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  1. Damn DP, yous gots to do somethin about them nails!

    Is anyone else having a terrible time loading pages from the Boards today?
    Or is it just me?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
    I talked to the doctor wednesday...he said do NOTHING until he sees me for the follow-up visit two wwke from yesterday.

    That is some grand suckage. GL on the fine, all over, "indoor tan".
  3. Peterbilt

    helpful binds

    Question about the first bind under Empath. Where did you put that bind and what's it supposed to do?

    (Have the others but forget to use the bind keys (or use them in the wrong order. )
  4. Hey Pogo, another day off your feet or back to PT?

    *piles bubbles on Emmi's head*

    OH! Who did that!
    *rushes over and cleans the bubbles off the Count's latest doomsday machine.*

    Have to be careful. Clean it up and it might actually start working.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by yankeedave View Post
    A beach bubble bar buh Q ! That sounds gound!

    * heads for door and slips, disappearing in the bunny bubbles *

    Beach bubble bingo. I'll call Annette Funichello.

    *plays the Ventures and puts on a bikini*

    Who took my favorite beachwear? You know the ones. Cute kitties saying welcoming greetings?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    "Guaranteed Delivery" fail. Unless it comes on a truck sometime today, they have broken the guarantee. I didn't buy it to not receive it today.
    Still plenty of day left.

    But if it's UPS ...
    Truck came by my friend's shop and delivered the priority packages. He asked for another package he was waiting for and the driver said he didn't have it. WHAT! They don't reload the big brown trucks. That package was coming from LA to San Diego but he was too lazy to pull it out since he had to come back in the afternoon for pickups anyway.

    Hope you have better luck.
  7. Saw people playing DC at comiccon and it looks sweet. Don't know anything else about that game since I didn't take the time to play.

    I think City will definitely still be around in 2012 but not so confident that CO will be.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    My package didn't arrive today. Tomorrow I should get the package. That'll make it so much easier.
    Yes and his wife/girlfriend will be so much happier once he gets his package.

    (I've held off for 2 days with that joke but just couldn't help myself anymore.)

    Bad Petey. Bad Petey.

    Are you kidding? Good Petey. Good Petey.
  9. *tag* Your it.
    Not that kind of tag?

    On topic - I heartily agree and stopped tagging a couple days ago. Thanks for pointing this out.
  10. Oh, and people who don't understand the concept of role playing and think everything your character says is really happening.
    Them: "Is that really true?"
    Me: *sigh* "In the game, yes."
  11. Flame wars.

    People who complain they can't find teams but refuse to put a team together.

    People who don't invite me to their teams. (bunch of elitists)

    PST. Damn if everything interesting isn't already over by the time I get on to play.

    People who call my crappy costumes a pile of crap. I know I suck at building characters. That's why I have to have my kids do it for me.

    And as an aside, I did find it hilarious that a flame war broke out in a thread about etiquette.
    Oh, couldn't see that one coming, could we.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    agreed. I use numpadenter myself, but I have a whole bunch of binds.
    Will you show us all your binds if me and some girls come over?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by YellowjacketX View Post
    *Falls to the floor*
    *tries not to bleed on the Rookery*
    Don't worry about the blood, we have janitorbots to take care of that.

    *sends chefbot over with a plate of donuts*
  14. What time please?

    (and I've never done a Hami so I can't lead)
  15. Peterbilt

    Server Question

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Something like that. Just keep in mind....we're the most normal out of the rest.
    You're supposed to make him feel welcome, not scare him away.

    And most normal, I will NOT be slandered like that.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
    Good morning, all!

    Is it cheating if I hop into my time machine and fast-forward to Friday?

    I'm time-traveling right now. I haven't figured out how to go backwards yet, or, actually how to speed up going forward either, but I'm time traveling.

    (I once got a postcard from a friend with a picture of the planet earth on one side. He wrote, "Wish you were here" on the other. - Steven Wright)
  17. Peterbilt

    Server Question

    Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
    Is that concur or conquer?
    He's agreeing in an assertive way? maybe?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
    Now all I have left is my sonic monkey wrench and my sonic monkey!

    I think your monkey is out of tune.
  19. Hey, Tech, go back and read that as a sarcastic, humourous post.

    I'll wait.

    Get it now? Computer = cool, but gives off heat?


    *taps microphone*

    is this thing on?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tech_Striker View Post
    What kind of case are you using? Might not be enough air flow. Consider the Antec Nine Hundred or Twelve Hundred. The air flow on both of those is really good.

    Methinks this was a rather epic failure at humor.

    Did you tell him that almost everything you say is not meant to be taken serious?

    I don't think that I did.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pennypa View Post
    aaaaaaaaahhhh, the explanation why you treat mg the way you do....

    lol. :d
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DragonFistTavian View Post
    *drags in a little hot and sweaty, but with a shiny new monitor for his computer* Hey everyone. My old monitor died so I got a shiny new flatsrcreen that is a wide screener, it feels kinda weird to have one, but its kinda cool

    I thought it would be cool to get a new computer but the darn thing puts out so much heat ... I don't know, am I doing something wrong?

    I think you should have bought an air conditional instead. I hear those things can be real cool.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    I thought I was a happy box...wait...that didn't come out right!
  24. Peterbilt

    Server Question

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    See, if you did say hi to me, you'd have proven my point.

    Voodoo wins again. I see your odd, and raise it 10 fold.

    Welcome new person. God speed brave soldier.

    But ... but ... raising it 10 fold won't make it odd anymore. It will be even.

    *grabs hold of desk*

    the world is spinning off it axis. Something has gone amiss.