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  1. Well, you just missed out on beating Mako. Supposedly, if you don't fail his first mission, he won't give you the extra other half of the story arc. You missed out on fighting 4 EBs that can two shot you, Calystix, and Mako himself.

    ..and getting tossed around by 12 Whirlpools.

    If this is correct, after you fight McKnight, he'll tell you to come back at lvl 45. Can you confirm this for me?

    PS - The respec was a freespec handed out this morning.
  2. Dude, I hate you.

    Freakin Brutes leveling so quick.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Saw the AS animation for DM today.

    I must say I LOVE it. While the crouching-tiger-taking-a-poop isn't cool, the skull flash is.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, it's making me want to start a DM Stalker myself for live. I love how the big black/purple skull with red eyes just pops out for just a few moments. Like you're pushing their soul out or something.
  4. I never realized you're Tek.. LOL..
    Give us some screenshots you puke!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No you'll probably just see the Mako logo (the one on his statue) glowing on your chest or something. At least that's what it looked like in the I7 preview with a supposed Black Scorpion shield (the hourglass looking thing.)

    Anyway, does anyone know if Captain Mako's first mission impacts your "path" in any way if you fail it or pass it? or does he give you the same set of missions regaurdless?

    I failed it and I got a "get the file from longbow" mission after. Anybody else?

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    I completed the first mission, and got the same mission. did you get "framed" after this?

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    Well, if you complete the first timed mission, he won't "use" you for the other half of the arc you would have gotten. At least, according to IBM you won't, cause he didn't.

    Assuming he's right, we'll get the same missions until after we fight McKnight and get the Bloodletter accolade. After that, we differ in paths. You would be told to come back at lvl 45, and I will be told to do some other stuff for him, and later to find out that he's only using me, in the end, kicking his asss for it, and thentelling me to come back at lvl 45.
  6. If Water Spout is anything like the one in my signature (check the picture in the signature) I'd envy you.. hard.
  7. All the patron sets are, are to give you the powers you don't normally have access to. It doesn't necessarily need to fit in with your toon. Most likely it won't, unlike the EPPs for heroes.

    Mako is giving us the Leviathan Mastery set because it's what he acquired from the Eye of the Leviathan. The Leviathan is a giant Coralax monster sleeping beneath Sharkhead Isle. Do the Strike Force in Sharkhead Isle if you want to know more.

    Anyway, Mako can't really give us anything on his own. He's a mutated freak pirate.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Whoever said Shadow Maul had bad accuracy, you must have bad luck. It has the same accuracy as any other attack that doesn't have a bonus.

    But it has always SEEMED that it missed alot more than other attacks, I went to lvl 50 with it

    So far, my DM/DA is lvl 5 with Smite, Shadow Maul, Hide, and Dark Embrace.

    If Shadow Maul crits from Hide, they're dead if they're a minion, and Smite brings them down to really small HP, small enough that if I use Brawl, they die.

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    Same with me, but one of the most (unfortunate) memorable time for me is when it didn't land 5 times in a row. I was fighting a +1 Snake. Smite landed more often but man if SM is just like any power, that was some bad streak I had. I just remember getting frustrated everytime I unhide myself just to SM someone and it doesn't hit. Maybe it's just sticking out because it's a bad highlight, but meh, that's just me.
  9. Ah awesome. Now I don't have to take it first
  10. They should just replace Shadow Maul with a new attack.. it would make the set more appealing. I miss alot, it has a LONG activation/animation length and the cone is TOO small, even for a melee power.

    But man, Assassin's Eclipse kicks [censored].
    I just have one complaint: There's no finishing pose.
  11. Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead!

    Ok I just finished Captain Mako's story arc: with pictures.

