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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post

    We're giving them away in Pocket D by directly messaging those in the zone. This is a truly random process.

  2. Just a follow-up on my GameStop enhancements-code situation ..

    Got an email from GameStop early today saying the mousepad had shipped (expected to arrive Monday). Was a little bummed at 1st, thinking my code would be with the pad .. & thus not arriving for another few days.

    Got an email this evening though (around like 8pm EST.) from GS with my enhancement code. So like the poster above mentioned .. check your email !
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    Same. No enhancements.

    What's the deal?

    Edit: Saw this in my Order History at gamestop.com:


    Meanin' my mousepad hasn't shipped yet.

    Still not sure what's up with the enhancements.

    Yeah .. what you said. Same exact situation here.

    I had first done the pre-purchase (or whatever it's called) through the NCSoft site, as I wanted to mess w/the new powers & such early.
    I like new shiny stuff , & the $$ wasn't a big issue... So when I saw the announcement here on 5/27 about the enhancements & such one would get pre-ordering through GameStop, I followed the links & placed my order early. (5/30 to be exact.)
    Got an email from GameStop yesterday saying the game had shipped. It arrived safely today via UPS. (No mouse pad .. order shows it as 'pending')Applied code .. got the additional game time & such, but no enhancements.
    To be honest, I didn't know anything about a mouse-pad & didn't remember seeing one listed in the promotion .. so I don't really care much about something I wasn't expecting anyway... But I would like the enhancements. Hopefully soon?

    I couldn't find anything current on the GameStop site about the preorder stuff .. but that's likely because the pre-order promo is over. I did find this info on a cached page :

    "Online Customers: A code and instructions on how to redeem your exclusive five exclusive character power enhancements will be emailed when the game releases. Razer Sphex City of Heroes desktop skin will ship with your game."

    Guess I'll keep checkin' the email.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhoenixKnight_NA View Post
    ... i also wonder how many more easter eggs the devs hide in plain sight.

    Me too. I find myself wandering around just looking for 'em sometimes .. and paying more attention to what mission text says.

  5. Quartex

    Base Raiding

    I loved base raids, & miss having them in the game.

    Raiding for IoP's was fine & fun .. but usually wasn't the point. It was more like PvP with a different type of strategy & planning. Whether you're looking to do head-to-head battle, trying to take out an SG bases energy/control, taking out the defending SG's hospital, setting up Raid Pylons (etc.. etc..) .. if you want to be successful, you need to coordinate & plan. I like PvP, & found Base Raids a fun twist to it, & a great reason to get together as an SG.

    If your SG possessed an IoP, then your base had to be raidable. If your SG didn't have one, you could opt out of raiding and schedule to do it when you wanted. (Or wait for the occasional random raid request).

    Our SG base is still raid-ready. All the guns, defenses, & such in the base are still in place. It's a nostalgic look for an SG base .. lol. (Hey, when was the last time u saw a truly heavily-armed / raid-ready base? Heh.)

    I think the devs would like to do something with base raids. I mean .. they included it in the game for a reason .. it's a fun feature. It adds more reason & meaning to being in a SG, and adds some unique twists to traditional PvP.
    Unfortunately, I also think the devs don't feel PvP in general is popular enough to devote serious attention to. And since base raids are basically PvP, I don't see 'em getting attention any time soon. Maybe some "Issue" when they're struggling for content ...

    As for CoP .. I remember the last time (years ago) that was functional. It'd been offline for a good while, & the devs reactivated it. They announced something to the effect that it was going to be back on for a week .. basically for testing of some sort. About 3 days in though it was shut down (because of the whole prestige/xp/etc bug). Was fun to run while it lasted ...
  6. Ok .. So I know I'm still getting used to the new Market interface, but damn .. I feel like I'm clicking all over the place just for a simple bid.

    How about these simple QoL changes :

    (1) Place a "Cancle" button next to the "Make Offer" button on the bidding screen. Why? Because I don't always .. heck, almost never .. start my bidding by throwing in my maximum bid. I start low & bid up, canceling the previous bid before bidding again. (Because it frees up that infamy for use in the bidding, and doesn't take up a bid slot.) With the new Market screen, after entering my bid & selecting "Make Offer", If I don't win the bid, I then have to move my mouse to the very bottom of the market screen .. grab the slider bar on the right & pull it down .. then click on "Cancel" .. Rinse & repeat 'till I get my item. Ugh! A "Cancel" button net to the "Make Offer" button would sure save a lot of time.

    (2) Yeah .. another button. A "Get" button next to "Make Offer" (& "Cancel" button). If I have a number of bids in, on a number of items .. as I often do .. I now have to go through pretty much the same process as above to even see if I WON the item. Place bid .. scroll to bottom .. grab bar on right & drag down .. look at bottom to see if "Cancel" has changed to "Get". (Or click on the "Bought" tab & look through the list there .. then back up to make another bid if it's not.) Just too much running around to place a bid.

    (3) Change the "Get" button to green, rather than the currnet red color .. which is the same color as cancel, etc. It'd catch the eye easier & let you know at a glance that you've won something, rather than having to kinda 'read' the list. (Or jump back & forth between tabs.) "Find" is a different color .. Can't "Get" be too?

    (4) Ok .. one more .. Could you change it so that when I click on a new category at the market, the text I previously typed at the top of the market screen doesn't change to read the new category I'm looking at? I've re-typed the same thing so many times over it's insane .. lol. Ok .. so it's not THAT bad .. but having to retype just because I sometimes click something at the market is kinda annoying. Especially when there doesn't seem to be a need or reason for it. I mean .. If I click on "Fixed Price" , the Fixed Price menu drops down to show the fixed price items, & on the right any fixed items for sale appear. So .. I know I found the "Fixed Price" section. I don't really need to see it in the search bar as well. :-)

    I'm sure a lot of hard work went into the new market interface, & I know once I get a little more used to it, I'll find it faster to navigate. Still, I think the above changes would be great.
  7. Quartex

    Issue 17

    ....Its pretty likely the Ultra testing will begin early next week from that little hiccup by on of the Community team
    I know not everyone is excited about "Ultra Mode". I've seen posts from people who say their computer is an older model and/or simply not capable of any really good graphics.

    Personally though, I can't wait!

    I do happen to have a great gaming computer .. I play CoX with every graphic option, bloom, etc. set to max. Doesn't even hiccup, and looks great .. but it still leaves me wanting more. It's a sharp looking game .. especially considering how long it's been out .. but a facelift would be fantastic !

    Definitely looking forward to trying out Ultra Mode ! (Hmm .. I wonder if they did any updating to the PhysX support for newer vid cards? Now that'd be a nice surprise!)
  8. I'm trying to finish slotting a couple (villain) toons & need some extra infamy.

    I've got an unused Knives of Artemis costume code if anyone wants to trade for some infamy.
    No set price .. I don't know what it's 'infamy value' is, lol. Just drop me a PM with an offer. Thanks !

    (Hope it's ok to post in-game-item for infamy .. never sure how that goes.)
  9. Noticed a while ago that villains & heroes can buff one another with Mystic Fortune. Works everywhere .. Pocket-D, Arena, PvP zones, etc. I guess since one is 'reading a fortune' and not 'buffing', it may be working as intended .. but figured I'd point it out, if it's not supposed to work that way.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    WOW! LIP's BREW PUB looks like the BREW HOUSE in Albany New York!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh .. I thought the same thing !