20 -
I tried NA in Beta on a Beast MM and it works GREAT in that combination.
My wolves howl and my kitties purr for it! -
Thank goodness it's only 3 days. Nemesis went on for a month or so.
When i go to the Server Status page today (Tuesday) I see this only:
Quote:What I am NOT seeing is the fact that you are doing maintence TODAY (Tuesday), nor how long that maintenance will take. Could you please update the Server Status page to show this in addition to the above when it's relevant?The regular server maintenance will take place once a week on THURSDAY
FROM 4:00 A.M. PACIFIC / 7:00 AM EASTERN / 12:00 P.M. BRITISH / 13:00 CENTRAL
Alternatively, can you please tell me where I can look to find out when the current maintenance is expected to be over?
Thank you! -
Test Server is back up!
The Nature Affinity animations have been added! They're funny as heck! -
I can't seem to log into the Test Server. Can someone please tell me where to look for the current status of the Test Server?
I must say I'm a little disappointed in the Panther Stealth Power.
Firstly, there go my toggles again! WHY do you have to disable them in ALL my Market-bought travel powers??? I've never understood the rationale for this. Probably because there is none.
Secondly, it requires two buttons to work. It should only take one. I see no reason why we need to have another whole action bar placed on the screen to hold the Stealth power as a separate toggle when we activate this power. The Stealth should activate with the Panther power.
Thirdly, the "stealth" power seems really weak, even weaker than the Concealment.Stealth power, which is almost a joke. -
Frankly, I am already sick to death of Nemesis and his Fallen Thunder. I am repeatedly getting attacked - and often killed - when leaving mission doors, Hospitals, Stores, or when trying to turn in quests to quest-givers.
You are over the top with this. Tone it down! -
I'm all in favor of allowing selection of female minions, where it makes sense.
I've been one of the players who would love to see minion customization, and gender selection should be a part of that. -
Quote:I'm /Dark all the way with MM. It gives me AOE heals which heal ME as well as my pets, enemy debuffs, CC (Tar Pit), concealment (Shadowfall). What's not to like?I've tried /Storm but I really didn't like its single target heal. With pets it's AOE or bust imo.
Since all MM work the same way as far as what each MM power is (attack or pet), I'd like to be able to switch the attacks within the powerset. For instance, I'd like to switch out the Call <animal> attacks for Bow attacks.
I would like to see female human(oid) minions as well as males.
For me, this gets into the more general customization of minions, since gender switch should be doable as well as costume changes.
I'd love to do a Dual-Pistol Gunslinger MM around a saloon Madame and her rowdy female saloon-girl thugettes. -
I was a little disappointed also, but I had the points so I bought it.
Sure glad I didn't spend them on that over-priced Leprechaun pet!
I understand that Staves is also going to cost 800 points so definitely not getting Leprechaun! -
...plus the embarrassment of having the Mayor of Munchkinland prance around behind.... -
I'd love to be able to customize MM pets. Add derbies to my zombies, some armor bits on my Grave Knight, top hat, monocle and cape on my Lich; turn my soldiers into an all-girl guerrillista team; dress my ninjas in black; the list goes on.
We know that CoH can do waist capes for females as the Arachnos Blood Widow has that as an option (Fortunata look). I'm interested in the matching "front cape" as well for the "split skirt" appearance, and the metallic "girdle" that Sorceress Serene wears.
I agree! There seems to be some conspiracy to obfuscate where things are. For instance, I'm finding all kinds of things in Chest Detail that more properly belong in Chest, IMO.
Does anyone know if the costume parts worn by Talons of Vengeance, including Sorceress Serene and Diabolique are available for the Costume designer?