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  1. Quote:
    Do not taunt The Ocho.
    That's the one.

    Hmm, wonder if I still have more rep than the Ocho?

    Now I'm above Niv. I'm going to find an Ocho post RIGHT NOW and help him out.
  2. is that a photoshop? Ghad, that is unsexy in so many unspeakable ways.
  3. Logged off last night and the "pre-load" for i16 started. In the past those were usually started about a week before the next issue was launched. So what do you think the likelihood of a launch on Tuesday? A long weekend will be over, servers will be maintenenced then.

    So, what do you think?
  4. Hello all

    *kapow. blam*

    Don't mess with the Ocho!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WittyLibrarian View Post
    I've tried leaving. Didn't take. >:-)

    If you're referring to The Other Game, I am amazed anyone who was here between Issues 5 and 6 would go anywhere near a game worked on by Statesman. Guy was a deceiving nerfbat wielder of the highest order. So obsessed with BALANCE that he lost track of this little thing called FUN. I don't care if The Other Game comes with a free lifetime supply of bacon pizza burgers, I ain't going near it.

    Bacon pizza burgers! There was never ONCE a mention of those. Guess I should have read their emails more closely. ah-well, too late now.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boltress View Post
    Still here. Just getting started.

  7. I have more rep the Moderator 08

    (Maybe I shouldn't have said that so loud) (<- worried)
  8. Quote:
    So my day was good, how about you all?

    *looks enviously at everyone who got the chance to take a nap*

  9. I left ...

    But it was only for lunch.

    No interest in replacing a superior product with an inferior one just because the latter is new.

    Yea, we may be crazy, but not stupid.
  10. Pogo got his "o" back!

    *why do I feel dirty now?*
  11. *is wondering if any of those donut holes are cinnimon/sugar*

    My lunch appointment got cancelled. Now I have to buy my own lunch.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
    Is it true they nerfed it after beta Petey? And morning!

    Hi PogoPogo, have you found the missing o yet?

    I need to start proofreading. I don't know about beta. What I ment to say is "on Champion server"

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
    Or he could be a butt-plug you didn't want yet.

    I could use a new ... uh? .... Oh damn! Posted on the wrong Boards.
  14. Hello all.

    I finally reworked my base on Champion server. If anyone wants a home over there, let me know. It has full transports but it is small, just me. So don't expect much in the way of traffic and stuff.

    Over here I started a shiney new def, ice/dark. Kitty Purry is looking for a home so if anyone has a good place to recommend. I can always put her in Emmi's old place but that base is already well stocked.

    edited to correct location error.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    1, 10, 100, 1,000,'s all the same to Smurph.

    that's right, all smurph cares about is debt badges anyway.
  16. Oh, and thanks for the explaination about the "." and pog's "o". Never knew where the confluence came from.

    And this is my 4,515th post! Should I make a thread?
  17. mean and ugly. not a good combination.

    *hands Neko and super-strength hair-grow tonic (from ACME)*

    it says, apply once every 5 minutes until cuteness reappears.
  18. Instead of cutting the XP bonus for freaks, why didn't they increase the bonus for everyone else? Afterall, farmers are still going to farm so, instead of getting 4mill inf per hour, they will only get 3.5mill. Silly, especially since all the farmers are doing custom villain groups anyway.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    *wanders into the bathroom where the sound of an electric razor can be heard. After a few minutes, the razor turns off and a bald cat looking Neko emerges*

    How about now?


    *puts toupee on Neko. one that looks like some road-kill crawled on his head*

    Now THAT is much better. *snicker*
  20. No, no. No bad rep from me. only good rep.

    I give out the bad rep.

    Back you foul demon. (or is it fowl demon. Can't tell. been eating so much chicken lately.)

    Neko you can only give so much rep in 24 hours (don't know how much) and you have to give some much rep to others (again, don't know how much)(you don't know much, do you) before you can rep them again.

    It seems each "gem" is 100 votes. It also seems that after you get 500 the rest are the darker ones. I don't know, maybe you sold your soul for the rest?

  21. (not that they are undeserving) gave rep to Bay, Fed and others, now I've given out too much rep!

  22. Can't give Emmi or Pogo or Neko rep.

    Now I'll have to find some other, undeserving poor schlub rep first.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    But I don't like the men in the white coats...

    That's why we wear red ones.
  24. Quote:
    Even so it's been 8 years and might be too late to file a lawsuit.

    Net made a very good point. In the US the statue for childhood injuries doesn't run until they are 18. I'm not an attorney so I can't say for sure but I remember kids can file pediatric cases either up until age 18 or they get an additional 2 years once they hit 18.

    Older son's winter baseball league folded so we have to join the neighboring communities program. Only an extra 5 minutes of driving but we don't know any of the kids or coaches. This should be VERY interesting.
  25. Pogo, did you lose and "o" from your name?

    What going on everyone.

    *scans wreckage*

    I know what will help

    *changes all the pillows into brownies then arms everyone with whipcream cans*

    Hey look, I'm santa! *ssssqqqqqiiiiiirrrrrrtttttttt*