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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I think there should be only one ball in each game at any given time but that it would switch zones once each day. Just so that there's a bit of variety in the zones. Or if it's only one zone that can get the BRB then make it Faultline. The terrain would make it quite interesting in my opinion, and it would have the added bonus of increasing traffic to faultline becasue of all the ball-hunters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly - the ball should spawn in low traffic areas.

    or in random areas each reboot. My 2 cents.
  2. 1. Put it in less populated zones - ie FAULTLINE.
    2. Have it spawn in a random zone every server reboot.

    BTW - found this old SNL warning label below - seem fitting to have the INFO text on the ball to be similiar...

    Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Happy Fun Ball.

    Caution: Happy Fun Ball may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.

    Happy Fun Ball Contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

    Do not use Happy Fun Ball on concrete.

    Discontinue use of Happy Fun Ball if any of the following occurs: Itching, Vertigo, Dizziness, Tingling in extremities, Loss of balance or coordination, Slurred speech,Temporary Blindness,
    Profuse sweating, Heart Palpitations.
    If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

    Happy Fun Ball may stick to certain types of skin.

    When not in use, Happy Fun Ball should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration... Failure to do so relieves the makers of Happy Fun Ball, Wacky Products Incorporated, and its parent company Global Chemical Unlimited, of any and all liability.

    If Happy Fun Ball should become soiled, wipe gently with a soft cloth moistened with sulfuric acid.

    Ingredients of Happy Fun Ball include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

    Happy Fun Ball has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

    Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

    Happy Fun Ball comes with a lifetime guarantee.
  3. Psycho_MUD

    Badge Questions

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    Basically: if it was meant to be taken down by more than 1 team, it gives the badge. Mission versions are scaled down versions that are more like AV's, thus able to be defeated by a single team, and thus do not give the badge.

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    You might need to buff Giant Monsters then. There's not one in the game that requires more than one team to defeat.

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    Will do.

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    Oh boy - just when you thought it was safe to hang out near portal corp in PeriGRIND Island again....

    Now instead of newb lowbies getting griefed there - it will be lvl 50s.
  4. I noticed this wasn't in the guides and jokingly I was talking to someone the other day about how they failed the respec trail in CoV, what i told him is the same info thats in this guide - read on:

    How to win a RESPEC - the easy way! v. 1.0

    1) Have your account active long enough so that within an update (maybe 2) you will get a free respec.

    WARNING: This could take upward of 6 months or more or less, you never know.

    The end.
  5. Psycho_MUD

    To Manticore

    Lord Recluse too?!?!?!? Yeah I got Gil and Mant mixed up there for a sec.

    Man, I hope we don't lose CuppaJo. That would be a dark day for CoX.

    I'll always be a Cuppa-fan. She's helped me TWICE with problems concerning the game/account - which is not even in her realm of dutys (I think).
  6. Psycho_MUD

    To Manticore

    I thought Manticore left CoH to work on another game?
  7. Ryoushi Oni's Ninja/Dark Guide Vol I

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    I haven't seem a single guide using the ninja powerset. The ninja MMs I see in game seem to only have traps and trick arrow secondary powersets. Ninjas seem to be melee powerhouses, so I'm suprised I don't see more people combining the ninja offense with a defensive secondary like dark miasma. A ninja overlord with shadow powers doesn't seem very farfetched for roleplaying either. Is there some sort of fatal flaw in ninja/dark miasma that I'm not seeing, and why isn't this combination more popular?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Absolutely not.

    I run Ninja/Dark. It's FANTASTIC! Dark complements Ninjas perfectly. Here's how:

    Genin: The wimpy minions - what make them stand out is their ability to melee enemies into being dizzy. By the time you get 3 of these little bad boys you are constantly planting dizzy blows to the skull on most types of baddies. They earn their keep in melee.

