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  1. Sorry Fedor. Sounds like a Dashel Hammet quote, probably about cigarettes. Haven't read it before so that's just a guess. (And I've got a couple Sam Spade books on my shelf collecting dust along with those James Bond books I've always wanted to read. Guess I could always quit work and City and finally make a dent in my reading list ... guess not.)
  2. Leanne cure. Yes, Frank Sinatra cures everything.
    Emmi notes: All The Way

    So, what happened with pops? Is he still around? Just because you kill people and suck their blood doesn't make you bad. Is there some mystery behind the electric powers? Lots of places to go with her. gl.
  3. Hiya E
    Hiya F

    *looks around*

    No G to say hi to. *grumble*

    Thanks for the outfit Neko but I worry with my hair up like that I won't be able to get through the door.

    *restyles hair into a flip*
    (Yes, I know, that's a 60's hairdo, but so what. It's easier to brush out and only needs half the curlers.)
  4. I think the 8286DE should be replaced with something else. Like ... hmmm ... 9154BB?

    Otherwise I didn't notice anything out of place.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    /e resists the urge to click a Detra linky at work, especially one related to Bettie Page.

    Morning Detra and Neko and Fido and Viv!

    That looks right to me Fido! :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's work safe.

    Hello all.

    I don't do dress up.

    Well, maybe if it's cashmere
  6. Peterbilt

    Sign me up

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    fixed for ya

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for all the great feedback, guys. I really appreciate.

    I'll be sure to stalk every one of you who proposed to team with me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *sets hide feature*


    /e unhide
  8. Heraclea, I'm so sad. I went to take a group on your Philosophers mission and found ... it was taken down. That was a fun one too.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Lame.. Everyone is lazy. Why do work and learn to play a character, when you can be spoon fed XP and have no freaking idea how to play?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is that a retorical question? Otherwise you might want to start a new thread.
  10. Hello all.

    Hello Pulc.

    Ok, you already know I usually play late (after 9 PST) so if you play when everyone else seems to, I might not be much help. But anytime you're on, look at the Rookery. chat. If you see me I'll come join you. I have a crab at lvl 18 (Crabby Patty) and a brute at 34 (I think) (Fry Cook) who can use some dusting off. Brutes seem to make short work of the mid/late 40's.

    And I understand what you're saying about stalkers. I love my stalker but it seems to take forever for her to level.
  11. Don't you love it that you feel you kid is responsible enough that you get him is own City account?

    Don't you hate it that his computer is a million times better than yours and you have to hear over and over again, "You have zoned YET?"
  12. Hey Soul. Have fun with your vacation and hurry back.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Izza a Philly cheesesteak! :3

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Subway doesn't make those. They only have a horrifying mockery of a cheesesteak sandwich.

    Which reminds me of a story. We moved to So. Cal. in 1968 and a few months after moving we went to a restaurant that had been recommended to us as having great food. On the menu is a steak sandwich so my father orders it. Out comes a small sirloin steak on top of two pieces of white bread with chopped onions on the side. Needless to say, THAT was not what he was expecting.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *attaches concrete cinder blocks to Neko*

    Now you're really swimming with the fishes

    [/ QUOTE ]


    *unties the Neko from the concrete blocks and then spanks PB*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    bad pb..attack with million puppy nips

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Our plan worked. More spanking! More spanking!

    Untied the kitth? That won't work.

    *drops 500 ton weight onto pond and Neko*

    *notices that weight is only 2 feet in diameter (hey, we're using collapsed star stuff) and watches as it misses everying and settles to the bottom of the pond*

    Darn Acme weight company. No wonder the coyote always failed.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    *puts on a fish suit and jumps into the koi pond to swim with the fishes*

    Thanks Maddy!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *attaches concrete cinder blocks to Neko*

    Now you're really swimming with the fishes
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I teamed with Pulc over the weekend and got my crab to 18 (or was it 19? Can't remember.) That was a good team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tell them how sexeh I wuz. >.<

    *shakes eTushy*

    What? There's no bad publicity!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Absolutely, the whole entire time. (Except for when you have to afk. Then it was kinda scary since there wasn't anyone else with heals. Should have given you a kiss when you got back.)
  17. Peterbilt

    New cat in town

    Jake Roberts, Randy Savage here. The Honky Tonk man and me and gonna take you down!

    errr, where did that come from?
    Hello and welcome to Champion. And thanks for saying "Hi".
  18. I teamed with Pulc over the weekend and got my crab to 18 (or was it 19? Can't remember.) That was a good team.

    Hello all.
  19. Peterbilt

    Friday Rookery.

    Say Rach, glad you're feeling better and I couldn't reply yesterday because I wasn't here.

    Pulled tooth reminds me how much I hate the taste of novicane. *shudder* Of course it's better than not being numbed up.
  20. Peterbilt

    Friday Rookery.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ladies are human, thus just as capable of being wrong as men 3 weeks out of every month.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Outside scares me. I heard it's like, totally open-world, pvp is Live Everywhere, and it's STUPID hard to Farm.

    Also, no Fly power. What a load. I'm stickin' with CoX!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And all the RMT'ers are Nigerian dignitaries.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Those Nigerians are nice. I helped one of them move millions of dollars their Grandfather left them but they couldn't get out of the country. There WAS a bit of a mix up after we moved the money back to them but they promised to credit me back the money that was accidently moved out along with their cash.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't you love the aroma of meatballs cooking on the stove and homemade prosciutto bread in the oven, knowing you made an awesome meal for your first date with someone special ?

    Don't you hate it when that kiss turned into something else and 4 hours later the meatballs are stuck to the pot and the bread is on fire in the oven?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uh ... no.

    Four hours! Who is this guy? (You know he's at least lvl 20 because he's got stamina.) I never have to worry about burning dinner since 4 minutes usually doesn't make much difference in my cooking.
  23. Peterbilt

    Friday Rookery.

    Hey Rach, you feeling better today? (She had a hole in her mouth yesterday.)

    Hello all.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm taking a long break too. I also discovered outside and the Wii active. I'll be back in the fall. I will renew, so I can bug my favorite player on Victory Badges.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is the Outside beta done yet? are they taking subscriptions? I can't find it anywhere on the web. Do you have a link?

    For those leaving for the summer ... see you in the fall.