110 -
Luna, I'd recommend addiing Kheldian to your arsenal. They are a lot of fun.
Some suggestions would be the arcs to unlock Karsis and Katie. Also, some people might want some of the temp powers from the Striga arcs. And the arc from Ouro to unlock the alpha slot might make sense when people start hitting 50. -
I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare -Psy/MM and if the first run goes succesfully switch to Xort.
That is depressing news MB and Paragon, but I can appreciate why you guys need a break. And I understand that the changes in the game are not for everyone. The Devs seem to be moving towards the sort of hardcore endgame grind that many MMOs have which definitely changes the dynamic of the game.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that you guys will be missed and if you are ever in-game and need someone to run something please look me up. -
I could defintely use a break from Redside.
I can bring anything (stone tank, rad, emp, troller/kin, dps) for whatever we need that night. I am not really working on anything as far as these runs unless there is some odd random badge here or there that my blaster or PB needs that I have overlooked. I also have a 42 brute I have been messing around with that could use some of these TFs. But really, I am playing to have fun with you guys and don't have any preference and can bring whatever the group needs on any given night. -
I was with you on my blaster on that Lamda run Gamma, it was a great group and I wanted to tell everyone that. I got a common and was about to click on "Arcane Cantrip," hehe. I hope no one got screwed out of of something good.
I am pretty dicey for tonight, I will be coming back from being out of town for the day. If I'm not there go ahead and start without me.
I am not feeling well and won't be able to make it tonight.
I am iffy tonight as well.
It looks like once again I will be tied up tonight and won't be able to make it. Goold luck everyone and I hope to see you next week.
I am not going to be able to make this week's event. Work calls. I hope to see you all next week.
It looks like I will have to miss tonight because of Christmas stuff with the family. I hope to see you all next week
It looks like you may have a spot or two left so please sign me up on Baznon - BA/Shields.
If you still have room I would like to bring Baznon - BA/Shield.
Please sign up Baznon - BA/Shield Brute.
Can I bring Motopsycho Nitemare? - Psy/MM Blaster
I don't have any reformed villains but I could bring something along. How about my rad/rad - Thorium 232?
I am going to have to miss this one. I am taking the kid to Sea World. I'll be back next week.
I think I will bring my rad for this one.
I can bring something for this. I would prefer Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psy/MM.
I am not going be able to make this tonight as I will be working late. Good luck and cya next week.
I may be running a bit late tonight. If I am not there by 7:00 PST, please go ahead and start without me.
I would like to bring my rad/rad for the KHTF and then switch to my blaster for the respec.
I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psy/MM blaster.
Trollers always seem to help with this TF, so I think I'll bring Plutonium Quake (Earth/Kin) for this tonight. I haven't played him in awhile.