    My thoughts: There are supposedly two paths for Capt. Mako, if you finish the timed mission - he won't give you the other half of his arc and will just tell you to come back at 45. If you don't finish his arc however, he'll give you the Leviathan mission. I guess you're supposed to fail the first timed mission in order for him to think you're a weakling and underestimate you, because somewhere along the lines, he betrays you and basically uses you (yeah I'm hurt about that.. we WERE hot.. I broke up with him now.)

    The other half of his arc consists of finding out some stuff about the Leviathan and later obtaining the Essence of the Leviathan for him to take, and along the story, something happends, I won't spoil those parts. So anyway, the last mission consists of going back to Calystix's cave aka the "Maw of the Leviathan", and do some occult rituals.

    After you do the ritual and obtain the Essence of the Leviathan, you are ambushed by none other than the Captain himself along with his minions.

    After that I obtained myself the Essence of the Leviathan which (disappointingly JUST..) grants you +DMG. Don't get me wrong, it gives you +++++++DMG if not more, but it only lasts for an hour and I have no use for it now -_-

    And after you defeat him, he tells you to come back at lvl 45, just like what he would say halfway through the arc if you finished the first timed mission.

    Though I just have to say: GOOD JOB DEVS, despite that bugged first (second half) mission, I LOVED this arc. It was FUN. Just as fun as the Cult of the Shaper arc.

    It's always a couple of Whirlpools at once, KBing the hell out of you. This power would be so fun in PvP. It's labeled a "Coralax" power.

    Final Room
    That room had 12 Whirlpools in it, Calystix, and a Font of Power (there were 4 FoPs and they were all Elite Bosses.) The miscolored thing is a tooth that you click on for the ritual to start. The discoloration must have been a glitch on the system.

    Calystix and his/her Coral Gaurdians
    That's like.. what? the third time? Oh well, Coralax are supposedly immortal anyway - or at least he/she is.

    Fighting the Captain
    That was a shock. Unfortunately for him he couldn't pull off one AS cause.. well.. he showed up unhidden.. idiot.

    Apox on the shark
    Yeah, kicked his #ss. After that he started calling me "chum."

    Also, I have to note that, during that challenge, you get to doublecross Mako as he doublecrossed you, according to the Arbiters (specifically Arbiter Dao), by defeating him, I wouldn't be considered his follower, but his peer. Merely saying that we really don't work for no Patrons. I think this message should be known to everyone (well, I'm not sure about the other Patrons, but at least for Capt. Mako Patronees anyway.)
  12. Haha, Captain Mako called Ghost Widow an "albino witch".. hilarious..
  13. I'm really disappointed that Shadow Maul doesn't just have bad accuracy, but the cone is too small. The enemy has to be standing directly right beside the other enemy for it to work. I understand that it's a melee attack but it wouldn't be unreasonable if the cone was made bigger or wider.

    That, and the auto-crit problem.
  14. At this point, the only Corruptor you'll hear from with the Leviathan Mastery set is the one with (a) a fast computer and (b) has the patience of a saint.

    Between the lag, crashes, my slow computer, and the slow leveling, I have managed to achieve about one bar with 50k debt. So much for Patron Powers
  15. Ahhh yeah that's right. I somehow assumed you were a Corruptor like me.
  16. So you have Shark Skin then? How does that look like? It's just a flashing Mako logo huh?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, so this is the only point at which we differed.
    This was where Mako said to me come back at 45.
    When I log on this afternoon I'll see if he changed his mind or gives me another ctc.
    Logically, there should be another Mako arc contact before 45 since we all pick a power at 44.
    I would expect one each level at the very least.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So I guess there is a difference depending wether or not you finish the first timed mission?

    If you ever get to 45, let me know what mission you get.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Naw ol' sharky latches on and it has a vicious sound like a lion ripping a chunk of a fresh kill. That shaking gnaw sound, its great.

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    Aren't multiple sharks gonna come out if you fire it at more than 1 enemy?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    The actual mission bug (you get stuck outside of the mission map inside the mission) starts after the first half. After you get the accolade.