    Jounin: Many consider to be the best "leutenant class" minion. Why? Upgraded they placate - OFTEN. These guys can be insane! Set them on attack at close (but not melee) range. They lead with caltrops - a nasty little "burn patch" equivelent that make the foes scatter immediately (thus not leading with their alpha strike) or sit and "burn". After this, GOTO them to melee and watch them placate, choppy-chop, placate, choppy-chop your opponents into a taste pile of spilt blood. Nutshell - initial close range attack then put em in for the kill. Lastly they do TONS of KNOCKDOWN!

    TIP BREAK: Lead genin in to suck up alpha strikes/AoE strike while Jounin attack from close range (avoiding the nasty inital attacks. Then Jounin come to aide their little brothers in combat.

    Oni: GREAT (but not best) "boss class" minion. Why? Well you have a few options with this guy. You know how every once in a while you'll get that ONE MOB that likes to run the second he/she is attacked? Well ONI (at long range) tend to drop rings of flame on them. SO if you got a runner, oni will stop them dead in their tracks. Secondly, at close (not melee) range the Oni forgets his Tic-Tacs and breathes a NASTY firebreath on opponents! VERY GOOD attack! Lastly, at close range, Oni takes a beating and has a tendency to grab some aggro off the Genin while Jounins are placating. This give lil ole Genin a couple more minutes to foot plant dizzy kicks while Jounin disappear (placte) and Oni tickles the enemies adams apple with his nice Fire Blade (grabbing aggro). Also lots of knockdown!

    TIP BREAK: AT long range, lead with Oni, lock em up, charge in half the distance, begin all attack. Then close to Melee (goto) and order all attack again.

    What happens? (in order - especially with bosses)
    1) Lock up mob with fire ring.
    2) Mob fires initial "big range" attack at charging Oni - Oni laughs. All you ninjas are charging mob now.
    3) Hit attack outside of melee. Ninjas now toss tacs on mob who can't move (rmember ring of flame?) - mob sobs about sore feet. Damage numbers begin to spin above mobs head like a slot machine. At same time, Oni lets loose his burp from hell. Genin toss stars for a laugh.
    4) Ninjas close on melee. Genin lead with dizzy kick - possibly stopping mob from his/her "alpha strike in melee" attack. Mob still locked in fire ring and tacs still under feet. Jounin attack then begin placating and doing CRIT DAMAGE.
    5) Mob dies a painful death.

    "Ok so thats ninjas, how bout dark + ninjas smarty pants!"

    Check this out:
    1. Darks heal is AoE and you have to target foe. Hmmm. Follow above methods then charge in with a nice juicey heal for you ninjas friends then back out - negating the alpha strikes - THANKS COOL-AIDE MAN! OH YEAH!
    2. Ninjas lack DEFENCE slotting. This is where your stealth power (forget name - thats why this guide is version 1) comes in - 6 slot 3 def and 3 dam res. Sit behind your ninjas at every step - BINGO! STRONGER NINJAS! Plus you get stealth ninjas 100% of the time! Ninjas should always be stealthy - THEY'RE NINJAS!
    3. SMOKE POWER! Hmm, placating Jounin are nice - how bout placating ONI! Or GENIN! Someone taking the brunt of the attacks and you don't want them to die? Hand them this tastey Marlboro and they will puff, puff, give a ton of damage to the punk you are up against! Great for Parties!
    4. TAR! Hmmm, Caltrops, Ring of Fire, Dizzyness, knockdown. Just add a touch of TAR and those baddies ain't going to be leaving the tack patches ANYTIME soon!
    5. Howling twilight! Ally REZ! Only recommend if you REALLY love grouping.
    6. Dark has a NASTY PbAoE DEBUFF! Makes them Genin kicks sting all that much more and makes Freak Tanks whiff like a blind man at a tennis match! (forget name though - see version 2 later)
    7. Pick up Air superiority! If a ninja fails to juggle a mob with its knockdown, charge in, kick in some Air Sup, and flip dat sheeeeet! Also a cheap "back up" to TAR to pull mobs out of the sky/keep them on the ground.
    8. Dark Servant. Whats better than 6 debuffing/attacking/immobilizing/slowing ninjas? 7! YES! Just add Dark Fluffy and he will debuff and immobilize your enemies into a permanent coma! Lastly - toss in yourself - thats 8! Count them 8! Invisible, immobilizing, debuffing, dizzying, defence laced ninjas! Just sign here! __________ and take home a cute cuddle Dark/Ninja today!

