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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    Wrong your statement is, why, it's easy if you plan it out right to get Marauder down with out useing any type of temp power, I got my Master already and saw a great group who plan this tf out the right way, they had a great deal of DeBuff and also had good deal of damage. Also dude using your Incarnate power will do wounders for this Mo Badge.
    I don't think you understand what is being said. Doing the actual task is not a problem. What is required to be done is very simple.

    All the work is wrapped up in finding specific things to do it, and putting in an hour of boredom beating on a sack of HP, as many, many characters are next to useless.
  2. On top of the design flaws others have mentioned (s/l damage is useless being the big one), there really isn't any kind of challenge to it.

    With a team that is comfortable enough with the game to be participating in end game content, the collections are something done as a matter of course. The mobs are ignorable with a couple buffs and one or two people clearing adds when they show up (there is a job for an s/l dmg dealer, but its not really a full time thing).

    The only challenge is recruiting enough people who deal psi damage and are willing to spend at minimum roughly an hour (plus other trial time) mashing their attack chain to get the Marauder kills it takes to get the badge.
  3. Quatermain

    MoLambda baby

    Say it isn't true! There's a mechanic in this game that has slipped through the vaunted QA process and made people angry?
    I call it post-i13 pvp usually.
  4. Quatermain

    MoLambda baby

    So, now it takes 3 no-temp defeats.

    Still, it pretty cool. More a matter of patience and determination than anything
    I disagree. It's poorly thought out. His DR causes many people to be able to contribute nothing before he hits unstoppable, and then even more contribute next to nothing. Comparing it to the 'pity spot' people thought used to exist on the RSF, the pity-ee is soloing Hamidon while someone dealing s/l damage on the Monotony Of Lambda Sector is killing level 2 hellions in atlas park, when the mission is a level 50 tip in PI. The only challenge is finding enough people who deal psi damage willing to stick it out.

    And I'm not bashing you Flea. I disagree with your opinion, but I'll respect it. You had a nice quote for me to springboard my annoyance off of.
  5. I am curious what it took to reeducate Cai, so I know what to expect, you know.

    My first couple weeks of 30 hasn't been great, but its better than the first couple weeks of 29, course that isn't saying much.

    Happy Late Birthday.
  6. tbh, I knew what he was talking about and misread. My excuses are no sleep, and uh, none of your business.

    I've never actually used a semi-auto shotgun. I have a model 12 16 gauge that was built in 1927 that used to belong to my granddad and a 12 and 20 s/s berettas that were my dads.
  7. Missi and Con are gone. Con said he'd be back at some point.
    Lucas is still around.


    Dark armor isn't all that.
  8. Thanks for the advice. I was planning to scavenge my dvd burner for my old machine, and forgot to mention that. It doesn't look like that MB supports PATA, though.

    The 1GB 460 GTX is what I was leaning towards if I did go for a new card. It didn't look like there was much performance gain over it without spending a lot. The ATI cards do look like they might have better performance, but I've been hearing a lot of complaints about drivers locking up/crashing lately from people I play with.
  9. Had been considering upgrading my system lately, apparently it decided to act first. Main disk is toast and formatting it fails to fix the problem. Need to back up data on the secondary drive before I attempt to use it as the main disk. Assuming its the motherboard and not the disk, and maybe even if it is just the disk, considering going with a new machine.

    This looks interesting to me, but I havent really followed hardware in a while, outside of basic specs:

    I would add win7, and it needs a vid card. Out side of that, it seems to be everything, except perhaps for a better CPU cooler? It tends to top 80, sometimes 90 degrees where the machine sits in the summer.

    On the video card, what is a good deal at the moment? I don't really want to spend more than $150-$200 on top of the rest. If there isn't a good deal, I currently have a radeon 4650, which seems a little lightweight for that, but it should work for a while and its good enough to make coh look good enough for me, just no AA.

  10. We are going to make him play L4D.

    I've got a bunch of older bits and pieces laying around, some older ram and a processor. Ill see about inventorying it when I get home. If it'll work in your machine, you can have it Mari.
  11. There are the lawyer problems (safety on a hammered lever gun, srsly?), and then there are the skilled labor/hand fitting cost problems, imo.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    You can also convert Shards to Threads and then to IXP, and SHrds will drop during all normal game activities once you open the Alpha slot - plus, Incarnate components can be broken down into Shards too.
    I am aware.

    Arcana, my numbers are off, still going to be around 150 runs.
  13. The only reason I want more trials is because the five characters I choose to focus on for incarnate content due to time constraints, will have to do BAF between 80 and 100 times for judgement, and another 160-200 times for lore. I realize this is supposed to be our long term-end game, but with one mission capable of giving XP for it, that is going to get real grindy, real fast.
  14. Honestly, never shot a DA 22 revolver. Always been single actions.
    Have shot pythons/detective specials though, very nice sa and da triggers.
  15. Quatermain

    MoLambda baby

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Why would you doubt that?

    It's like a workers paradise!
    Arbeit macht frei
  16. There is a global channel called Australia and an SG/VG associated with it I believe.
  17. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

    Time to die.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    There's no difference between "powers" and "attacks". However, the same thing applies. Not every attack will be useful in every situation, either. However, in the particular case of the trials, there's no reason for Energy Melee's long animations to be an issue. Folks like Nightstar and Marauder are not going to suddenly get dropped before you pull off an Energy Transfer. Might some of the enemies around them? Sure. But here's a novel idea: play to your strengths. If you're not going to be useful taking out the 9CU ambushes, then let your teammates handle that part, while you pound on Siege.
    Thanks 4 invite. Afk till AV's.
  19. There seems to be some evidence that its some sort of a weighted system. Arcana is poking around the drop rate. Thought Uber said she found a table related to it, but didn't find the post in a 30 second search.
  20. Similar problems. I get connected fine from home. At work the browser seems to connect to the server, but then doesnt get a reply and just sits there waiting for one. Occasionally it will respond normally.
  21. If the stuff Mac is hopefully going to be working on goes wrong, I don't think ducking will help.

    Maybe there will be a fridge he can climb into though.
  22. Quatermain

    Thanks Mermoine!

    I know you are, but what am I.
  23. I should have been more specific when I posted. I have a very hard time believing it is that sophisticated, if it is weighted by contribution at all, but, these are somethings people were doing when they got the better reward.

    My best guess atm is that there is maybe a few actions which trigger some sort of weighting (shard table vs better reward), ala reward/no reward on hamidon.