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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    There simply isn't an event that could be argued to have taken place that had any significance to the people of Paragon City.

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    That's it. Red side for me for now on. Darn ingrates. I'll show them!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    ( player of a Blaster on the Champion Server, in The City of Hero's world..)

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    Peterbilt (player of several characters in the City of Chamtorue World)
  3. Thank you.

    *will have to mull over reply for later*
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    This isn't to say our event is so important that it should change the game.

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    Actually, thats exactly what people are saying. a plaque is a change to the game, permanantly and on every server.

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    I'm not being flip and if it was said before, I honestly don't remember, but how does this change the game?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    But you're one of the few people in this thread supporting this who isn't directly connected to and/or actively participating in TT. Of course, it still sounds like you at least have some bias towards it. *shrug*

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    Point of clarification. I have not participated in any TT event nor was I one of the creators of this event. So you don't have to page back umpteen pages, the advertising for this event gave me the impitus to create a tank, an AT that I was not interested in playing. I now have a tank at lvl 37 (and yes, I need to update my sig.)

    I agree a badge is a worse idea than a plaque.

    I disagree that a plaque is a "game changing" event. In fact, there isn't one think that any player can do that is game changing short of setting fire to the server buildings.

    Also, Bill has done TONS of stuff for this game, must more than any monthly event, but then again, if you don't visit the Boards or PVP, you wouldn't know he exists. (I do and have used several of his guides, thank you.)
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    for 5 years, give them a "their" base, nuff said.

    [/ QUOTE ] You know that's the argument most of us alternate reward idea people hold right. Let TT have a reward on their server...

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    I have no problem at all with this if this is the only reason for not having a plaque. Make it server specific.

    I'm guessing this is also Bill's problem/proposes solution as well with a plaque?
  7. I understand your point and assume you were rushed in your reply. But there is a problem with a game that by definition has repetitive activities. The other day Champion server defeated Hamidon. Victory server tried the same and failed. If Champion server tried to defeat Hami again this weekend, it is like they didn't defeat him before. Hami will react exactly the same as last week, and this week and again, next week. That was one of the points made in changing the Hamidon. He learned from all his past defeats. (Or past defeat, singular in the frame of Hami since he would have changed earlier if he was being defeated on a daily basis.) Same with the Statesman TF. We can defeat Recluse 1,000 times but Statesman will always need our help in defeating him. But Recluse is part of every server's lore. The Hamidon is part of every servers lore. We are given multiple opportunities at these events so our characters can participate in the lore. Just because you choose not to participate, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  8. This thread has earned a 5-star rating.
  9. True, for you, TT has never happened. But does that mean it shouldn't happen, or can't happen, or didn't happen for others. I wasn't around when Atlas did his thing. Nor was I around for the first Rikti invasion. I found out about it because someone told me. And that is the point about the plaque. So now you know because someone tells you.

    The only question is, is it significant enough to be told. Not for you to know, because you already know, but for someone who doesn't visit the Boards to know. Will that knowledge enhance their enjoyability of the game? Will it get someone else more involved? I would guess that a significant portion of the players know nothing about the City back story and their only encounter with plaques and monuments is so they can get their cape or aura.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you create the "Penguins of Mayhem" and write good stories and get players to play and vote, the penguins by definition are now part of City lore.

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    This is not true, or at least has never been stated to be true. Even Hall of Fame and Dev's Choice arcs are still bound by the rules of the Architect system, and thus are not part of the CoX canon. The only possible option to get your story added to canon would be to write something so spectacular that NC hires you as a writer, and then convince Posi and the gang to wedge your story in along with the story they're already planning to put in place.

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    Point well taken but, really, the only way to get stuff added to canon now is to resurect the comic book. And I might be wrong, but isn't a lot of the comic book stuff not in the game? Can't give an example but I seem to remember reading the comics and thinking, "Where is that in the game?"

    But my point about City canon is, players make their own reality. If someone writes a Penguin arc that becomes as popular as the ITF .... By virtue of so many players playing it, it now becomes part of the game. Ok, but now an integrated part of the game which is what I think your point is.
  11. A lot of debate going on but very little accomplished. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the opposition revolves around either 1) a single server or small group of servers event should not be recognized globally because it doesn't effect enough players and/or 2) player events by definition do not add to the City lore.

