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  1. Onyx_Shadow

    Tanker Rivalry?

    I don't know, perhaps sometimes there's a bit of unspoken rivalry. I just finished up Citadel's TF here tonight on my 28 tanker and there were three of us in that group. Shield/Mace, Fire/Ice and me EM/Inv and me and the Fire/Ice just followed the Shields lead. Granted there were times that we all worked separate mob packs but in the end it went off without a hitch.

    Granted I do get a grin on my face when I am the last one standing but I also work with my fellow team members to make sure that things go as smoothly as possible. To the OP though that's a shame another tank had to have an ego with you like that. In the end though I don't see the harm in some friendly competition if there's more than one tank in the group.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Op, I don't have much posting time, but I do have extensive experience with the subject.

    First off, don't let anyone tell you that you can't tank. You can, it depends on the powerset. The wonderful thing about Brutes are the variety of sets. For instance, Stone and Invuln can tank just fine (I have both level capped, slotted only with regular IO's) whereas /Fire and maybe /Elec are more offensively geared.

    Read some guides, do your homework, but never let anyone tell you that you can't do something in the game, because you can.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've built my Stone/Stone to be more of a tank in the sense that I teleport in, hit taunt and give that big pack of mob's a huge hug before I knock 'em around. Granite allows you to do that.

    I do have an EM/EA brute that is sitting at level 28 now and I'm finding that I'm more of a tough scrapper. I can take an alpha and get in there and hold the focus of aggro on me. If there's another brute on the team with my EA brute then I play the carnage role and just do as much damage as I can as fast as I can. Brutes are a beast all their own but they are fun to play and once you get a good taste of them you'll love them dearly. I do.