BA51318BD3B70CCB8293C0ACB9A1D77 4B3AE364FBC850AC4C|
|CE95AD5306FF260C6A89BBA657968B058D5F592AF692AE935 6BC3A8FAA7ABC69A3A|
|BBA617F39A55D76B7722D05E1AFE1F14218F86435CB509312 16CAF05E11DC1F19EF|
|186307FD87E51C152CB1CE1489E314FF05C22EC80F28C8653 E158CF5B8297D3DB39|
|DD7F8FEEECBF4BD885297639CB3E4DA58E19C63942E779C62 C21740A9C0EBBC05B3|
|A799ADD798C6B2DDFC0121421398C4816C0EA92CB703DA694 E813C62342EF03C643|
|C265B0BBD9AEB813D4711F230429AD7CC5D6DA456BF6FE815 14CB4FFA0A96130B4B|
|141B44DCAA6A0E653B8E64B518E0B4A012ED902CB94D37701 3022FAAEF0BE822128|
|0DC1A7141DE756E3DCFF225CEC929BD615A5D0082391F907B B9437F0911081D8B06|
|C2FCC4B4A40A95BEE4D7786B207528C3461708431CA45B0F7 C8841EB9C000D462DC|
|AC3DC6BB120F12063B09C37E4207F8FAE546F4F3DD83504AC A65245FD11D865F124|
|65E309E339E11D2DBF47C713143B2E7A122CF5A65C30A4323 8C5E27ECC1DB9592F6|
|D4045F1967E4086359864AF80CF60CB7E9C884157CBA63114 29617973DCAEBCEF2A|
|3FF047E55BE882A3FBEDC12638B0273FC76ED416D5CFAC6BF 9361E217E327E337A1|
|D7B1FFD1C10F0E318715B971C24E6105C7FEA7261432C50EA 6FDD7F1C5DBCC712F7|
|84097500A28CB28D7505650565134941B286B288DAFFBB37D C7B1A1132827512651|
|B6D0E4C24FA815C58BD286D28EE243F1A30451422851946D9 4C65FFD94F9A0|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr /> -
End Wizard finished in Top Spot.
Elect/therm corr.
Body Slave finished Second.
Elect/therm corr
Bushido Samurai placed third
Inferno Sid took fourth: not picked yet.
Implet took fifth: not picked yet.
shield/ss -
Daleks on mountains
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/e...et/4090676.stm -
The Hanoi Hilton is a nice day trip as well, I hear.
This isn't really news, but I randomly encountered an ad for this. The song list made me stop and scratch my head.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undenia...ipmunks_album) -
I meant that I think the issue was less the actual holding them for the authorities and more screaming obscenities/beating them while engaged in doing so. There are at least a half a dozen cases a month across the US at minimum of people holding intruders/attackers at gunpoint while calling the police, all of which are legal.
However, if once you detain them you begin to physically abuse them without provocation, that is an entirely different matter.
That is how I am looking at this case, at any rate. -
Again, I don't think it is so much about detaining them and defending property as it is about his actions when engaged in doing so.
How the hell did these illegal immigrants even hire a lawyer?
[/ QUOTE ]
From the text:
The immigrants are represented at trial by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, but... if they're illegal immigrants what claim do they have to civil rights in the States?
[/ QUOTE ]
The U.N. posted some equality rules for aliens with regards to the civil rights of a country they are in, and we are supposed to be abiding by those rules, assuming we want our citizens treated the same way. I believe they did not specifically address illegal aliens and there is some debate on that point, particularly by people who would prefer to do what they like to them.
edit: meant to post this and didn't.
And on the second amendment, I think less at issue is the fact he stopped them with an arm and more the fact that he was reportedly physically and verbally abusing them while holding them captive with it, though I could be wrong.
The impression I have picked up from the story is that this guy bought that ranch or very shortly thereafter decided to make catching illegals his hobby. It says he was a cop in Cochise county and later went into the propane business (a big part of which is delivering propane to ranchers), presumably in the same area. I don't think he could possibly be unaware of the problems on that ranch before he bought it. $30,000 worth of sensors and holding 3-4 people for arrest every day is a lot of time and expense. I'm not sure whose words "He searches the ranch for illegal immigrants in a pickup truck, dressed in a green shirt and camouflage hat, with his handgun and rifle, high-powered binoculars and a walkie-talkie." are, but that was the impression of what was going on that I got earlier in the story.
I'm also a little suspicious of his claim that cattle ate plastic bottles the illegals left behind and then died. I don't know of any farm or ranch with publicly accessible areas where vandalism is not a problem. In fact, on ranches near the border, a fair amount of vandalism tends to be caused by the border patrol. A friend of my fathers had to put up with fences being cut and cattle being shot because agents reportedly felt threated.