    Regarding #2, I need to ask why? Just because past player events have not changed the game content does not mean it must stay in status forever. In fact, starting today, player content will become City lore with MAcrt going live. Players will earn badges for designing missions and content will be available to players of multiple servers. If you create the "Penguins of Mayhem" and write good stories and get players to play and vote, the penguins by definition are now part of City lore. Why can't TT achieve the same thing?

    Regarding #1, if you use that as a hurdle for any in-game recognition, then you will never be able to reward players for any achievement. Because the hurdle is just too high. RO is a well run event and I see on the Boards notices but even over three servers, what do you think your distinct player base is? TT gets a few dozen players every month together, and many more for special events and anniversaries. Superteams get by TopDoc and others get several hundred players the first night (maybe more, can't really remember. Last time I paid attention there was 5 VGs set up for characters but several players had multiples. But even so, 4 full VGs is 600 characters.) With servers at player populations of 1,000 or 2,000 these are all significant numbers for the server at those times. But when compared to the total player pool of 140,000, they drop to insignificance.

    I have said before and will say again that I am for some type of recognition for TT. Can I also say that I am not against other events being recognized either in a similar way or in a way appropriate to the event? I am really baffled by the hostility of some to a plaque. I can understand it if you want to keep the game from getting too cluttered or if you are against this recognition because there might be something else you think is more deserving. I understand opposition. But some of the arguments against having player lore added to the game just don't stand up anymore with i14 going live.

    One last thing. Maybe from this thread the 20 or so commentors can come up with some framework where future recognition will be acceptable. If not to everyone, at least to us who are arguing for and against.
  12. I'm so late to this thread but I must show my absolute support for a plaque. I would recommend changing the wording slightly. Instead of "Once every month ..." might I suggest "The first Tuesday of every month ... " and "... have assembled ..." to "... have teamed for a concerted effort ..."

    TT starts and ends before my normal play times but because of TT I've kept trying different tanker combinations and finally found one that I enjoy. I really think without all the hoopla around TT I would have tried tankers once, and then given up on them.

    Honor those who honor the city, and Tankers have been doing just that for almost 5 years.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm going to do Brawler vs. Wretch in a jello wrestling competition.

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    Guess I will get my idea out as well, since I am not sure if I will have my monitor fixed in time. I actually might have to draw traditionally this month. I am going to go for Statesman and Lord Recluse playing a serious match of Tic-Tac-Toe.

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    Should make it checkers with Recluse kicking the table over because he's losing.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    This is simply cool.. Fireman dresses as Spidey to save Autistic Boy.

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    Some people are so generous with their time. With all the lousy news it's real nice to see something good.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Lucky Kid!!

    Can you book Adam Sandler for his Barmitzvah? That would be sweet.

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    Adam Sandler is jewish? Really? I'll have to get on the jew-phone and see if he's available.
  16. Oldest is having his Bar Mitzvah next weekend. Had his last "official" practice last night and he did so well on the first part the Rabbi didn't need to hear the rest.

    Now we need to get the house ready for company arriving tomorrow night. Let's see: Disneyland is that way, Sea World is over here, the Zoo is that way. Just have to figure out what to do for the rest of the days.
  17. This is a Happy Birthday song.
    It isn't very long.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    And unlike baseball, hockey helmets are personal gear. Think about that your kid puts on one of the communal helmets in the average baseball league. *ewwww* There have been more that 1 head lice outbreak from batting helmets in recent memory.

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    ewwww is right. That's why we own our own helmets and gave league helmets to each player who doesn't have their own to return at the end of the season. (And washing in the hot tub somehow reminded me of Granny washing laundry on the kitchen stove.)
  19. That's why baseball is a better sport. Everything is either washable or made of plastic.
  20. Don't you love it when it's St. Patty's day and you don't wear green to get some "attention".

    Don't you hate it when you don't get any "attention". *sigh*
  21. Don't you love it when you get on a team of 8, invincible, and you plow through every spawn effortlessly.

    Don't you hate it when after one mission everyone says, "That's it for me tonight" and the team disbands.
  22. lol. This is the second funniest thread i've read all morning. Oh wait, it's only the second thread i've read. Oh well. Good Luck to me.
  23. <---- Been to a lot of cons, but only 1 in the past 15 years.

    With that, I would pick the convention carefully. The bigger cons such as ComicCon and Gencon can be daunting with all the people. But they are doing a much better job at trying to separate people and make it "seem" less crowded. Also security is much more sophisticated that it was years ago, although it is still mostly volunteers. If you think her bioDad is responsible, then I wouldn't worry too much.