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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Wait, that's possible? I thought they had buffed those things like crazy so they were nearly impossible to take down. Are they doing something with this event to change that? All I know is my blasters aren't getting near one of those things normally.

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    But debt is your friend. how else will you get those badges? Hmmm?

    Tuesday I was coming out of a mission right into the middle of an invasion. Nice that they get around to telling us now that the invasion is live. (We kicked their a$$ btw.)
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    We both woke at the same moment.. the baby was so still and quiet. I gently shook him awake.. he was cold..and had spit up. All three of us have been awake ever since. Scared the CRAP out of us. Little guy has a cold so he's a little nasally and you can hear the little noises when he breathes. Taking him in when the doctors office opens. He's otherwise been smiles and coos since. I just got him to go back to sleep but We'll be keeping a close eye on him.

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    Hope he gets well soon

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    We had one of those when the youngest was about 4. He had an asthma attack, only a mild one. Didn't know what was going on. Went to the children's emergency, with him not breathing well, and waited 2 1/2 hours!

    Hope yours gets better soon. (I also remember using the suction bulb to clear their noses when they had colds. Man, they loved that.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I discovered that Kung~Fu Panda was a good movie to take a 3 yr old to (my Nephew) back when it had come out. He sat through the whole thing without disturbing anyone around and now that it came out on DVD, a friend of mine actually managed to take a nap on the couch with his two girls all quiet and watching it...dang moive must be hypnotic to tykes...good for parents though.

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    "You're a lot bigger than your action figures, except for you Mantis. You're about the same size." Yea, that was a good movie.

    What do you think about taking the tykes to the Bond movie? Hmmm, maybe not such a good idea.
  4. Don't know Hedley, but they have to be better than Green Day before the election. OMG! I expected profanity from a bunch of punks, but Billy would have made a sailor whince from his tirades. (Ok already. I understand you don't like Pres. Bush after the first song, and after the second one, and the third one ....)
  5. Took the youngest for his birthday to the movies yesterday with some of his friends to see Madagascar 2. Overall I though the movie disjointed but the penguins and Bernie Mac were wonderful. The kids loved the movie.

    "No, no. One sacrifice is enough for me."
  6. Now is a good time to invest, what with the stock market down. Don't know what the upside potential for cat litter is. I know they use it for gasoline spills. With the price coming down there may even be some potential in that as people become sloppier in their tank filling abilities.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Ash is almost as tall as I am, I'm sure that by next year we'll be fighting over shoes, and clothes!! She's blonde with green eyes.. so I'm hoping her "inner nerd" keeps the boys at bay!!

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    Good luck with that. I hear glasses, even fake ones, are the latest fashion.
  8. Comix, good thing you don't listen to old Floyd. Could have been the quote from One of These Days.
  9. Teenage boy story.
    Got mad at him for this but ...
    Three days a week he gets a ride home from school in a certain carpool. Yesterday was a short day so the mom took all the kids out to Souplantation for lunch. So her youngest son comes over to our house after school because they aren't done from lunch. "So how does Jordan behave in the carpool?" "Oh, he's fine but he eats all the snacks." "He what?" "My Mom keeps a bag of snacks in the car and he always eats them all once he gets in the car. Usually he doesn't even ask."
    Guess that would explain why he's never hungry when he gets home.
  10. Sign-up for Science Field Day. Son too "Crime Scene Detective." Wonder if I have to start worrying. I don't think I made him mad lately.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Hot Tea with Honey and Lemon should help out GP, at least for you.
    As to the lazy bum, I would suggest a Shotgun, but since you are in Canada, I doubt you would have one.

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    I would suggest the ol' carving knife through the pillow trick as the pillow will help suck up the blood.
  12. When I was growing up my neighbors were foster parents, and good ones from what I hear. One of the worst stories was on my friend's birthday the foster parent's kids woke him up by punching him in the stomach and head. Then at night, when it was time for bed, they brought out a cake, had him blow out the candles, then threw it in his face and made him go to bed covered with cake and frosting. At the time I couldn't believe his stories were true, now I know better.
    Congratulations on the adoption.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I am now the proud legal guardian of a pregnant 17 year old... I need to stop meeting people on my rare visits to the outside world.

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    Since when did you join the Palin family?
    But seriously, congratulations. You have your work cut out for you now.

