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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Morgant pulled out two hairties, quickly winding them around his hair to form it into his usual ponytail, staring down at the girl amusedly. "I wast testing mine physical limits...seeing how long I couldst go without breath. Yon longer I canst go, yon longer I canst survive in situations whither I canst nay breathe."
    He tilted his head to the side to shake himself off once more. "I didst, forsooth? What didst I miss, pray tell?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC blinked up at Morgant. Replaying his speech in her head, she tried to translate it into something she understood. "Wast...was...limits...canst...can....OH!" She grinned. "You were trying to see how long you can hold your breath! Why didn't you just say so?" Pulling herself out of the pool, she wrung the water out of her hair. "Besides, if you're going to be somewhere and you can't breathe the air, won't Freedom Corps give you a scuba tank or something?"

    "Anyway, you missed the waves! Lily got really made at the big 'bot and tossed him into the water. Big splash! And The lizard guy. I think he did something, 'cause then the big 'bot got dropped back into the water again. It was an even bigger splash!" She peered at him. "You couldn't feel that, even on the bottom?"

    In the kitchen, Lily had managed to assemble a passable sandwich. Sticking a bottle of water into her bag, she made her way to her new room. She didn't see any sign of her roommate, though one of the beds had a suitcase on it. Shrugging, she tossed her bag on the other one and sat down to eat her sandwich.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Morgant opened his eyes with a blink at CC's presence, about to say "what yon hell?" at her--also with it coming out as a slew of bubbles rather than words. He shook his head, his hair waving behind him, and quickly swam upwards to pop out of the water like a cork, bounding out and landing on the ground.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Oh...phooey," said the stream of bubbles from CC. Blinking at the sudden disappearance of the 'bots, she shrugged and kicked to the surface. Taking in a gulp of air, she held onto the side of the pool by a hand.

    [ QUOTE ]
    His hands reached up behind himself to wring it out, staring at the water to see if CC would surface as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Hi!" she said brightly. "What were you doing down there? How could you see anything with your eyes closed? You missed all the fun!" As she spoke, she brushed her hair out of her eyes, leaving it lying hapazardly across her horns.
  3. ((Try Cruse. She's based on Virtue, but might be able to help. You can send her a PM here on the boards.))
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Acid floated about lazily on his back, figuring that wave should be the last for now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Aww..." CC pouted a little as she swam in circles. Quickly getting bored with the repetitive motion, she dived down to the bottom. There was a Kheldian, a baby 'bot, a big 'bot, and the motorcycle man ((Morgant)). CC swam up to the motorcycle man and tapped his shoulder. "Whatcha doing down here with your eyes closed?" she asked. Which sort of came out as a mass of bubbles instead of words.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    "Someone needs a sense of humour," Toy Dispenser said as the tree threw him about ten feet before his anti-grav system kicked in and halted him in mid-air. "And yes, that was hilarious."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lily's ears wiggled a little as she toweled off. "Oh, I have a sense of humor. I thought that was funny," she replied, indicating the tree and the dandelion. Wrapping the towel around her, she tugged off her boots and padded towards the house. Grabbing her duffel bag, she made a quick stop in the kitchen.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "...Yeah, I'm heading up." she said, very carefully taking off her goggles and putting them somewhere safe.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Okay, kiddo, see ya!" CC slipped back down into the water and kicked down to the deep end. Tapping Acid's shoulder, she grinned. "Do it again!"
  6. The first wave caught CC by surprise, and she nearly smashed into the steps at the shallow end of the pool. "What the heck?" Twisting around, she saw Lily grinning maliciously and climbing out of the pool. She had just enough time to register that Combat Toy was climbing out of the pool when he suddenly disappeared - and dropped right back into the water.

    "Waaahhh!" CC winced as she was sent back into the steps. Wiping her eyes, she found herself sitting in waist deep water and glaring at Acid. "Some warning next time, okay?!?" Looking over at Essex, she asked, "You alright?"

    Lily had managed to make it out of the pool before Combat Toy made his second appearance. She still got hit square in the back by the splash though, which just irritated her even more. Seeing Toy Dispenser by the grill, she stalked over and stood in front of him, hands on hips, dripping.

    "Enjoying the comedy?" Lily's tone was anything but friendly. "Don't you think the director should take a bow too?" A tree near the grill bent down and wrapped its limbs around Toy Dispenser. Struggling to lift him, the tree bent all the way back and then snapped forward, intent on launching him towards the beach.

