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  1. Obsidian_Light

    Hami Raid soon?

    I've never done a Hami on Red or Blue side, but I am totally down for it none the less.

    Unfortunately, my schedule is odd in the way that I'm off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and don't get out of work unil after midnight the rest of the week.

    However, I am most interested, and will keep checking back on this thread.

    I can bring a Pain/Ele corruptor, 50, respectively.
  2. He may have been. I don't know honestly. However, like I said there has been more than one occassion of this happening to us, since i14 dropped, in which all players were in the zone, and none of them had AE attached to them. Oddly enough, it was the same mission though, if I remember correctly.
  3. No one was in AE, we had a filler in a different zone, but everyone else was in PI standing in front of the portal to the mish. (Even the ones who were only filling)
  4. Yeah, should've known this was a bad idea to even breathe the word 'farm' on the boards.

    Point being, farm or not, i'm getting dropped and kicked from the game when entering Portal Corps. Does this continually happen to anyone else?

    Hmmm...maybe I should've used that question, as opposed to actually saying 'I'm farming'. I might have gotten a more serious answer then.
  5. So, tonight I had some massive issues in P.I. when a couple friends and I decided to run the old school Battle Maiden farm, for some drops.

    We got the mish up, we got the fillers we needed, everything was fine, until we went into the mish. First off, my mentor ended up in a completely different Battle Maiden zone, where I ended up in the zone with the leader. Then, on a desperate attempt to get us all under one zone, I was booted out of the mish before the load bar was even through loading 3 different times. Then, the leader and I were forcably kicked from the game.

    Is there something wrong with the old farms now? Because this isn't the first time I've had problems with them.
  6. I agree with Medic. Between the awesome 'unlockables' you get for your base, and IO'ing your toon, you're spending way too much in influence/infamy for that singular rare you need. Seriously, 4 mil, easily for a Pangean Soil on Freedom, when the cost to upgrade your base was that of some base salvage that dropped all the time, back in the day.

    Plus, I don't like the fact that salvage racks can only hold 30 items, when they used to be able to hold 999 or 1000 (can't remember). Kind of a step down to only be able to hold 30 items in an item rack. If we're going to have to contribute our invention salvage, up the storage rack holding numbers so we don't have to have 9 or 10 salvage racks. It may not cost much prestiege to have them, but it certainly costs in the end when you're running a realitively small base, and have to get the biggest storage room to accomodate.
  7. Thank you so much! That fixed it perfectly
  8. So, i'm trying to make in-game screenshots of my bio for the upcoming contest, and I've tried about 100 times to get the bio screen shot, but every time I do it, and then check the picture, the only thing that is there is the shot of the character, and not the bio i've pulled up, nor my powers, chat tray, map or menu hp/end tray.

    Could someone please help?

    p.s. 650 some odd pages to go through looking for this problem did not sound like fun, so apologies if this has been covered already.