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  1. The snake's dialog amuses me for some reason. "No mercy for you! Come back one level."
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Step 1: Make friends.
    Step 2:

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    Step 3: Profit!

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    That's what popped in my head too. lol, what is that from?

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    South Park, the "Underpants Gnomes".
  3. The devs are never going to reveal what the objective criteria are. As soon as they do, someone will be doing something that comes within a hairsbreadth from the line they're not supposed to cross, the complain "I wasn't doing anything wrong!" when the hammer comes down on them for violating the spirit of the rules.
  4. Didn't use any freespecs. New issues have been coming at us faster than I have need to respec any of my characters. I think that's a good thing, actually.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    So you're saying something can't have a value if the government says so? I wanna make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

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    No, I'm saying that something can't have government recognized and, thus, taxable value unless the transactions giving it value are legal.

    [/ QUOTE ] But wasn't Al Capone convicted of tax evasion because of his illegal businesses(alcohol)?

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    Capone was receiving payment in legal currency. It matters not to the IRS if the source of one's income is a legal enterprise.

    Currency, incidentally, is an example of something that only has value because the government says it has value.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Weird Al contacts the artists he parodies and GETS THEIR PERMISSION IN ADVANCE.

    [/ QUOTE ] But if I understand correctly, he doesn't have to. My understanding is parody is very much considered fair use.

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    You're right, he doesn't have to. But he does because he doesn't want to tick anyone off. Most artists have been good humored about it and said yes. A few, like Prince, have said no, and he's respected that. And then there was James Blunt, who said yes, Al recorded his parody "You're Pitiful", and James Blunt's record company stepped in and said "no", so Al left the song off the album and instead shared it for free via MySpace and YouTube.
  7. Chances are that the ISPs in China, where most of the RMT is coming from, also suffer from a case of "don't care". Over there, that sort of enterprise may be those ISPs biggest clients. They're not going to boot them like AT&T, Time Warner, or Comcast would here in the U.S.
  8. If the GMs wanted a toon deleted they'd hit the button themselves. No "threats" would be necessary. I call shenanigans on this story.
  9. Sometimes there are powers in the primary and secondary sets that I feel aren't worth taking. I have a couple dozen alts between blue and red sides, and the only one who has ALL the powers from her secondary is my Claws/SR scrapper. I do not have a single character with a build that uses all the powers in the primary.
  10. I can recall maintenance downtime happening on Christmas day, so...