    "Oops. Wrong direction. My bad," Lily said, squelching off to find some towels.
  7. ((Does anyone else get the song "Bad Company" stuck in their head every time they see the Bad Company thread?

    I'll be...Baaad Company....til the day I die...

    Whether those are the words or not, that's what plays in my an endless loop...over and over and over and over...))
  8. "Sonuva-" Lily's curse was cut short by the water. Surfacing from her ungraceful dive, she sputtered some more curses and pushed her sunglasses up onto her head. Rivelets of water streamed down her face.

    "You. Have. A. Lot. Of. Nerve."

    The dandelion Lily had noticed earlier suddenly grew in size, towering over Combat Toy. It wrapped two of its leaves around the robot and hefted it up off the ground. Taking a moment to get the motion right, the giant dandelion swung its leaves towards the pool. Combat Toy would land right in the middle of the deep end while the weed would flex, right before shrinking back to its normal size. It would be the ultimate event in the little weed's life.

    CC knelt down in the shallow end to allow Essex to climb off her back. "Oh, I see. So you're the baby of the family? I know exactly where you're coming from. I've got tons of them too...even lost a few." CC's smile was sad for an instant. "But they wouldn't want you to mope around!" She reached out and ruffled Essex's hair. "Gotta show 'em you're not the baby, you're the best!"
  9. CC chuckled and patted Essex's head before slowly making her way towards the shallow end. "It's okay. It takes time to learn. I'm happy to help you if you want! Probably safer here than in the ocean. Less waves!"

    Still swimming, CC twisted around to look at Essex. "How old are you anyways? I thought everyone learned to swim when they were little."
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    There was a loud clapping sound and a large splash, mostly resulting from the belly-flop the android perpetrated right in the middle of the deep end.

    Held up by the water-wings, she floated back up to the surface after the dive, spluttering and flailing.

    ";_; Gaaah..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC laughed merrily and swam up to tread water next to Essex. "Oh don't worry, you're alright. Probably stung more than anything. Want a ride to the shallow end? You can just put your arms around my neck and I'll swim us down there."

    Meanwhile, Lily stared up at Combat Toy with a sneer.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "You two don't look like much," the big bot rumbled.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "How shocking. Considering we come up to maybe your waist." Lily crossed her arms over her chest and shifted slightly. She spotted a small dandelion growing through a crack in the concrete right at Combat Toy's feet and stifled a grin. Glad for her sunglasses, she continued to stare up at the 'bot. "Why do you care anyway, tin man?"
  11. CC grinned up at Essex on the driving board. "It's not that bad! Besides there are plenty of us in here to help you." She held up her arms to the little android. "Want me to catch you?"

    Lily ambled over towards the pool, ignoring the trail of clothes CC had left behind. She stood a few feet back, out of the range of any more possible cannonballs, and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, she jumps in with both feet, I'll give her that." Glancing over at Pyro-Technis, she smirked. "Not fond of water either, I take it?"
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Wasnt there a super villain school to go alogn with the heroe school and anti hero school?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((There was, but the thread died for various reasons. It hasn't been culled yet, so if you search a few pages back, you might find it.))
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Acid laughed heartily. yeah, he was liking this, whether he'd admit it or not.

    "I'm gonna guess you got control over fire then, hm?" he retorted, igniting the grill and placing the first row of steaks on it, "Well, I usually don't need any help, but...hey, here comes Helper."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC shook her head vigorously. "Oh no, Lily's the one that burns stuff. But I've helped Dad barbeque lots!" She nodded mostly politely as Helper joined them, and then trundled off again.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Turning to CC, he went on, "Well, if you wanna help, I guess we can always use a good and even heat distribution. And truth be told, I don;t think Morsko or I will be using our room much - we're kinda outdoorsy. So if you don't mind random people walking into it at any given time to get stuff, you're welcome to stay there..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "That would be great! I'll let Lily know. Um...and yeah, I don't do heat or anything, but I'm used to folks walking in and out. Lots o' siblings." CC grinned happily and went off to find Lily.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Stell nodded at Lily. "Sounds good. Good luck dealing with the kid." The kheldian lifted into the air and flew to her new room with her bags. Just fairly tossing her bags into the room, she opened a window and decended to the others on the ground.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lily just shrugged. "Same to you. At least I won't have to worry about being kept up all night by football talk." She barely suppressed a shudder. Wandering over to the entrance to the beach, she stared almost longingly at the beautiful white sands.


    CC nearly bowled Lily over.