    *WARNING: Dark/Ninjas may cause soreness, lose of sight, shortness of breath, headaches, vomitting, irratable bowel syndrome, hang-overs, pregnancy, pain in the joints, blood in urine, addiction, increased flatulence, and sweaty palms. Consult this message thread for further direction as it is released. Not for Children under the age of 3. Keep away from open flame.

    Seriously, Dark/Ninjas are FUN. But timing and tactics are key. I don't recommend for those who aren't the "thinking man's" CoV player. Their strengths are in melee.

    Hope that helps!

    Ryoushi Oni - 30 Dark/Ninja MM - Guardian
  8. Yes he's refering to Leeroy Jenkins. ME and a couple of friends found a couple Leeroy movies. He's a greifer who likes to join guilds (SGs) them burn them and loot the corpses/mission gear. Rinse, repeat, etc. etc. Best griefer ever IMHO.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Heck just yesterday I say a Statesman car commercial - so its begun. ;-)

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    Wait, that acctualy happened? To the interweb my minions!

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    Oh yes, its real. I think Hyundai makes the Statesman Car, lemme check....

    Nope - Daewoo makes it. All the older Korean men who wanna look rich drive around in that piece of crud.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    There's no market for CoH in China.

    No Gold to farm. No loot to camp for.

    Sorry, Jack, you'll be limited to actual fans, not 1.6 million GOLD farmers in some Shanghia sweatshop.

    Blizzard encourages slave labor in communist countries, story at 11:00pm

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to let you know - there is more to asia than CHINA. I'm in KOREA. (Although, American.)

    Statesman does have a point.

    Some reference -

    Here in KOREA there are a LOT of VIDEO GAME channels. Including local koreans who play game tournements on TV for hard money. Games are HUGE business here - and this is just KOREANS (who knows bout Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan, etc, etc) - I can speak from first hand experience since I've lived here for a couple years only the few english speaking channels are BBC, Discovery, and AFN.

    WoW and Lineage are HUGE here. There litterally is thousands of "cyber-caffes" in this country and they all push WoW and Lineage (as it seems).

    Lineage of course since it's owned by NCSoft - a Korean company - is SUPERBIG here.

    So you would think when Heroes comes "out" here it will be big right? Well MAYBE. Culturally the koreans have no (what we consider) superheros. Their comics are based on love stories and martial arts (similair to japan). So its a toss up how Heroes will pan out over here.

    It could be a flop *OR* (I think if NC Soft gets behind it) - it could be pushed to the wide Korean audience - then TAKE OFF like Lineage and WoW.

    Heck just yesterday I say a Statesman car commercial - so its begun. ;-)

    We will see.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Where do you think SirBruce gets his numbers?


    What's great is that people have been saying we're ddddoooommmeeedd since launch, and yet surprisingly, here we are.

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    Heheh, not to get off topic (but I will)....I'm gonna use statesman's onw words in my next sig...

    Statesman Quote:
    "What's great is that...we're ddddoooommmeeedd since launch..."

    (I FOX newsed it up a bit though.)
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    we don't need to have massive tanks and all (tough that would be fun) how about personal sized vehicles, like jetpacks, hoverboards, sinister looking mopeds...

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    I can see Statesman's point about vehicles. I mean come on, everyone will ride in a "batmobile" if they do that. And with all the traffic and civilians and roads that make no sense of direction - it's kinda pointless. You won't even be able to pick up speed before you slam into a civilian - or cut a turn to close and - bam - you hit a stop sign. Unfun.

    HOWEVER - personalized 1 man vehicles is a decent solution. Mopeds, skateboards, even as big as a small motorcross bike/motorcycle would WORK in the environment - cause it takes up far less space. Heck, I'd even go with Hero's riding on SEGWAYS. ;-)

    How different is it between the purple slide vs a graphic for a SEGWAY? Hmmm. Hero is in stand up position and slides across ground, 2 big wheels and a stick next to his feet and middle of his body respectively.

