1767 -
Quote:Who cares about how to unlock it? *** *** ***** *****, **** ******* ** ** *****! ******* ***** *** ** ***** ***** **** ***** ** ***** *** ******?I mean that when I19 comes around, you might find that the method of unlocking and creating Incarnate slots might look quite similar to the method that was intended for the Alpha slot in GR.
Except maybe you! -
DCUO customization info...
As stated in that thread, I have other links to add to it that is more up to date but thats on my other computer and will add more to it later.
The cell shading is a turn off for me, however it does look leagues better that CO... also all the PvP open world blah is just a killer. I am still hoping for flagged. I think it might be but I have to re read the article. -
Quote:We got Croatoa for FREE and that issue I believe came with 2 new powersets, and new costumes...Don't make statements when you have no idea. This is your speculation based on next to nothing, not a definitive statement.
All DCUO has to have is 4 zones, a few costumes, 4 powersets, lvl 1-20 content and it will already be pretty much neck and neck with GR.
I actually fail to see why we have to pay for GR at all. They have already stripped it and given so much of what was supposed to be in it for free already... > Ultra Mode > Other stuff I cant think of officially at the moment.
As stated above, ATM I have zero interest in DCUO but anyone just sitting back and claiming that GR is so much more must have fallen on their head recently. Perhaps they need a friend to call 911 for them. -
I kno you hate it when someone says this but, at this point...
The pre purchase was what 30$ oh well.
If 30$ puts a hurtin on you thhhhhaaaaaaattttttttttt much perhaps you need to review your entertainment budget.
I, personally, have been on a years subscription since Feb and havent played the game at all. I look at it as "supporting something I love, or have loved... leaning towards past love, but Moving on!
I have thrown away money on all kinds a **** I dont give a damn about today. This really is getting blown way out of proportion.
They NEEDED to FIX stuff. -
Quote:Really? Because when I watched their E3 footage they talked all about that stuff. No I wont find the link, But I know I heard everything they said about it in all those little interviews, plus my friend was there and they were very interested in DCUO... unfortunately their open pvp system sounds like fail to me so I am not interested in it at this current time.Yeah... I think it's highly unlikely that DCUO will have anywhere near the amount of content or powers that CoH has.
What's interesting about Championess's statement is that DCUO actually hasn't said anything about the costumes, powers, or missions of the game: http://www.dcuniverseonline.com/overview.vm
The most info we have comes from the publically released movies: http://www.dcuniverseonline.com/movies.vm
About the only real advantage DCUO will have at launch is that it will also be a console game, with a PS3 client. That's an attractive offer for those not ready to upgrade their computers or invest in a new computer, but still want something with lots of eye candy. -
Quote:No. Nothing has been confirmed.Has that been confirmed yet? That you can't use Incarnate abilities in typical level 50 content?
But really your whole thing here, just stop.
The **** wasnt right, so they took it out. I am happy.
(How often do you EVER see me happy on these boards?) -
We should just remove the market and give everyone all the RARE IO sets at level 1... Then people won't complain about prices.
Can't you all just send your "Ingame Money" directly to me...
Then you can skip the middleman (auction house) and we can move on...
:e: I mean yall been payin fines for so long now... but all your monies belong to me. -
Quote:I'm unclear how wanting an official link with a premium attached is anything at all like the "grass roots"/"let's all help the game by advertising for it" suggestion by the OP.Quote:
I think advertising is essential to this games success. So why not as a player base promote the game we all love? Here are a few ideas I came up with.
-Post a link to the main site on your social networking sites, (twitter, facebook, myspace, etc...)
-Post links on your youtube page/Video
I fail to see how you can't draw a line from A to B. -
Wow I suggested the same damn thing about 8 months ago and all the snobs came to the thread and shut it down. "Oh I dont want to have anything on facebook or twitter" "Thats a bad idea" "Just no".
I didn't feel like I beat the game after my first 50, not even after my 15th 50.
The reason I feel that I have beat the game is that I have been to all the zones, and I have done all there is to do, that interests me. When I hit 2 billion officially on my Fire Kin... I was bewildered, but started losing interest. I tried then to have some wacked out goals like, Fill our SG bins with built purples and all red salvage... I made it through like 80% of that goal before I just felt that I "had" beaten the game, and there was no point in continuing. Granted by then I had doubled the amount of 50's I have too...