    "Indoor voices, CC. Indoor voices."

    "But....we're outside...." CC looked confused.

    Lily facepalmed. "Nevermind. Look, I'm switching rooms with that floaty girl...Stella-something."

    CC shrugged. "That's fine. I'm gonna room with that big lizard guy...Acid Naught or something?" She pointed over towards the grill. "He says he and Mostly stay outdoors and stuff. So I've got a single room, mostly!" CC bounced on her toes. "Isn't that great?"

    "Yeah...sure...hmm...maybe I should stay with Stella. Two fire newts in one room is probably a bad idea..." Lily brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. "Eh, I can always switch back."

    CC wasn't paying attention. She'd just glanced over towards the pool and everyone jumping in. Her eyes positively lit up. "Yeah...whatever...sure..." She grinned. "I'm going swimming!" She headed for the pool at a sprint, shedding her hat, shoulder pads, gloves, boots, socks, belt, shirt and shorts as she went.

    "Whee!" CC dived into the deep end and swam down to touch the bottom of the pool. Waving to Mini-Bot, she kicked back up the surface and wiped water out of her eyes. "This is going to be fun!"

    ((Ebb and flow is fine. Hope I've caught up...))
  14. ((May I make a suggestion? Some of your posters are not in the continental US, and so are posting at odd hours. Perhaps it would be easiest to designate a specific time, say 12 midnight Pacific, for when a cut-off/advance happens. Given enough warning, folks can get their posts in and if they're not able to, their next post can "wrap-up" the previous day. Just a thought.))
  15. "An ice breaker?" Lily made a face. "If we have to. I'm sure she won't mind." Glancing over at Stellarmare, Lily shrugged. "You can swap with me. Or whatisname." She indicated Morgant with a jerk of her thumb.

    Meanwhile, CC was happily exploring the outside. She'd tested the temperature of the pool and the hot tub, poked around in the bushes, and peered down the path to the beach. Her ears perked up when Acid mentioned grilling.

    "Hey, can I help? I help my dad all the time. You don't want to ask Lily though. She gets all pouty when you ask her to a controlled burn." CC grinned at her roommate. "'Course, she's probably trying to swap me with someone don't wanna switch rooms, do you?" she asked Acid, looking up at him.
  16. ((Seriously? I loved Catcher in the Rye...then again, I read A Farewell to Arms and enjoyed that too. Must be something about rain and alcohol.

    I'd have to argue that Billy and Holden Caulfield are nothing alike. While they have similar behaviors, at their core they do not share anything. Caulfield, if I remember correctly, has no great need to be liked. He's a member of a priviledged elite, and as such expects to be handed everything he needs. He's literally having his last fling before setting down into the routine of an elevated social strata.

    Billy actually genuinely cares for people, and doesn't (always) view them as objects to be used or ignored. He's insecure, yes, but at his core he wants to make a difference in the world. Caufield is merely disaffected, and cannot see what difference he might make.

    Now...this is from having read the book nearly 8 years ago. *sighs as she gives away her age* Please correct me if I've completely misremembered.))
  17. ((Hmm...what an interesting point, Prodiguy. I think that most Heroes/Villains lack parents, or even guiding figures, because it tends to complicate the story. You made me think though...what about my characters?

    Heroside, most of them have family. Maybe not both parents, but there's definitely some sort of support structure. I only have one, actually, that is an orphan. Villainside, I have four that are orphans, but only for two of them does it actually matter. I have one that's been disowned, as well, and two 'bots.

    What about everyone else? What does your mix look like? ))
  18. CelticCross watched the roommate-swapping and sighed. She was still stuck with Lily. When a tour of the grounds was proposed though, she perked up.

    "C'mon, let's tag along! We gotta see where we're spending the next week, right?" Tightening her ponytail, she headed outside with the rest of the group.

    "I guess..." Lily ambled along after them. "Do you guys mind if we tag along? Seeing as how you all know each other already...I hate to intrude on a happy family..."

