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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post

    You've never seen an ice blast dom because they don't exist. I will admit ice assault doesn't look that great imo though. As for ice blast, haven't gotten around to rolling one, but I've made several mids builds with it, on paper it looks pretty good.

    And finaly suggestions go here this is the beta forum, and your opinions on ice powers have no bearing on the current beta.
    Oh yeah, Thanks for reminding me that the names are different.

    No1 wants your life story.

    The point I was trying to make is about the bitter ice blast and ice damage in general(PvP).
  2. I fully understand this is not the place to post but...... this is the place the Dev's are paying most attention to right now. They are bringing out a new issue and I am giving my thoughts on how they can impove it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Generic_Past View Post
    My Ice/Cold Corrupter would beg to differ. Plus, this isn't the suggestions forum. It's about the current beta.
    Errrrrm yeah.

    Nice Roleplay toon you have there.
  4. JayboH, do you own an ice blast toon? do you PvP with it? do you win PvP with your ice blast?

    I guess not.

    Do you see ice blast being played in RV or arena?

    Out of all the corruptors, defenders, blasters and dominators, ice blast is the least played.

    Come to think of it......I have not seen an ice blast dominator since I was on EU servers in 2008.

    Because every1 with good knowledge of the game does not make this anymore because its so weak.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I disagree with all of this.
  6. Ice blast for corruptors defenders and blasters need some love. For so long this class has been weakest out the damage roles.

    Here is a few suggestions.......

    1. Take away 1 of the holds and give it an AoE.
    eg....bitter ice ball (same sort of thing as fire ball)

    2. Fix bitter ice blast, give it some more range and damage.

    3. Fix the PvP damages, ice blast has been unplayable in pvp since issue 12.
  7. PowerOfRA

    PvP dev's

    PvP dev's still here??? or they all leave after the grim i13??