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  1. As for Thursday, I am done for the day as i have stuff to do with the blogtalkradio station I work with. I got Beefee Boi Jr. from 35 to 43, I took the earth mastery epic power pool upon a suggestion. having fun with it. took Salt Crystals. Will look up slotting it. Tomorrow's goal is to get him to 50. I will train him to 49 and leave the final level dinging for an in-game RP event. Including Beeg Beefee Boi and hopefully friends including some former Sushi Schoolgirls, or their alts, and whoever would like to attend.
  2. On the eve of 2XP weekend, and this might, sadly, be our last one. LET'S MAKE IT COUNT!! Here is some helpful advice from EVERY 2XP weekend that has ever happened here in CoH. I can proudly say I've been to every one, had a blast, got hardly any sleep over those weekends and haven't regretted one single weekend!

    1.) FOOD AND DRINK SHOPPING. Have plenty of easy accessible snacks and drinks handy.I used to drink loads of caffeine but now I am relying on vitamin water to get me through the weekend. Also, microwavable food is best to cut down on cooking time. I prefer microwavable pizzas myself.. They're fast and easy to cook, which equals less time away from the computer. Perhaps even prepare food/meals in advance to cut down on time, refrigerate them and warm them, if needed, when ready to eat. I also find microwavable popcorn a great and fast snack. make a big bowl of it and you're set for a while. Now, while that advice is great, i will admit I had gastric lap-band surgery recently so those small cans of tuna fish and cans of unsweetened fruit, along with some quick protein shakes, will be my diet this time around.

    2.) HYGIENE! I find a quick shower in the morning before sitting down to play helps refresh yourself plus takes care of that body odor. A quick brushing of the teeth, shaving optional, and you're good to go!

    3.) CLOTHING PREP. this might sound odd, but this goes with the hygiene thing. You just cleaned your body, put something clean on over it now! Figure out what clothing you'll be wearing for the weekend and lay them out in advance. Since I'm home for the weekend, it's usually sweatpants or shorts and a t-shirt or tank top...Plus underwear and socks (socks optional).

    4.) CHARACTER LIST. It helps tremendously to make a list of what characters you want to work on during the weekend. Focus on the ones you want to level the most. Also, it might help to save time to use MID'S HERO AND VILLAIN DESIGNER to plan out your character's build When it's time to level up, you won't be bogged down with what to choose. Just follow your pre-planned build. Also, depending on what level you are, it might help in advance to buy/create IO's instead of normal enhancers. They last longer instead of normal SO's that will turn red and useless after a few levels. Also, if you have a SG/SV base, perhaps build some IO's ahead of time and hold onto them for when you level up you can just slot them right away.
    also, it does help to slot your characters with generic IO's, because they won't go red and stop helping you.

    5.) HAVE FUN!! It IS a game after all. Enjoy the time you are playing with friends and teammates. It helps the weekend go better.

    6.) LISTEN TO THE CAPE RADIO! trust me on this one the DJ's are friendly and the music they play is great, even hilarious at times. You'd be surprised at what they play and that helps the weekend go too.

    7.) GET YOUR SLEEP! It doesn't help you, or your teammates, if you doze off mid-mission. If you can't get a decent night's sleep in, then play for a bit, then take a 1-2 hour nap here or there. In the long run it WILL help.

    That's all I can think of for now, I'll add other thoughts , if any later.
    SO, get to it. preparation, preparation, preparation!! HAVE FUN, maybe we'll even team up this weekend and I'll see you in game this weekend!!
    Now, go get dem double ex-peas!!
  3. Join Rich, AKA 'Pogoman' from CoH, as he talks with Karen and Joel (Mr. and Mrs Worthington (DJ Sultry Siren)) from real World Hero, a charity donation drive created by City of heroes players. It's that time of year for the annual charity drive! Even though things look bleak for CoH, in the real world we CAN be heroes with your contributions. So, please, tune in Friday night 7pm-8pm est!

  4. Friendly reminder: Tonight 7pm est! 'Save Coh' radio!! BE THERE!!
  5. Nnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  7. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  8. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  9. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  10. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  11. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  12. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time,from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  13. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  14. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  15. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, from the Virtue server, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  16. That's right! Another episode of 'SAVE CoH' radio will be on this coming Friday, Oct 5th, 7-8pm est! My guest this time, The Cape Radio's very own DJ Templar!


    If you can't make it live, you can click on the link anytime and listen to the replay! If you'd like to join the fun in the chat, sign up for a free account. it takes between 2-5 minutes to sign up. You don't have to sign up but 'guests' in the chatroom won't be able to type anything. The chatroom will be open 15 minutes before the show starts. see ya there!
  17. Thank you last night for the awesome run. Third time was the charm for me to complete it finally!
  18. I have yet to complete a successful UG itrial. I need to do it on my main, Pogoman. So, expect him/me there!

    Also I've never done the MoM itrial yet
  19. sorry I couldn't join in the fun..still recovering from surgery I had wednesday..I think this will be a relaxing weekend of recovery for me.
  20. Due to the immense popularity of the first show, I have decided to do a second show! However, I am having surgery this Wednesday and don't think I would be up for it this Thursday. I would like to plan it for NEXT Thursday, however.
    Any ideas on guests, topics this time?
  21. [QUOTE=Siberian_Spring;4395341]Here you go (plus everyone's Hasten is finally gone. ):]

    lol..thanks.. there I am!

    again, I had an awesome time with you all. Looking forward to it again soon.
  22. Super Belated Happy Birthday, Xanatos!!
  23. My face is covered by the green circle with the arrow!!!!!
    Sure, whatever ya want to try next week, I'm cool with! It was much fun to team with members of KGB Special Section 8, and everyone else.
  24. Sign me up, if you'll have me again.

    Pogoman- ma/sr scrapper..incarnate level.
  25. Thanks! I thought it was awesome we got to hear Detra live on air! Stay tuned for more announcements on another upcoming episode!