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  1. Just saw Terminator Salvation. I enjoyed it. As the people who made the movie said, its a 'war movie'. Definite references to the frist 2 movies ( ex. Sarah's tapes she made for John being played, 'You Could Be Mine' by G 'N' R being played also)...stuff like that. Bad criticism- except for the fact that money is supertight right now (anyone need a writer for hire? ) I would not be going to this small theater around the corner from me. Guy running the projector had to be told 10 times to LOWER THE VOLUME!! You could hear the movie in the next theater as if you were in ours! lol.
  2. Harpers Island is only running the 13 episodes ONLY because they had them filmed already otherwise CBS did say they were cancelling it. I watch itso I know the whole story of why cancelled/not cancelled.
  3. Pogothulu


    I loved the pnp Champions..grew up playing it...but NOT impressed with what Ive seen or heard so far...AND I wasnt invited into closed beta for that either!!!
  4. avast!! there be sharks in these waters!
    *looks in the pool at all the 'sharks'*

    yeah tanning day

    *lay back in lounge chair, applies suntan lotion with bronzing agent then falls into a light sleep*
  5. Happy Birthday!!

    *Hands out Guinness to all of legal age.*
  6. Few SPOILERS ahead.

    Ok just got back from Star Trek. Very impressed! The casting was spot on as they all reminded me of younger versions of thier characters. Especially 'Bones' and Scotty. Some funny inside jokes, especially Pike saying to Kirk, 'you shouldnt even be here' (In the pilot, Pike was the capt. Later on they switched the capt to kirk's character for the regular series lol). But it also meant that he wasnt suppossed to be on the ship for academic probation. Uhara and Spock?? oh my! cant ait to see what they do next with the franchise now.
  7. *walks out in beach shorts and a backpack over his shoulder. points and summons a hovering chair to lay back in. applies suntan lotion w/ bronzing agent and starts sipping a maitai which appears from out of nowhere*

    Morning all..lovely day for this..thanks, Detra.
  8. puppeh!! sometime after this weekend I still need those shard tf's on pogo...
  9. mowed a huge lawn today...check
    chinese food for dinner (healthy stuff too!)...check
    6-pack of guinness..check!

    all systems are go!!!!
  10. Pogothulu

    Since I'm here

    funny you said that about the contact. I DID name him but for some reason it wont come up..ill have to play around with it..and i will expand on the names..basically the sword guys name(S) is the style of two-sword fightin in japanese and the archer's name is the art of the bow in japanese. but all minor things i WILL take care of. glad you liked it!!
  11. Pogothulu

    Since I'm here

    cripes!! im sooo late getting home! ....just put the show on.
  12. my whole dam family showed up for my grad weekend..even lousy dad and stepmom...they were sooo supportive of me during college (sarcasm) didnt offer a helping hand and when I asked them to pick a book up for me from the library in thier town before the library closed they said ok..2 mins later theyre calling my mom saying I should be more independent and do things on my own...had the nerve the day before I graduated to interroagte me on my future plans like I owed them that..whatever..lol
  13. back from errands...AND, Gratz Puppeh!!...Puppeh master? Master Puppeh?
    Mastah puppeh?


    'My name is Puppeh-zulah
    the mic-rulah
    the old schoolah
    you wanna trip
    I'll break it to ya.'
  14. well i can see star trek tomorrow for matinee price THEN terminator on sunday. 20 bucks= tix+large soda for BOTH movies!
  15. why?? why is it I have very simple plans, people gotta try and turn them upside down and everyway so they DONT even resemble what I wanted to do?? a couple of quick errands, then terminator salvation matinee and relax...NO!!!
    so far big trip to the supermarket, now im suppossed to mow someones lawns in 2 hours, somehow squeeze in my errands and now wait til tomorrow for the movie....was going to take my nephew but his mom wants to spend 'quality time' with him...meaning she wont be around tomorrow taking him with her as her excuse....we were supposed to see star trek opening weekend..I STILL havent seen it!!!
  16. Pogothulu


    DCUO only for PS3? aw maaannn..looks like Ill have to be content with Batman:Arkham Asylu, on xbox in september...although that games looks phenomenal.
  17. Rachel, WOW!!! Very impressed with your efforts with this mmo youre working on. I wish you much luck and success. Only talents I can offer is a playtester and writer...Let me know if I can help in either or both ways.
  18. nooo!! we dunt need no one else with leg problems!!!
  19. evening all. just thought id say hi again!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I have discovered a conspiracy.

    Tell me, what do these three things have in common:

    Chewing gum. Used.

    Toner Cartridges. Empty.

    Space Hero. Future.

    Why, of all the things one could find, did I find these three? Hmm? And do you know WHERE I found them?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    in your computer?...
  21. The Rookery IS the Virtue Universe! *nods* I have seen the future ans this is how it will be. Everyone coming together in one place. For peace, love, and dam good pamcakes!!!
  22. ok finished house cleaning..folks on thier way home from Atlantic CIty from a 'were going saturday be back in two days' getaway. lol. they needed it. stepdad retired from his job and that afternoon grandparents basically drafted him to help take care of grandpa everyday.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    *groans a little and climbs out of Iron Rook's open chest-plate, covered in grease and metal shavings* Good morning people. *winces a bit, popping her back, then smiles, shutting the Rook's chest and sliding down the ladder with her hands on either side*

    I'll be in the shower if anyone needs me. *puts her tools away and drops her toolbelt on a workbench*

    Oh... And Happy Birthday, Stryph. Many more much happier days to you. *sashays off to go get cleaned up after a long hard -messy- night*


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um..what were you doing in the Iron Rook? maintenance I hope??.....
  24. Happy Birthday Stryph!!

    *Hands out Guinness' to all of legal age!*
  25. Happy Birthday Stryph!! *Hands out Guinness to all of legal age!*

    OK Neko..Once Rook gets outta the way its sooo on!! But I do think the Rookery is too small for a mecha-fight of this magnitude.