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  1. Noodleorama


    Much loves to the Choakeh!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm no expert, but isn't this one of those things that are hard not to notice?

    Mich. man helps deliver wife's surprise baby

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Being 7 months pregnant at the moment myself, this guy musn't be paying a lot of attention to his wife to think she'd just gained weight. Particularly if she'd been pregnant twice before.
    The only way I could think he could "miss" noticing would be if she was already morbidly obese, then only a maybe...
  3. I may come along when I'm on maternity leave and can sync up with US times a little better!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, maybe next time these idiots will do it right.

    Everyone knows that you take old one dollar bills and bleach them, THEN you print the fake bill onto it, so that it feels right.





    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well that's all well and good but we have dollar coins over here....
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    It was you!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quiet you!
  6. Holy crap there are some crazies out there! I have a checkered history pre long term relationship and will not comment on the concept of a one night stand
  7. Ah the curse of the "undeclared eggplant"..... will we ever be safe from it???
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well now ... not sure if I would be insulted by such a course beeing offered in my program or first in line to sign up ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same here. That's one geek stereotype that I, sadly, fulfill completely. I am utterly terrible at flirting. I couldn't be more awkward if I tried.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You're terrible at flirting, eh? Is that a fact?
    Well, beautiful, meet me at the bar at seven. I'd be happy to show you a thing or two.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Plas on the other hand is quite the flirter - beware! Or enjoy!

    I personally go for the enjoy option - way to go hottie!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, check it out! They come in thigh highs...and some of them have garters!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh man that is soooo not floating my boat!
  10. Noodleorama


    I thought that you were going to "pitch a tent"?
  11. Noodleorama


    [ QUOTE ]
    Bobitron wrote:

    [ QUOTE ]
    What the heck is a snort fort?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know how your nose often runs in cold weather? And how it gets so cold that snot freezes when you snort it out onto the ground? It takes a while to build a two-man snort fort, and the color can be kinda iffy, but that thing can stop a two megaton snowbomb.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well I've learned something today!
  12. Noodleorama


    I would be very surprised if it was a snow day here - and totally stoked! It's going to be 31 celcius on Christmas day & 32 on Boxing days - shorts for all....
  13. *Pokes Dark Respite with a poking iron*
  14. Noodleorama

    In My Pants

    Make me happy in my pants (Josh Pyke)
  15. You should lay off the dairy dude!
  16. Are two things I'm allergic to!

    Coffee and three litres of cream cheese
  17. Noodleorama

    The Diner

    *wanders in looks around, wrinkles nose at overpowering ammonia smell, sits down anyway*

    I want something without hair in it.
  18. Who are my brothers?

    Two ham sandwiches and a small banana.
  19. Hey wow is that chocolate? Can I have some?
  20. To ensure your super hair doesn't get messed up in battle tie a nice scarf around your head.
  21. Hmmm what should I have for a tasty treat?

    Bored at work
  22. Do you know what cheese I'm thinking of?
  23. Do not press the red button....

    (I dare you to do it actually I'll pay you $50 if you do!)