Looking forward to new stuff! -
Why do you continually call him "MiB" when his name was Samuel.
On second thought why not give us something actually awesome, like Dbl exp Inspirations that last for 12 hours real time and give us 10.
That would be worth whatever the collectors edition is gonna cost. -
Those 5 enhancers should be IO's that scale as you level.
For me, that would be worth the pre purchase I already did... and go BUY the thing from Gamestop. That is worth the price... plus I would be buying in pairs anyways, because if it was that, my husband would want it to.
And you need to offer Those 5 enhancers should be IO's that scale as you level. to the Euro players and any other players out there. -
Quote:Yanno, we just disagree. Yes the island happened to them. And? Some of them GOT OFF the island. So what then? Their lives were pointless? They never fell inlove again? They couldnt move on? How was Hugo as the #1? What happened for his turn?You did see their lives after the Island. That was the whole point of the flash-forwards. Their lives sucked and they all had a reason to go back to the Island, or never wanted to leave in the first place, like Locke or Sawyer.
Being on the Island was the point of the entire series, which you seemed to have missed. As Christian said at the very end to Jack, the most important thing that happened to everyone happened on that Island.
You liked it I didnt. move on. -
I am not getting shafted GG... because I am on the brink of not giving a F... anyways. I got the pre-purchase yada yada... but my husband didnt because in his mind, he may not even play GR.
But I do believe other people feel like they are getting shafted, because yanno thats what they said.
And yeah... Those items should have been better. -
People are annoyed because they gave their hard earned cash to NCSoft as soon as it was available and they are now being shafted.
I thought that was pretty easy to figure out.
On a side note...
I wish it would have been better stuff. -
I cried when James and Juliet were reunited. That could have been the whole entire final episode and I would have been happier.
Quote:In January-March I watched all the episodes of Lost up to the current season episodes at that time. I hadn't been watching it for years... It is what I chose to watch while my husband raided in a different game. So, I got into it pretty deep, was awesome. I loved how they wrote the characters to interact with one another. I loved the mini love stories that unfolded, and well as the drama between the characters... all the while thoe I disliked Kate. Something about her character just irked the Hell out of me.I'm curious as to why you thought they sucked. That is... assuming you have a reason and it's not just a by-the-gut "I didn't like it because I just didn't" kind of thing.
While watching this season, "The Final Season"... for me the whole season just didnt really mesh with the previous seasons. Nothing was fitting together, honestly they didn't seem to be written on the same scale as the previous 5 seasons. Really Season 1-4 were the best.
The last 3 episodes of Lost felt really disjointed, like "Hey we better throw this abstract stuff in befor we end it." The episode explaining Jacob and Samuel... (his brothers name) Did Not Fit. It was like something that should have been in a previous episode as an after thought/daydream. It didn't need a full episode... it could have been 20 minutes of a different episode...
When Jin and Sun died... It, for me, was a sign... They were an epic love story and it got ended in 5 seconds? Wth? Really... All that build up for nothing? That was a wasted storyline - imo.
To me it didnt matter that some of the bits from the story were unexplained... Not everything needs an explanation. You can easily use your imagination, and fill in the blanks. But?! When it comes right down to it... That final episode had so much potential... and it just didn't do it for me.
They could have easily explained so much more instead of taking the easy way out and saying everyone was dead. F that. I wanted to see their LIVES after the island, and all the drama that unfolded at that time... I didnt want to hear, "Oh they lived on but we are gonna wait for the movie to show you that stuff". Which is what it seems like to me. The sideways universe should have been death/heaven... while the real reality should have been them living on. -
Quote:No. I enjoyed the entire series up until the last few episodes... because they sucked.Once again you fail. Just admit you didn't like the show and get on with it. You missed the entire point of the whole series if you thought the last few shows sucked.
Had I NOT enjoyed the show I wouldn't have wasted my time watching it.
I really think you fail... Oh that is so cool. You fail You Fail!! QQ -
I thought the last episode(s) sucked. The last 3 or so were just sub-par to the rest of the series.
The last episode seemed like scraps just thrown together while someone had to go poo... and needed to hurry it up.
I understood everything, but was greatly disappointed.
The best moments of the final episode were when the lovers found each other.
The whole death thing just pissed me off. What a stupid way to end it. Just stupid.