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  1. Panzerkunst


    Rejoice, Guardians! I'm finally on my way back!

    Soon. Honest.


    Way back late last year Dragon Age: Origins came out and distracted me, then Bioware did it again with Mass Effest 2...there were a couple others in between as well...

    And then in late February I started really feeling the itch to come back to CoH and naturally my PC decided to begin it's slow death. Damn thing is so old I really didn't want to put any cash into it, but it's taking it's sweet time to die and is still barely limping along, so long as I don't do anything strenuous to it like try to move my mouse too fast...forget about any 3D apps... :P

    Good news! I have ordered a new PC as of this weekend and if all goes well, should be back in a couple weeks!

    (i'm so hoping to make it back in time to grab that 6 year anni badge on Panz at least...)

    See you all soon, I hope.
  2. Awesome event, though I do think it could have been extended for another week or two.

    Having said that, I love Lighthouse saying it could be swtiched on to full scale invasion insanity for just a day or two here and there. I think that ought to continue at least till the next issue, and I think it's kind of a spicy idea that any old day the Rikti just get cranky from overstarching their shorts and hit the warpath. Nice little uncertainty every day you log in, eh?
  3. Panzerkunst

    Changes to Rage

    The full drop is way too heavy, really. Wow...tried it several times on test with my 33 inv/ss, all the combos I could think of, and even with stamina and unstoppable running everything drops.

    Toggle drop = death.

    I didn't see the disorient as a 'useless' downside, personally. Back with just unyeilding stance (pre i3), and now with unyeilding, I've still had a Freak smasher stun me during the Rage disorient drop. At least I had endurance then, and the new inspirations you can use while disoriented are great!

    I'm not sure what to suggest, but if you devs feel the disorient is too easily circumvented, I would have to say a post rage end drop is a decent idea, just not ALL our endurance, considering we are quite likely still in the thick of it when rage ends.

    Or, it has to last long enough to carry us through even long fights, like AV fights. Think about it: I never intended perma-rage (I dislike relying on 'modifiers' to be effective; personal play style makes me feel they are too much of a crutch), but like to save rage for the tough guys, where I need to break out the big guns. I.e., +2 con or higher lts, or any boss post-i3, or, of course, AVs.

    (btw, new invincibility feels good. Still getting hit more than in i2, with 2 def buffs slotted, but it really feels like it's noticably working, and against ranged as well as big team test, but against +1 con Crey Patrol, about 8 of them, it felt just right, taking hits, but nothing I couldn't handle)