    And all these "vehicles" could come with an extra dimensional "garage". The animation for turning it off is, you step off yer small vehicle, pull out a metal box (think aide other) - open a smal portal, and your vehicle gets sucked in.

    HOw hard is that?
  13. [censored]! That vidoe was AWESOME!

    I gotz tah know - how did you make the freaks line up and dance and show the cards with numbers on them? That was amazing!

    You should get a special badge for that video!
  14. Just an afterthought and I am sure it's asking A LOT of the devs but - when you are in SG mode and teamed up with other SG members - get a TEMP POWER (slow recharge) to use that involves 2 or more people to kick off the power -

    Fastball Special anyone?
  15. A LOT of good suggesttions here - I agree with most of em. Even though it was mentioned before I wanna toss in my 2 cents for suggestions that I like most (in case you are keeping count).

    1) Give SG leaders ability to make an SG description. This description can be see from a list of SGs accessed on the city terminals.

    2) SG alerts! Leader can instantly "call" all members online to assemble at HQ by initiating the SG alert system. This would appear as a spotlight in the sky with the SG symbol (RE: Batman-ish) - and only viewable by SG members - so we don't have 50 different spotlights and what not shining in the night sky. SIDE NOTE: make this an option, a) spotlight signal, b) audable alarm sound with blinking warning appearing on a members screen (Supergroup X - ASSEMBLE!), or c) portal opens up next to SG member to TP him to the SG HQ.

    Aside from that I love ths SG HQ ideas - make em cost influence! Put banks in the HQ, make it cost INF to buy "Hazzard rooms" where people can train, gain no xp and lose no debt when they die. A Viewing room that replays the action in the hazzard room. A Lab where SG members can "sell their goods" (enhancements, etc if they don't wish to donate freely in the bank vault). Please make this happen States! CoH really needs more fun options to compete with other online games.
  16. I personally am responcibile with this next one:

    Me - Scrapper 30
    Friend 1 - Controller 28
    Friend 2 - Blaster 29

    Friend 1 and 2 hit same door by mistake - 2 "TRICK" spawns (2 witches, 1 zombie, 1 Vamp lord). Me (scrapper) says "Lets make this interesting" - click on door to spawn a werewolf and zombie. Chaos ensues. Hehehehe!
  17. (OOC: Seriously, I play my hero mentally hanidacpped.)

    [ QUOTE ]

    Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: Hel-lo! You are mah friend! Give me huggies! *hugs Harris*

    [ QUOTE ]

    Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: I don't like da bad people! I takes mommies kitchen knives and put on my fists and, and, and - I CUT DEM! They bad!

    [ QUOTE ]

    Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: I'm this years old. *Holds up both hands and rapidly opens and closes both of them three times.*

    [ QUOTE ]

    Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

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    Rabbid Muskrat: I like to drwaw! Want to see? No?....OK.

    [ QUOTE ]

    What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabid Muskrat: *Sits in chair and stares blankly at Harris, drool starts to form on the left side of his mouth.*

    [ QUOTE ]

    Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: Ahhh, ummm. I fight bad peepo. Because dey bad. When I am little, one of dem kill my pet - it was a muskwat! His name was Herman. I'm dis years old. *Holds up both hands, opens and closes them four times, laughs to himself, turns hands to himself and opens and closes them again.*

    [ QUOTE ]

    What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: My clwaws! *Activates smiley face button on glove, claws extend out - SNNKT! Swings arms around widly, slicing his own leg by accident* Uh - ooooh!, Uh - ooooh!!!

    [ QUOTE ]

    How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: *trying to control his bleeding* Uh-oooh! UH- OOOH! Poopy! UH-OOOH! POOPY! I poopied! I cut mah-self and poopied! Don't tell! YOU DON'T TELL! NO NO NO! No!

    [ QUOTE ]

    and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

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    Rabbid Muskrat: *Gets bleeding under control.* Huh-huh! I poopied! What chu say?

    [ QUOTE ]

    I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rabbid Muskrat: I'm dis years old! *Opens and closes hands repeatedly.*