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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I outlvled Vendetti in beta so this time around i was sure to get all 3 Pt Oakes contacts, i got 1 storyarc started then opened up the next one, and their storyarc, then the next one. Since once an arc is started you can finish it. But in beta I got introduced to Veluta Lunata, this time I was introduced to the Radio (never met the radio in beta). No one even tried to point me to Veluta.

    Now in Cap au Diablo, I took Dmitri first got his storyarc started, (hit 15 during it) then went to get Dr Shelly, she says I outlvled her, I then tried to get the 3rd contact (the one in the hut on the dock, cant remember the name) and he gives me the Pyriss arc no problem. So I dont know why Shelly wont talk to me.

    Storyarcs are WHY I play. I avoid TF/SFs because its too easy to outlvl content while in them. (I go back and do TFs RSK'd). I avoid teaming up when I know i'll lvl too fast. (love being a brute). Im in love with the fact that nearly EVERY contact in CoV has storyarcs! But its content that I want to experience...and (call me greedy) but I want to experience it all!

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    Have to agree. The content is the reason I play.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    While it is still possible in CoH to outlevel a story arc, you can always return to an outlevelled contact and complete the arc, albeit without receiving experience. This does not appear to be the case in CoV.

    I found it to be extremely easy to outlevel the Port Oakes contacts without even trying. In fact, it's actually a little difficult to avoid outlevelling them until the story arcs are completed. With my MM, I did my broker missions and heist, then did Bocor's arc, by the time I did more broker missions and another heist, the broker wouldn't introduce me to any other contacts. Is there any way for me to complete those arcs and get the souveniers for them? I don't see a way at present because I can't even get the contacts to aknowledge me.

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    go back and talk to Bocor. he should introduce you to the next contact (the Radio)...I remember in Beta wondering why the broker wasn't introducing me to anyone else, so I went back and talked to him, and he pointed me to the next person.

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    That doesn't change the fact that Vendetti and Billy Heck both have story arcs (and one of the Vendetti missions has the badge Stone Cold and a Gladiator Badge as well), that I can't complete. I know Bocor introduces the radio when you finish his arc.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I forget what they called it, but I think the devs were working on a patch that allowed you to go back and finish your out-lvled contacts in CoH, I hope they get it made and aply it to both CoH and CoV, soon.

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    You've been able to return to outlevelled contacts in CoH to finish story arcs since at least I3.
  4. While it is still possible in CoH to outlevel a story arc, you can always return to an outlevelled contact and complete the arc, albeit without receiving experience. This does not appear to be the case in CoV.

    I found it to be extremely easy to outlevel the Port Oakes contacts without even trying. In fact, it's actually a little difficult to avoid outlevelling them until the story arcs are completed. With my MM, I did my broker missions and heist, then did Bocor's arc, by the time I did more broker missions and another heist, the broker wouldn't introduce me to any other contacts. Is there any way for me to complete those arcs and get the souveniers for them? I don't see a way at present because I can't even get the contacts to aknowledge me.
  5. When the heroes emerged from Baumtown, they found Lightning Bug arguing with security there.

    "No, YOU don't understand. There are a lot of heroes in there about to get ambushed by 5th column --" She looked suprised to see the heroes coming through the gate, then concerned as she noticed Fox was carrying Deth. "I was trying to get in there to warn you all, but these guys are more worried about security clearance than the safety of a bunch of heroes," she said in a perterbed tone, inclining her head towards the gate guards. She introduced herself to the new additions and gave the group a quick synopsis of her encounter with the late Rebecca Morningstar and the results of the search of her shop.

    Lightning Bug
  6. After the heroes had left for Baumtown, Lightning Bug pondered her next move. She didn't have the security clearance to follow them, not to mention she wouldn't have lasted thirty seconds in "Boomtown" anyway.

    "Might as well check out this Rebecca Morningstar and see what she knows," she muttered as she headed in the direction of the store her contact told her might provide additional information.

    As she entered the store, she was suprised to find who she assumed to be Ms. Morningstar, selling an artifact bearing the same demonic face as the ring she had found, to a Tsoo Enforcer. Knowing she was not only in over her head once again, but without reinforcements, she focused all the electrical force she could muster and blasted the enforcer, rendering him unconscious.

    "Meddling freak," shrieked the store clerk as she drew a pistol from under her skirt. "You will not be allowed to interfere with our plans!"

    A gust of wind knocked her down and dislodged the firearm from her grasp. Lightning Bug rushed over to her, grabbed her by the collar, her other fist crackling with electrical power. "Ok, not sure what you're connection to the Tsoo is, lady, but you're going to fill me in."

    "I will tell you nothing, freak!" declared Rebecca just before she went limp. She no longer had a pulse. Some kind of suicde to avoid questioning had been employed; likely poison of some sort. A search of the body revealed a tell-tale clue however; a 5th column insignia was tatooed on her right shoulderblade. A further search of the store gave details of a plan to keep the heroes of paragon city busy by creating large scale gang wars over drugs and magical artifacts. The purpose of this diversion, however, remained a secret. A final detail grabbed her attention. There were orders made very recently to have a large force ambush and slaughter a number of heroes investigating the gang wars in Baumtown. She realized that the orders had to be referring to her recent aquaintances.

    "Security clearance or not, I've got to get in there and warn them," she thought as she sprinted out of the store and towards the Baumtown gate.

    Lightning Bug
  7. "Dangerous artifacts?" Lighting Bug intoned questioningly. "I found this on some Circle goons over in King's Row and one of my contacts suggested that I show it to a Rebecca Morningstar here in Steel Canyon. He thought she might know what it was."

    She tossed the small object to Haunt, which turned out to be a ring with a demonic visage and two red stones for eyes.

    "I've gotten everything villany in Paragon City has thrown at me since I found that thing. I think I'm a bit out of my league here."

    Lightning Bug
  8. As the last of their attackers fell, so too did the girl in the blue costume striped with yellow lightning. After she regained her composure, she stood though still looked a bit unsteady. Her antennae twitched and her multi-faceted eyes glinted in the setting sun as she surveyed the rather large assembledge of heroes that had a hand in defeating the Outcasts and Lost.

    "Thanks for the timely assistance, all of you. I'm Lightning Bug."

    Lightning Bug
  9. Almost immediately following the gust of wind, the temperature dropped dramatically around the Outcasts. While it wasn't nearly cold enough to harm them, their movement became more sluggish, buying yet more time for the heroes to react.

    Between her previous encounter with the Brick and her efforts to stave off his friends, the battle was obviously taking a toll on the girl. With the last effort she could muster while managing to sustain her delaying tactic, she swept her arm in an arc and the air crackled with electricity. Ball lightning jumped between her and the gangers. While the attack was indeed effective, the battle was nowhere near over.

    She retreated a few steps, obviously straining to maintain her meteorological manipulation and hoped that Deth would be able to finish what she had started.

    Lightning Bug
  10. The girl started to extend a hand toward her benefactor.

    "Thank you. I'm --"

    Her introduction was quickly abbreviated and she extended both hands directly in front of her. This was followed by a sudden gust of wind that knocked the approaching Outcasts to the ground.

    Lightning Bug
  11. As Deth reappears, she notices a blue and yellow blur collide with a dumpster. The blur turned out to be a female form of average hight in blue tights with yellow lighting striping. Her most unusual features were yellow antennae and multi-faceted eyes. While she didn't appear to be seriously injured, she was quite obviously dazed. The cause of her impromptu flight, an Outcast Brick, was preparing to crush her with a huge chunk of pavement and she was in no condition to defend herself.

    Lightning Bug