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  1. LOL, while I kinda dont agree with the things he finds negative about the game. And I think he kinda focuses on the negatives in his review. I did find the part where he tried to suicide his toon at the end hilarious.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    It's like 7am over there. Let them at least have their coffee :/
    Heck with their coffee. Get the store working NAOH!

    I'm partially kidding of course, they can get the store working in 10 seconds from now and it'll be good.

    Ok, 15 seconds. I'm not totually heartless.
  3. Exactly, any post from a red name as to when the store would be back up would be appreciated. And we're also suppose to be able to buy the support pack for the alpha and omega auras, as well as the stances today. I'm not seeing them in the playNC store either.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    Is this on a Live server or on the Beta server?

    As for if you did pre-purchase (note: NOT pre-order), you can always check your Account Management with NCsoft.

    If you truly did not pre-purchase and are on a Live server, there's a problem.
    It's on a live server. And I did pre order. There's a code entered on March 3 of this year that says EXPANSION.

    However, I still do not remember pre ordering the game. Nor can I find any open orders from Amazon or EB games.

    Not that I'm really worried about it. Most of the time when you pre order something you have to throw down $5 USD. And while I dont like throwing money away. I'm still not going to go bezerk over it.

    Looks like I know who's going to be getting Alzheimers in 20 or so years.

    <------------- THIS GIRL!


    Wait, is it possible I pre purchased the game digitally thru NCsoft? Cause if I did that I dont want to be rushing out this Tuesday (Which I have off BTW) and buying it again. lol
  5. I'm not sure if that's it. Or if I preordered while drunk. Both are highly possible, since I have been known to play on Pinnacle from time to time.
  6. The reason I ask this, is cause I have access to the Dual Pistols powerset. But I dont remember pre ordering GR?

    And if you must ask. The reason why I havent pre ordered GR is because I plan on being at EB games when they open this Tuesday and picking up a copy then.

    So umm, if I have access to Dual Pistols. Then I musta pre ordered from somewhere. lol. Right?
  7. Well, it's not just 2 servers. There's been reported problems in the tech forums on Champion and I think Victory too. Anyways. It's not a isolated incident. However that doesnt make me any less angst'd
  8. OMG Nemsis Crunch! Perfection!!!!
  9. I got a feeling it's going to be all the west coast servers before long.

    Someone said Liberty bit the dust too. I bet the devs would be all over this if it was Freedom that was down.
  10. And on a totally unrelated topic. Shadowkitty, I love that video with the kitten.
  11. Liberty a west coast server too? Maybe California's broken off and is sinking into the ocean. If so I better start doing some server transfers stat!
  12. Well, I had no problem getting onto pinnacle or freedom. Not very happy about this. We're having a hard enough time keeping people playing on this server and **** like this happens.

    Looks like it's time for me to climb on my high horse.
  13. Well, after a lag spike my toon last all global chat channels, then crashed out. Now I cant access the server with any toons.

    Bout time PlayNC broke down and bought some better servers.
  14. At this point if a mod could just delete this whole thread I would appreciate it. I'm in the process of attempting to reinstall the game right now.
  15. It appears somehow that the files attached to the Rikti War zone are corrupted. I've tried verifying the file and even deleted the checksum and checked the files but still I cannot access the RWZ.

    Short of completely uninstalling and reinstalling CoH, how do I fix this? There has to be a file that's corrupted that I can delete and then get checked out.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Shouldn't Protean be posting using everyone's redname account except his own?

    Aaaand, would we be scoring points with Manticore every time we give you a hard time on here?
  17. You people are wrong on so many different levels....I love it!!!

    Money earned, subscribers, all those statistics pale in comparison to deaths per minute.

    CoX is the best MMO on the market.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
    Actually, I think they should pay you to make videos to promote the game Samuraiko!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DojhromTRW View Post
    My favorite is switching the mouse/key board on the computers, or if someone is away from the computer: printscreen, hide icons, change back ground to the screen shot :-).
    LOL, that's pretty darn good. Going to have to try that one day.
  20. Protonic_Flux

    Good Bye

    Take care, and the door will always be open for you when you come back. Just look for us haunting the Jello Shooters channel.
  21. I went with The Lonely Shepherd. Not sure why. Just seemed to fit my gun toating maniac.


    So, umm....Not to state the obvious too much. But who's gonna take the name Jello Shooter?
  22. Well, yes and no. I ran CoH test server on the old computer and it ran perfectly. I copied all the files over to the new computer and set it up exactly the same way as it was set up on the old computer checksums for about 15 seconds then just hangs while trying to download a file manifest. So whatever is wrong has to be on their end.

    My guess is the test server is just being overwhelmed with people trying to update it? I dont know why that would be....

    Anyways, going to try and recopy everything and transfer it over again and see if that helps.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JLove View Post
    Oh God, how can I say this without turning up as an unrecognizable charred corpse along some dusty highway ditch wearing a diaper full of Texas sized fire ants with my eyes replaced with screwdrivers?

    Remember way back in the day when this thread got started and everyone was like “WOW those are great resistance costume pieces, I can’t wait to wear them, splat, splat, splat,” and “Oh super keen, first I changed my desktop to a lolz cat and now my crippling depression doesn’t seem so bad anymore, because I have a reason to live again, I get to wear glowing stuff.” Well, get out a mop and find something sharp. That picture is of a NPC, not a new costume set.

    Me so sorry about that there wasn’t a clearer explanation of what was going on in the screenshot, I really am. But when you get down it and think about this rationally, this is really your fault, you jumped to a conclusion. You know I told you a thousand times not to do that, but I guess I need to teach you another lesson in the silence of the basement, next to the treadmill you don’t use anymore. Looks like you and I won’t be going over to your mothers for dinner like you planned. Canceled! The writing is on the wall baby, you are going to just have to tell the neighbors how clumsy you are, and just deal with it. Let the guilt of your wrong doings lead you on a path to righteousness. You’re welcome.

    See how I turned that around, take a note kids.
    Now I can take that that isnt going to be a costume slot. But sorry Jay. BS on it being our fault. It's not our place to state what will and will not be costume options. Nowhere was it stated that those were NPC costumes only, matter of fact. It said that we would have the option of joining the resistance, and then no more then a paragraph or so later a resistance member costume appears, all glowy and stuff. And also nevermind the fact that you CAN get those very same glowy type pieces in another not so good MMO that has recently came out by a company which has a history of say, being cryptic about it's communications with it's playerbase???

    So while I can accept that we're not going to get those options, BS on it being our fault. Turn in your sexy card mister.
  24. Wow, another in a long line of fantastic videos. Thank you so much for doing all of these, the devs and community both are very lucky to have ya around.

    5 out of 5 stars
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rastafari_Man View Post
    At once! It's time to activate Code Brackenstonk!
    Rasta's version of Order 66?