1710 -
Luck! That's the problem with the 3rd (?) one. The first you do everything right. Eat enough, enough sleep .... The second you're a little more harried with not enough sleep, not enough to eat, not enough exercise. By the third, all bets are off. But it's good to hear you're getting your carbs. If you need healthy calories look into Larabar. They are natural and healthy and taste like candy. They even have a chocolate flavor. Yum!
My son had an awesome first day at Adventure Camp. I wish I was 9 again. I've never shot a bow and arrow before.
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In college I took an archery class. Could hit "black" 70% of the time at 50 feet and could hit for points at 120 feet more often than not. -
I've taught my daughter that it takes only 12 pounds of pressure to break a knee cap, to punch in the throat, not the face and that licking your arm pit is a REAL turn off.
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Lots of truth here, and it's important to lick your OWN armpit, and don't shave. -
When I was a kid, all that macho dad stuff made me laugh
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When I beat my sister's boyfriend's [censored] down the front porch and into the street over a penetration joke, all his en vogue apathy and ignorant disbelief that family members will resort to violence made me giggle.
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I'm sure your sister thought it funny too. But probably not. That leaves only two choices for your daughter to bring home. The first: a eunich who will acquiesce to your every whim or 2: the rebel, biker, drug dealer who possesses their own firearms.
Maybe it never occurred to the guys that the girls also want to get laid? I remember my first job, we had a lady working there who was about 80 years old. She used to tell us how well we have it now. One of her favorite lines was, "When we wanted to have sex we had to get married." -
The only firearm I keep on property is my single shot 20ga. While it lacks the "click-clack" of the pump action, eyeing someone down the flip-barrel is a bit intimidating in its own right.
"See that son, mirror shine on the inside of the barrel. Be a damn shame getting it dirty if someone were to be less than a gentleman to my daughter."
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Reminds me of that Hummer commercial where the dad says to his daughter's date, "You know this car has a 72" closed bed so no one can see what you have in the back. That's 6' of space, just about your height. And since it's a Hummer, it can go nearly anywhere, deep in the to woods where no one can find you, if you know what I mean. Now I expect my only daughter to be treated well tonight and have a good time. You'll have her back to the house by 11 right?" -
...requiring some increased boyfriend defense methodologies...
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If you haven't developed the "touch my daughter and you die" look for her future prospective suitors, you should start practising. It's a father's prerogative, after all.
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Always be sure to be cleaning a Shotgun with a box full of shells nearby when the boys visit.
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I actually picked up a girl for a date in high school while her father was just wandering his front yard with a shotgun. Nothing like that type of introduction to make everyone feel at ease.
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Well, don't you live in Texas?
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He's got Sacramento on his Loc which IS near Elf, which might explain a lot. -
Sounds like GP could be having her baby anytime. Hang in there for another couple of weeks.
/e sendlunchtogenderpoison
What would you like?
On a baseball update, we're not going to Williamsport as my son's team got bounced out of their tournament. -
41 was waaay too young
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Visited Israel 15 years ago and the tour guide told us to drink AT LEAST a litre of water, not fluids, a day. He said lots of visitors just dehydrate because they're not used to the dryness. That is just tragic and 41 is WAY too young. -
Yeah, that's illegal in Canada.. "Washing out mouths with soap is a form of abuse".. GRRRR.
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You'd be surprised how effective Tabasco sauce is...potty mouths and lying. And it's legal!
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Wow! You use that too. Cured my son of his spitting habit almost in one sitting.
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I like it!
Wouldn't really work on me, other than the vinegar taste.
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Are you saying you have a profanity problem, or just you can't taste picante? -
(Yes, they've gone overboard recently with the death of their father earlier this month, but I have to stick to my guns.)
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So sorry to hear about this. You have our prayers and may you be a comfort to your children as they are for you.
edited for spelling. -
I kid about the soap. When people would tell us that our kids were well behaved we used to tell them we used duct tape, then add, "If you use it right the first time, you never have to use it again." But really, kids learn from example. My in-laws curse like drunken sailors and it's no surprise that their kids also know all the nuances of profanity.
Never had that problem. Cured it with two words, "Soap Poisoning".
Ever walk in on 1 year old who's decided to try finger painting their crib and wall with feces? If you can laugh through that, nothing can get to you.
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Sounds like someone needs a diaper change.
I always liked the projectile diarea that happens just as you take the diaper off. Had one shoot out, I swear, at least 8 feet.(Those glasses are actually protective goggles.)
My 9 day old daughter can fart. Very loudly and long. It puts her father's farts to shame.
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FTW. We all bow down to your daughters great flatulating ability.err
shouldn't the internet be shut down from 9p to 5a? instead of 9a to 5p?
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2 boys. Oldest is in All-Stars and is on what looks like a very good team. They don't play their first game until July 4. Since we're bragging, his regular season team came in 2nd, 1st in the tournament and he hit 4 home runs and 37 RBI's. Other talents: plays tuba (because it's manly, go figure) and got a 4.0 GPA.
Younger son also plays baseball and his team came in 2nd. He is the artist and the one who created the look of Queen of the Dawn. He only got a 3.6 GPA because he hates to write, but we're working on that.
Congratulations both to Slate_Golem and MindRipper.
I would like to say I am looking very much forward to whatever changes this brings. NOW I REALLY can't wait for i12.
The only problem with using the /ignore_spammer command I see is the continuous use of nonsensical names used by most spammers, that makes it often impossible to correctly ignore. For the email that has been flooding our accounts specifically could the Dev's please add an in-game email address (per server) that we can forward the emails to (IE Email Petitions; Pinnacle Spammers; Virtue Petitions, etc). The player base can then easily forward the email along to the support team for their review/actions. Or add a button to the current in-game email structure to forward the email as a petition.
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Click backspace for the auto-reply, then arrow back over to replace /t with /ignore_spammer. Remember to remove the comma and space at the end too! That works well.
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Doesn't work for email. -
Kral-Raiden is a level 50 Stone/Stone Brute, as of about a month ago.
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Congratulations -
A: Some things are better left unanswered.
Q: Since the band is defunct, how will we ever find out "Who let the dogs out?" -
Has lots of hate to go around, even without the hateraide.
Thar She Blows
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I think that's taken by a chick I knew in college.
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Was her name Monica by chance?