    But man, I can't continue the arc.. I was getting into the story too!

    That timed mission has 2 wardens holding 1 hostage each and an Elite Boss (longbow) right in the middle of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Based upon forum input, it appears that there are at least 3 separate level 40 Mako arcs.

    FWIW, the arc I had seemed a little easy. The bosses were each unaccompanied.
    I bugged one of them, maybe they'll look at the entire arc. As I've already said, the arc EB, Ace McKnight, is a bad [self-censored].

    Note: My Mako arc had 5 or 6 missions to it. Got an SO. Mako told me to come back at level 45. I gotta either do "regular" missions, paper missions, team up or figure out if someone else gives out Mako missions for him (I doubt the latter) until then.

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    Wait, so after fighting McKnight, did you get the "Interrogate 5 CoT" mission?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope. After "McKickYaInDaFace" I called Mako, he let me choose an SO and then essentially told me "that's all punk..come back when you are 45."

    Before "McKickYaInDaFace", I had 4 LB missions, which were your typical "gather information/clues/intelligence" types of missions.

    [typing out loud here...]
    So maybe the multiple lvl 40 arcs aren't exclusive, but rather there are X number of outcomes that are each comprised of X*Y missions.

    So some arcs will be similar from player-to-player, some completely different (other than the EB, perhaps) and some will be exactly the same.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hm, that doesn't seem fair though.

    Did you fail the first timed mission? because I did.

    Also, I think I did have 4-5 LB missions too.. wait let me see if I can remember..

    One was get the files..
    One was clear out all the Longbow..
    The other was clear out all the Longbow too..
    And I remember there was another one somewhere in the middle of those three.. I think..

    The last two of the first half of the arc involved me planting bombs vs Knives of Artemis and after, fighting "McTOOEASYKnight". (Ofcourse I fought him with a Brute by my side.)

    After that, I got an SO and my Bloodletter accolade from Mako aka the Patron accolade.

    Then he praised me and told me something about learning more about what he's about. That "black scorpion likes to.." blah blah.. "lord recluse likes to have statesman's head on a platter".. blah blah.. "On the other hand, I like to.." blah..

    And then we're back to the ever so wonderful story of Cthulhu.. I mean.. the Leviathan sleeping under Sharkhead. Hence, the "Interrogate 5 CoT" mission after the "McWHOSYOURDADDYKnight".
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The actual mission bug (you get stuck outside of the mission map inside the mission) starts after the first half. After you get the accolade.

    But man, I can't continue the arc.. I was getting into the story too!

    That timed mission has 2 wardens holding 1 hostage each and an Elite Boss (longbow) right in the middle of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Based upon forum input, it appears that there are at least 3 separate level 40 Mako arcs.

    FWIW, the arc I had seemed a little easy. The bosses were each unaccompanied.
    I bugged one of them, maybe they'll look at the entire arc. As I've already said, the arc EB, Ace McKnight, is a bad [self-censored].

    Note: My Mako arc had 5 or 6 missions to it. Got an SO. Mako told me to come back at level 45. I gotta either do "regular" missions, paper missions, team up or figure out if someone else gives out Mako missions for him (I doubt the latter) until then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, so after fighting McKnight, did you get the "Interrogate 5 CoT" mission?
  20. I agree. Well, at least ONE Patron Power.

    I hope they fix this by tomorrow so the minority who did pick Mako WILL get to finish the Patron arc.
  21. Well you can't unlock the Capt. Mako's story arc because apparently the first mission of the second half is broken.
  22. What mission bug in Grandville? The mission bug I have is in Sharkhead. I think it's because it's an all new CoT type mission.
  23. The actual mission bug (you get stuck outside of the mission map inside the mission) starts after the first half. After you get the accolade.

    But man, I can't continue the arc.. I was getting into the story too!

    That timed mission has 2 wardens holding 1 hostage each and an Elite Boss (longbow) right in the middle of it.