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  1. ...sorry...they told me you were..I'd run to my nearest doctor ASAP....frostbite and all....It was suppossed to save you...but...*shrugs* carry on!...so where dose pamcakes at??
  2. Ill be staying. All my friends are here..My huge sg base is here...why leave????
  3. *whips out a HUGE gun from his back pocket and points it at Tram.*

    Stand back everyone!! This wont hurt, much!! If youre not ice I mean!

    It's an Ice-Re-Integrator!!!

    *fires the beam and closes his eyes*
  4. GGGRRRR!!! I just read a dev announcement..They have moved back 2xp weekend to August 11-14th..Im suppossed to have surgery on the 15th..and have stuff going on the friday before!! ggrrrrr!!!!
  5. I told you Puppeh was trying to trick you!!
  6. You'll put the skylight in over THERE!!!
    where there's no upstairs to worry about... Im going tback to bed..I dont bother you people when you're trying to sleep...
  7. Keep that drill away from my lab!! and the ceiling below the lab floor too!
  8. No tram!! It's a trick!! Puppeh is trying to get you to drop your guard!! Stay alert! Stay vigilant!!
    And whats this other game???....
    Plus i was up all night fixing my floor...all done now..phew!..off to bed...
  9. *goes online and orders some Impervium sheets..REALLY thich sheets of Impervium!!*
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by fedor View Post
    the yarn is just the first step! We have to have a base for when the construction paper arrives. It's perfectly safe, it's construction paper. Construction project, construction paper.

    ................gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. you're using YARN?????

  13. *teleports up by neko with coffee, bagels with cream cheese, and recess peanut butter cups*

    I think this might be the safest place today...peanut butter cup?
  14. *Jumps up out of a deep sleep, in his sheets*

    Good gawd whats goin' on here!!!!???!!!

    My room was put together fine!! it was the rest of the place that was substandard, sackboy!!!
  15. Becky!!!! What are you doing????

    You got any tutti-frutti ice cream? and why didn't ya just drive it in here?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
    *Looks at the chunk of floor, then at the hole in the ceiling, then back at the chunk of floor. He points the sonic spanner towards the floor, it makes a mournful little buzzing sound. He glances at the side of the device, points it at the ceiling, it makes another mournful little humming buzz.*

    Yeah... I just am not sure that is going to happen... See... it broke.

    Yes..I know..You broke it..You and your cheap rip-off of my sonic screwdriver broke it....
  17. reattach it, properly where it was before!! where it should be!! sackboy!!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
    I am finally going to get a lvl 50! I'll work on leveling my lvl 41 bane/crab to 50 in these next weeks.
    Good luck and pre-Gratz!!
  19. Fedor......
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreatBigHippy View Post
    I've got my main Inv/En Tank that is currently at 46. I reckon with some 8 man teams and a bit of elbow grease I could hit 50 in a weekend.... or pass out trying
    2xp weekend...that can be done in an evening- run in an ITF and, if needed, a LGTF and you've got it.
  21. *walks down from his attic lab with an open umbrella made of ultanium. takes out his sonic screwdriver and deactivates the sprinklers.*

    Enough of that....Its Friday AND a heat wave!! we'll have melted chocolate all over the place!!

    Coffee nao!!
  22. I still dont know what I want to do!! I have some red-siders Ive neglected. BUT I have a ton of lowbie blue-siders too...I dont think shard drops will be doubled though, will they? because that changes the whole equation too....ggrr!!!
  23. Just got it for my main account!!..Now to somehow get it for my second account...
  24. OMG!!!! DCUO has announced an expansion set..You can play a reservist green lantern Corps member!! The powers look awesome!! ...must..resist..urge...must..stay...loyal!!!!!...