Not Me

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  1. *points to the puppeh*

    That's the one! Lookit his spots!

    *hides behind PB*
  2. Not Me

    Guilty pleasures

    Anne Rice novels. All of them.
  3. Worse. He had ...





    *cue dramatic music*
  4. *stumbles into the office, sobbing hysterically*

    Help ... me ... I've, I've witnessed a mitten robbery and them goons are after my scarf next!

    I might be able to describe them, if it'll help.

    *looks over at Neko* Oh my, that's the poor little kitteh they stole the mittens from!
  5. peppermint tuna? Ugh that's just gross!
  6. pfft I haven't watched the simpsons in like 10 years ... My 15 yr old watches it religiously tho. *shakes head*
  7. Bacon, bacon, my kingdom for bacon!
  8. Not Me

    Guilty pleasures

    Not sure how much of a game this could be, but I think it'll be fun. Just post in here guilty pleasure you may have, be it movies, TV shows, books, food ... anything you can think of. Just keep it clean!

    I'll start:

    Glee. I love this show
  9. Not Me

    Go-Go Gadget

    Go GO Gadget Crazy People!
  10. It's a Bacon Day - The Brady Bunch Kids

    "I think i'll go for a walk outside now
    the bacon is callin' my name
    (i hear it now)
    I just can't stay inside all day
    Gotta get out get me some of those bacons
    everybody's smilin'
    bacon day
    everybody's laughin'
    bacon day
    everybody seems so hungry today
    it's a bacon day"
  11. Not Me

    Go-Go Gadget

    Go Go Gadget Balloon Boy!
  12. Not Me


    Ok, yeah ... the 3 of us are gonna go clean up. We'll be back in a few hours.

    *hangs "Do Not Disturb" sign on door knob and shuts and locks the door*

    *throws random pie at TPBM before leaving*
  13. Welcome to the Bacon - G N' R

    "Welcome to the kitchen
    We make eggs here everyday
    Ya learn to eat like an animal
    In the kitchen where we play
    If you got a hunger for the bacon you see
    You'll take it eventually
    You can have all the bacon you want
    But you better not take it from me!"
  14. *pulls on pink fuzzy sweater*

    *looks at Detra*

    Oh? You wanted to wear this today?

  15. *waves* Good morning peoples. Have a great day!

  16. You're not a Metallica fan or anything, are ya?

    Bacon (Lady) Kenny Rogers

    "Bacon ... Its time for my breakfast, and I love you"
  17. Not Me


    *dumps jello down Early's shirt then gives her a big hug to squish the jello all inside her shirt!*
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    *All you need is BACON (Love.)
    Amen, sister.

    When life gives you bacons, make lemonade to go with it
  19. Remember when you started your very 1st SG?
  20. Not Me

    Go-Go Gadget

    Go Go Gadget Paper Shredder!
  21. The best things in life are BACONS!!
  22. 150) Forgotten how to get to a zone at least once.

    151) Gotten stuck at the bottom of Old Faultline

    152) Ran A respec so you could get a vertical travel power so that would never happen again

    153) Do the Mario on boxes to get to the Terra Volta Reactor

    154)Tried to stand on the blimp.

    155) Sheepishly apologised in broadcast to the lowbies that got flattened by your high-level ambush in a low-level zone

    156) Run the mission that spawns the Kronos Titan ambush.

    157) Take a detour on a task force that sends you to Kings Row, to fight one or more Clockwork Paladins.

    158) Done three Hami raids in a row cuz you were bored.