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  1. fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluffy fluff fluff pamcakes fluff fluff fluff flop on mctdfbbc fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff flufffluff fluff fluff
  2. Sorry about the insurance problems all..I went through that for years..best was I was in a car accident and have permanent pinched nerve in my neck so I needed physical therapy for a year. Insurance company says everything agreed upon. 1 year of pt no problm. 45 days pass, my pt goes youre out of pt sessions.
    yep. the insurance i had allowed for 45 days of pt a year per existing condition. but those 45 days had to be consecutive calendar days.
  3. Puppeh!! OMG!! Modrator 8 locked your rant part duex thread!! eep!! hes on to us!! run!! hide!!!

    *grabs a huge stack of pamcakes* Ill protect these!!
  4. Ty PB..like I said right now, in a holding pattern. the hospital she is in is notorious for getting people rooms in either 2-3 hours or 2-3 days. ..Im hoping for closer to the 2-3 hours.
  5. *imitates a hippie*

    peace and love man! wow! a tree!!

    *hugs the Neko imitating a tree*
  6. *walks dwon from the Attic Lab very tired and groggy, a look in his eyes of concern.*

    Morning all. rough day yesterday on the homefront. Mom had diabetes BAD and has been out of it for a while now. She went to the hospital at her doctors discretion. Turns out her blood sugar was over 600!!
    Shes been there since yesterday and they have it down to 135 now, but I was up almost all night waiting for update calls. Shes waiting to be admitted into a regular room from ER/ICU.
    So my day is in a holding pattern now..Need coffee, coffee, coffee, blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. et...
    Oh, nice Llama..If we havent named it yet how about Fred or Lleopolld.
  7. My god!! They ARE right!! How dare we have an RP thread on the forums for the RP server!!! For god's sake!! What were we thinking??!!??!!
  8. Then again, if thats what you got out of it, you missed a LOT of other conversations...about 99% of our discussions you've missed.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It is the name of a player that holds sway over some other players causing them to post nonsensical stuff on the forums to increase their post counts for no real purpose than to occupy time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So speaks a furry-themed hero...

    How wrong you are...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nah, I think that's right on, seeing as this is the virtue forum, to talk about all things virtue on CoX, not "*takes pamcakes (aka horribly maimed spelling of pancakes) and flops on the couch to sleep for another hour, then Ill post again to +1 even more*"

    [/ QUOTE ]
  10. *Hops down to poolside from the Attic in his swimming/surfing shorts, shades, and suntan oiled up*

    Wheeee!!! Surfs up!!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I think it's this place.

    I think i see the pamcake machine in the back in one of those pics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ooohhh!! Now see, i always thought the place was more...'rusti' I guess...wood floors and tables like a big old tavern type place..with a bunch of super-duper hi-tech stuff spewn about the place!!
  12. If it does suck..Oh, the jedi are gonna feel this one!!
  13. Detroit won??? But I didnt know the Pistons made it to the NBA Finals.

    I keed I Keed. I just hope it goes 7 to make it an exciting series.
  14. Thanks Neko! The pizza needed a bit of warming!
  15. Oh I almost forgot!!

    *Takes a big plate full of sicillian style pizza with all the toppings..But leaves the anchovies on the side for any anchovie likers out there. Grabs a huge glass of diet coke and sits down in his MCTDFBBC to watch some tv..preferably some Boomerang. *
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    what server are we gonna change to Virtue like in KOTOR?
    any ideas on which the official/unofficial rp server over there gonna be?
    on that note im starting a rookery thread on KOTOR already

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its not KOTOR...Its SWTOR...gawd puppeh, get it right!
  17. So, Im flicking through channels earlier for my nephew...Noggin, Nickelodeon, stuff like that. All of a sudden I see the abbreviaton 'BOOM'..Im thinking 'last time I saw that was when i still had Directv and had Boomerang.' I switch to it and lo and behold!! My cable company now has Boomerang! As of June 1st, but did they bother to tell anybody? Noooo..But its cool anyway. Small victory, I know. Now if theyd just get back Kung Fu HD and Monsters HD Id be estactic...Ok and BBC America also, but its a start!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    i almost cried myself

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sadly, all of life is nothing compared to Starcraft 2....
  19. *Holds up a copy of his contract*
    Pfft!! Hold it right there!! It says right here I can't be fired, evah!! If I want to leave, fine! But fired? NO!!
  20. If i wasnt dieting AND diabetic, i'd say gimme some chocolate!! I need the sugar rush!!

    Suppossed to be 'helping' my parents babysit my 2-yr old nephew from thursday til monday afternoon...Guess who's doing most of the work and getting little sleep if any. This is NOT what we agreed to at all!!
  21. Ok I'm signed up for the SW:TOR forums! My name/handle is Rytchdarius. Look me up, shoot me a pm or e-mail there or whatever.
  22. *comes crashing through the front door on his motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket, denim jeans and black hightops, sunglasses on and hair slicked back.*

    Aaaaaaaaayyy!! How you doing?

    (ok thats all the 50's youre gonna get from me today. been watching my 2-yr old nephew since 6am after 4 hrs of sleep..I got up to go to the bathroom is all!! I got drafted I tells ya!! no fair!! )