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  1. AngieB, sounds like you'll soon be in big-boy underwear. Gratz!
  2. lol. That and I guess hope your crash AFTER an attack instead of just before one.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Petey, if it's a sci-fi movie that's one thing. But that was a movie supposedly grounded more in reality and it made no sense. Also I found gump to be more annoying than endearing at any point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So if they had started the movie saying "this is a work of fantasy", you would have been happier? Sorry to sound grumpy but to dismiss something that appears to be real but is fantasy because it was too real, and not fantasy enough doesn't make any logical sense. (Hmmm. that could use some editing.) And I fail to see where you could possibly get the idea that this movie was grounded in reality. It takes after the tradition of Lewis Caroll, Brother Grimm, etc.

    Ok, that's my last on this point except to say when I was taking film-making classes I had a teacher from France. He showed us a movie about method acting which was nothing more than a woman smoking and "pleasuring" herself. The whole move was shot from the shoulders up and lasted about 15 minutes. At the end of the movie he asked was this a movie about acting, or was it softcore pornography. Basically, was she acting or really making love to herself. After we discussed this for 20 minutes or so, he told us his point of view. It didn't matter. It only mattered to the actress and director what we thought was going on, not what was actually going on. It is all about the "magic" of movies that, in his view, everything on screen is a fantasy with varying degrees of believability.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    from my bedroom

    They closed the office early today for the holiday weekend and I left at 12:30 EST

    [/ QUOTE ]



    *snuggles anyway even though I'm still at work for 6! hours*
  5. A question for the inv. tank. Do you use Unstoppable against LR and, if you do, how do you manage the crash?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, guess where I'm posting this from, peoples

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A computer?
    A laptop ...
    telegraphed over ancient wires maintained by chipmonks
    from my bedroom

    Hope not. Spouse would want to join in. (and then I wouldn't get any work done.)

    k, i give ... where?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    It is horrible. He runs for three years... what does he eat? Where does he sleep? How is it his feet don't fall apart? What about his shoes?

    The base idea that anyone could do all those things, much less a retarded person, is just silly. Sorry Petey, but that movie made little to no sense at pretty much every turn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And lasers shooting out of your eyes, teleportation and having fire/ice/whatever shoot out of your hands does make sense?

    I get that there has to be A LOT of suspension of disbelieve, but that doesn't automatically disqualify a movie. Oh, wait, time to feed the zombies in my back yard. be right back.
  8. One month from today I will be going on my first vacation in 3 years!!!!!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    ....we were supposed to see star trek opening weekend..I STILL havent seen it!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A bunch of people go into space.

    sorry to spoil it for you.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    GAH we have been streaked!

    Emgro... forrest gump is HORRIBLE! Have to completely disagree there. One of the worst movies of it's decade.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    FG is not horrible. It has some great acting and many parts are very funny. Agree that it is very over-hyped. I like the part where he's talking about Bubba-Gump and how he's a multi-millionare and the one lady leaves laughing and he shows a picture of him and Lt. Dan on the cover of Fortune. Or when Bubba is reciting all the possible crab dishes. Good, funny stuff.
  11. Peterbilt


    [ QUOTE ]
    How to tank:

    Tab, taunt, attack, tab, taunt, attack...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tanks attack? Never knew that before.
  12. Grrrr. Left my note at home, but I think BigDaddyDream is having a birfday Sunday. HBD (and if it isnt BDD, then to whomever fessed up to the pre-ding.

    Hello all.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Fedor- sacperson rp lot of fun. basement resident. Has EPIC struggles vs the kittehs who want his sack!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That somehow sounds dirty to me.
  14. And for Meltdown ...

    A shiney new JOB!

    Johnny, tell Meltdown what he won.

  15. And with Fedor around you could always ask him honestly if he could just sack up for a while.
  16. New client for me. A wholesome dog food called My Perfect Pet. They don't make kitty food ... yet.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    LCT- long tooth tiger pounces puppy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cien called LCT old! hahahahaha

    we hate being helpful but ... it's long CLAWED tiger.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Teh sadness....

    I'll just go over in the corner and stick my head in this bucket of water

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hold head down in bucket.


  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Alles Gute, Stryph! Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag ^_^.

    /puzzles sick brain suddenly remembering german now, of all times.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I understand that, and double the sentiments.

    *clears throat*
    This is your birthday song
    It isn't very long
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    well, just got Scarlett Shadows to 50, so that makes three 50's total, two heroes, one villain

    [/ QUOTE ]

  21. But it made it easier to beat the whites into fluffy peaks.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Well not with your toon which was in the SG.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, I was talking about Justice, and you're right, I'm part of a couple random VGs over there, but none real active. In fact, I haven't played on Justice since last fall so I guess I'm not active over there either. Was brought over there by a couple of Champion players who had characters over there on Justice.
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    1. @Beetle King - tank, blaster, rad
    2. @Talon Arsenal- eng blaster or storm def (kin, dark, or ff only by request)

    alt#1. @Peterbilt (emp def)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I put myself as an alt because it is looking likely my Friday has been planned for me. Not sure if we're going out with friends on Friday or Saturday so don't want to take up the slot if I'm not available.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well know Stryker move to a different server ..Liberty and started there.. which i heard fail as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    His "play style" doesn't fit well with the Liberty people. I know, I've played there off and on. He should have moved to Justice. It seems very much like Champion, to me at least, over there. (Except that I didn't know anyone and have a lot more friendly faces here.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Really? I play on Justice occasionally and based on the conversations I see in broadcast I've always thought that it was the weird religious freaks server. I've seen way too many "Jesus" toons over there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe because I usually play villains I hadn't noticed.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    you need to edit my entry, puppeh!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Attic Person!

    Attic Person!