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    Also just got a long-term-temporary job at an imaging center and the twins I carried last year will be one year old on Friday, which I get to babysit them that day because the parents have to go to a funeral.

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    Except for the funeral, that must be a thrill to see the kids again.
  14. Sorry about the floor mess. Luckily never had that, but we usually were specific that we would come and get them later. Rarely made them stay for more than an hour.

    About being literal, my Dad once asked me to bring him a glass of cold water, as cold as I could make it. I brought him a glass of ice. Just, ice.
  15. come off it. Like people REALLY want to do this sort of thing. Oh! Static team. I thought it was sarcastic team.
  16. Inkling? Hmmmmm. Let's see. Once they start playing baseball, you lose one of your weekend days. As opposed to Soccer where the games last an hour and the practices are only once a week you have baseball. They usually start playing T-Ball at age 5. Not too bad on time as there is usually only 1 practice a week for about 1 1/2 hours and 1 game that lasts 2 hours plus 20 minutes before each game for "warm ups". At about age 7 they move up to machine pitch. Still only 1 practice and 1 game. Most coaches ask the players to arrive 30 - 45 minutes before each game for "warm ups." That takes about 3 hours out of each Saturday (or Sunday for Winterball.) At age 9 the move up again to real pitching, 3 either practices or games a week and an hour arrival before each game. Practices now go 2 hours. Then at age 11 they go to Majors, who are the kids you see at the Little League World Series, with 3 games a week (arrive 1:15 early) and 1 or 2 practices. Wow! Is that REALLY 12 hours of baseball a week? And that doesn't even count travel baseball which is more practices and Sunday games and weekend tournaments, ...
    But do I regret it? Heck No! There is not much like seeing a kid hit a ball and run to first, even if they know they will get out.

    My one suggestion, teach him to throw left-handed.
  17. GP, like the new icon.

    Baseball game results - 2 losses. Older boy's team had 4 errors which only made the final score worse. Overall, fielding wasn't bad but hitting was. Only 4 hits (my boy had 2.) Younger boy played real well and would have won if we hadn't pitched 2 beginners. (It's instructional so it is nice to get everyone a chance to play.) My boy had no hits (2 walks and K) but pitched a scoreless inning.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    hmm.. Like the cliques in highschool, the moms at this school formed one too. I pretty much ignore them, unless there's a birthday party. I have nothing in common with them save having my own brood. Stepford Wives Club not for meh.

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    So true. First time you say you can't join their little "[censored]" club for coffee and you are eternally banished. Then their kids turn on your kids. They didn't talk to my oldest until he hit a home run, then suddenly they all want to glom on. I laughed when the two homerun kings were social pariahs last year. Thankfully he got accepted to the Academy school and so doesn't have to deal with that social poison anymore.
  19. Have him walk with a friend. Even without walking with a friend he should be OK. Just tell him to keep his .38 loaded and ....
  20. We wouldn't let our boys play outside the house in the cul-de-sac unsupervised until they were 7 or 8 (or 9.) Of course we live in the same neighborhood as Daniel van Damme (which is suburban middle-class.) But this was even before she disappeared. Hate to feed your worries but there are just so many crazy people out there.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply.
    If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.

    If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
    If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.

    If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.

    She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

    So - if you give her crap, she WILL give you a bucket full of s--t.

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    I soooo like this!
  22. Net, here is a Wall Street Journal article from today's paper you might like to read. You are not alone, sadly.
  23. Sounds like she could be a great goal keeper.
    But seriously, what has that school been teaching all this time? That is just ... stunning!
    Reminds me of a story my Dad used to tell about going to a store and the power was out so the cash register wasn't working. Tax at that time was 6% and whatever my Dad bought was $0.99. The attendant couldn't give him change because she didn't know what the total cost of the product was. My Dad, "Just take 6% of a dollar and subtract $0.01." Checkout Girl, "I'm not sure what that will total up to." Dad, "You mean to tell me you can't figure out what 6% of a dollar is?"
    Another case of epic failure.
  24. Welcome to the boards and congrats on a nice family. We are very fortunate in that one of us can stay with the kids while the other is the breadwinner. (Could say he Tanks the breadwinning job well. ) We know it is difficult now (has it ever been easy?) for many families and you will make the decision that is best for you.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I seemed to be the only girl who read and collected comicbooks. I started collecting at the ripe old age of 6. To hell with being a Princess, I wanted to be a Mutant!!

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    Did you get your wish?