I'm somewhat sympathetic towards people who come over here just to work, but suing someone who stopped you is really pushing it, even though this guy seems to be acting like a jacknapes when he catches people. Particularly for $32 million. My guess on that would be that they are mostly trying to ring some money out of this guy either just for for the money or to try and throw a wrench in what he is doing.
Both sides seem pretty silly to me. -
I was linked to a gadget site that had that story. Apparently the signs all have a default password to change the message, which is the same for all boards. Even if it has been changed, there is a force reset code for them.
http://gadgets.boingboing.net/gimages/zombiesahead.jpg -
For more than a decade, Mack wore women's pantyhose under his clothes to keep him warm while he worked as a landscaper. But four years ago, Mack, 35, discovered "mantyhose" —pantyhose for men.
They make thermal underwear... -
The global channel drop fix did wonders for my i13 patience. Thank you for putting it out.
I agree this is a better solution than was attempted before and thank you for coming up with it quickly.
It does put the control back in the players hands in all cases but a hard, irreconcilable loss of internet connectivity.
[/ QUOTE ]
Some people will simply log out and attempt to come back for the last mission. They can be booted when they show back up, if that is the case, but they've still made life a bit more difficult for everyone involved before then. It could also be filed under:
advise you to better get to know the people you are grouping with.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which leads to my second point.
That philosophy doesn't really appeal to me. There is *nothing* of increased difficulty over regular gameplay in TF's, with a couple end game exceptions. The only thing that makes them difficult is/was finding people to stick it out for hours and hours of repetitive missions. This may increase the difficulty of doing the TFs for someone who doesn't make CoH a big part of their life but still enjoys playing it. CoH was a great game for being able to do that. I think the snippets of late about 'the majority players being level 35 or under' may be weak, indirect evidence of that. TF's used to be a good way for these people to meet other players when pubs attempted them, but people logging may snowball more than it did, increasing the "difficulty", which has nothing to do with the missions or gameplay being hard.
Again, thank you for coming up with this solution, it is likely to be much, much better for many players. But please do not take solving this problem completely off the burner. -
That would be nifty, thank you
Here is the one I put together several months ago.
Nifty, thanks Circeus!
Few things Ive seen in this thread and tanking the last few days.
EM can come close to or outperform scrappers damage wise. Super Strength can as well. Not every tank is SS. Not every tank is EM. They do not want to be.
If you stick with the arguement that a tank can still contribute to the AV team without having taunt because they can do alot of damage, you are talking about two sets. Mace, Axe, Stone melee, Ice melee, Firey Melee are still out there and people enjoy playing those sets. They will be discriminated against. People want to see those sets have taunt. Super Strength and EM will be exempt. That does not seem fair to me.
No, AV's in missions aren't that common. However, they are a large part of tanking and "end game" content. Should a tank have to take a certain power if he wants to be considered a 'real' tank and be able to consistently be teamed in PI?
I like the idea of punchvoke working like it does in pvp, it is better than nothing and it might actually encourage people to slot for taunt, but with one exception. Playing a brute and being beaten on by a tank, the powers that Ive seen more or less consisently taunt are what? Energy transfer. Followed by the 9.8889's: Total focus, Seismic Smash, Knockout blow. Other attacks seem to have negligable chance to taunt and low duration when they do. See first, second and third thoughts again.
From my experience fighting AV's, the change in their AI in i7, where they pick a target and stick with it until dead, I think contributes alot to people not seeing problems. If the tank goes in first, picks up aggro before anyone else, the AV target rules indicate the AV should stay on that tank until they can kill it.
Finally, my random encounter with Eochai in steel canyon last night, I was on a 49 /em tank, a group of level 12-18 characters, all 'squishy' classes, were trying to fight Eochai. They invited me to help, I joined their team and opened up. The only time Eochai would look at me was right after I hit him with total focus+energy transfer, and that was only for a moment, then he would go back to pounding on a blaster or controller.
It looks like I will have to burn my last power to get taunt, because I hate to see people get killed on my watch. Even though there are 5 powers from my primary, secondary and 5 pools that I could put to good use. Even though every other power, slot and level it was placed has been set in stone since before I rolled the character. -
Indirectly, it did.
No comments on the gauntlet issue at the moment -- but I am reading the threads and taking notes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for at least looking into it, it is appreciated. -
At this point, I am thinking that AV's need some form of cosmic balance, geared specifically towards countering the AT's in a mission against it, rather than hacked together blankets that get short-circuted by one effect in 2 or 3 powersets, or break what an AT is there for if they dont have one power from their set.