    CC seemed to have no such qualms, already dashing out the doors and across the lawn. "Look! A pool!"
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    There's just something about going through level after level of adrenalin-busting sidescroll action just to have to fight the cute little reploid you were trying to save in the first place.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((AHA! As I suspected...Essex is out to kill us all! She's just too cute to live! ))
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Rooming arangements have been provided as comfortable resting places, nothing more. Switching of roomates is not PROHIBITED... Unit Lyden permits it, but is of the opinion that the simplest method of removing a roomate would be voting them off."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Fair enough," Lily shrugged. Raising an eyebrow, she glanced at the group. "So...Pinky's with Greyman and Mister Colorful's with Wags? Anyone want CC? I'm still open to options..."
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    "Main floor west wing room 1: Essex, Rosalind. Room 2: Cortianna, Stellarmare. Room 3: CelticCross, Lily. Room 4: Solid Shot, Toy Dispenser. Room 5: Hermes Helper, Kefetasura. Second floor northwest wing room 1: Kaloaten, Tomanton. Room 2: Hallucinogen, Moonscribe. Room 3: Sir Morgant, Kairaishi. Room 4: Experiment 2.0, Pyro-Technis. Room 5: Acid Zero, Morsko."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC positively squealed. "Isn't that great Lily? We get to room together! Oooh, and we can do each other's hair and makeup, and I can teach you all about football and you can teach me gardening and let's go see what the room is like!" There was an undertone of sarcasm in her words, even as she grabbed Lily's wrist and started to head out of the room.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Who wants to trade?" [Rosalind] demanded.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lily wrenched herself out of CC's grip and grimaced. "I will. You're welcome to Happy McHyper over there. Or better yet, let the two of them entertain themselves, and you and I can have some peace and quiet." She glanced over at Kefetasura. "Yeah...I don't find his offer quite as tempting."
  22. CC nearly bounced when it was her turn. "Catherine Anne Magdelene O'Malley! I go by CelticCross in Paragon though...CC for short." She grinned. "I like to get right up close and give 'em that one-two punch! And I'm pretty sturdy too!"

    Lily sighed and smacked CC upside the head. "And hyper. I'm Lily. LilyPhoenix. I've got a red thumb...I grow stuff and then set it on fire." She leered at Cortianna and Pyro-Technis. "Looks like I'm in good company too." She settled back against the couch, hissing as CC kicked her in the heel in pouty retaliation.

    ((Yeah, so CC's hat should be white, but I think I got everything else right. And since I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow [work connection was incredibly flaky - many thanks again to Bayani for posting for me] just assume Lily and CC follow the group around, if there's a tour or what have you.))
  23. "What's with the football makeup?" The pale redhead sneered at the other taxi passenger.

    "What's with the attitude?" The grey-skinned carrot-top sneered right back.

    "Hrmph. At least you've got decent taste in shoes."

    "Yeah, whatever."

    As the taxi approached the house, both girls quieted. They'd been sniping at each other for most of the ride. Given their attitudes, it was completely understandable that the taxibot "accidentally" let them go about 40 feet above the ground.

    "HEY!" they screamed in unison, but the taxi was gone, vanishing into the sky. The two landed with a whumph, sprawling on the ground in a tangle of arms and legs.

    "Get off me, you pansy!" There was a punch thrown.

    "Lily! Not a pansy you cry-baby devil!" Someone was pinched.

    "Demon! I'm a demon! Get that through your head, you pyro!" Hair was definitely pulled.

    "There's nothing wrong with fire, you horned toad!" With a slap, the two girls separated and stood staring at each other, furious. Then slowly, they turned to look at the rest of the group that was gathered in front of the house. Unconciously, they took a few steps so that they stood side-by-side.

    "Lily?" The grey-skinned copper-top tugged her green baseball cap down around her pointed ears and shifted uncomfortably in her green football pads. There were indeed black streaks under her eyes, and a large orange celtic design on her t-shirt. Small orange horns poked up through the cap.

    "Yeah, CC?" The pale redhead tugged on her red and yellow vest, and shifted from side to side in her red work boots. The rings on her belt jingled softly as she peered over the top of her wrap-around shades. Her own pointed ears wiggled slightly.

    "We're stuck with a bunch of weirdos."

    ((Hope this suffices. Sounds like fun. For the record, Lily is a Villain, and CC is a Hero.))
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Personally, I'd go with WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    My bots/traps MM's first tier bots are:

    FoxtrotFireTeam (Coming Soon! [TM])

    I believe Fire Teams are the small groups of Marines that form the base of the battalion pyramid. I unfortunately cannot remember the proper hierarchy, but feel free to post it if you know.))
  25. Pyrria

    Combat Evac

    ((You can also use to sign into AIM, YIM, Jabber/GTalk and MSMessenger, if your company happens to be extra tight with ports. Totally web-based.

    And yeah, I've been using some sort of chat, IRC, or instant messenger to RP for about as long as Terminus. Give you one guess what my AIM/YIM/MSMessenger screenname is. ))