17 -
my poor old eyes can't decipher the symbols on the maps. Anyone know of a place to get bigger ones?
thanks -
MA is a tragic Freudian psychodrama with oedipal overtones
Probably not exactly a bug, but would be nice if you could make custom lists of standard critters that could be used to generate random spawns.
PLEASE add my request for fixing the female shorts problem (where your hips show through the sides of the two longest versions) (which has been a problem as long as the shorts have existed, which is years now) (and simply cannot be the way the artist intended) to what must be a long list of such requests in this thread...
I dunno, I remember some pretty looooong flights across IP
Anyhow, you didn't get my point. The point was that in the past games have had a "tighter" feel where xp was hoarded by the developers and handed out sparingly, and things like medding in everquest and other games simply slooooowed things down even more.
wow changed that a bit by making the flow of levels a bit faster, though until recently there was still a lot of running around to do.
now wow and coh have really moved away from the everquest model. There are lots of ways of getting around now. Wow has not come even close though to the fun of travel powers in this game, IMO.
from the point of view of developers, one problem with pacing is that players can chew up content a lot faster than it can be produced. and that is one reason why the pace has to be slow.
Some might argue that cryptic has gone a bit too far now with ae's. but on the flip side, when people actually try to make well constructed ae's. they will begin to see things from the point of view of developers. A well-crafted ae takes a loooooon time to make -
yeah it is nice to see what they have been doing to move this game away from the tight-[censored] brad mcquaid "the few the proud" everquest model (wherein a dearth of content is compensated for by making people run all over the place and other time wasters like being tight with the xp rate) toward something that recognizes people are here to have fun
1) Am I imagining things, or do I actually get debt when I die while testing my ae? I know I can toggle invincible, but still you want to know sometimes what the play feels like, and sometimes that means you die. Not that it matters, but it just seems WRONG, if you do
2) lets say you have two allies you want to liberate, call them ally 1 and ally 2. Let's say you have 2 copies of each ally. Will they spawn randomly? I know that when you are testing, and you click on "go to next objective" it takes you through them in order. I am just wondering if in the game they have that order. Like, say you made finding ally 1 required for doing the ally 2 part. Will that translate into ally 1 being closer to the start of the mission? Will it mean that you have to do both ally 1's before you can do any ally 2's?
I am sure there will be other questions, but thanks in advance : ) -
HEY! I thought ED did all that already.
been gone a few years -
If there weren't severe limits on peoples' ability to pollute the game with their little "creations" it would be a nightmare -- without ability of players to delete them from the list they see when they open the AE console thingie. Maybe they already can?
I really hate cutscenes.
BUT it seems that if we could control where things went more, we could have an interactive version of cutscenes -- like have it so you can hook up with allies in a specific place, and place specific glowies. There are so many more allowed glowies than I think anyone ever uses in the maps.
Just a bit mo09re control -- not complete control -- would be nice. Or maybe there is more control and I just haven't found it yet. -
yay!! thanks perfect!!! sorry I am such a nOOb
is there an AE creator chat channel in the game, perchance?
is there one? I have some allies in my AE that I want to appear in more than one mission in the arc, and I want them to change as we go along, so I can't just keep reusing the same ones. Is there an easy way to clone an ally (or an enemy for that matter) or a whole group even so you can then make a new group with them? Sorry if this is a stupid question. thx in advance
notes the heavy footfalls of the forum police coming in to make sure another new poster gets put in their place fast
It would be really cool if we could upload assets to cox that we have made in blender or maya or whathaveyou. I know that is a pipedream, but it would still be cool.
I think this is actually a very clever idea -- and another one the devs may not have anticipated players doing -- sort of like a way to have housing