85 -
as the set does not offer defense, only resistance thus making Aid Self a useless power choice.
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I agree with most of your points, but aid self isn't useless for resistance sets. Slotted up with int reductions, it's possible to get it off in the middle of DoTs.
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i agree with both posts, but don't you think if regen was added to the set it would be a little better off? -
He didn't miss the point, you are just wrong in your assumption that you can't "travel" when you have been hit with immobilization. Lightning reflexes, swift, hurdle, sprint and combat jumping = very fast movement on par with 1 slotted flight.
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Indeed that does equal fast movement, until you're immobilized. And I don't think any of it actually prevents you from being immobilized.
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i won't harp on this very long, but pink added combat jumping which has +res to immob in the quote you have quoted, so it blows you statement out of the water.
it just seems like nothing is being said that wasn't said in the first 5-10 pages of this topic.
i guess i am done, no one seems to have actually try the build and is only looking at the paper info on this one. i guess that is fine. i guess. but this brute is a good brute. after testing, i think that....
it just needs a minor +regen to grounded and it will be fine! that is all, nothing more or less. no power switches, no kb protection, no immob protect. -
Since endurance drain does not have any "duration", I have no idea what you're getting at. I also plainly said it is certain that having only one of the endo drain powers will not provide complete immunity to end drain (else why have more than one?)
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answer.... options. you don't have to take any powers, with it being in 2 different powers, you can choose....
which is mainly the arguement i am hearing. hard to be flexible and have all the holes covered. if i had a choose, i want flexiblity of course i would feel better if they would add +regen to a power.
but as it stands now. i don't like being stuck without healing in the early game. kb and immob, who cares. those holes can be covered. but catering to the low-mid game and not making shock brutes gods in pvp, regen would help alot.
a recon or dull pain would make them god like, especially with LR and possibly hasten. ha! you are dumb if you didn't think anyone would see that!
i agree with the power sink idea, unless you could drain 100% in pve with 3 endmods. then i would say that is enough for me. -
actually yeah i am
it'd be nice to have a choice at least
some ppl could get black lightning, blue, red, yellow, etc
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like old school power rangers? you forgot pink. -
Would never base a build just off the hope of end recovery but there are enuff at's that have huge end issues that it was a worthwhile option to test its ability to recover some end imo.
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sup juggalo, MCL.
i slotted for end modx2 in CB and havok punch, i noticed the end gain.
but on the other hand, brawl and the origin temp was draining while i had my armor on. only if all my attacks drained end, then it would be sweet. -
LOL! Dude, you are just whining and reiterating the whining others have initiated. You just pointed out some serious strengths of this set and for some reason believe that this sec needs to be overpowered to the point of requiring a future nerf. Power Sink is a great weapon, probably one of the best toggle dropping attacks in the game. I have used this repeatedly in pvp...in pve it is up soon enough to really never need to worry about endurance. Slotting it 3 end mod and 3 recharge reduc + lightning reflexes means that it will be up even faster.
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There's always someone like you posting, so I guess I should grow some think skin. Listen, just because someone has concerns about the set doesn't mean they're whining. If you disagree, fine. You're entitled to. But don't be so ignorant and label anyone that doesn't bow at the feet of this set as a whiner.
I don't want the set to be overpowered, that would just mean future nerfs. I want the set to be fun and on par with the other sets. I honestly don't feel that it is and I've given several examples about why I feel that way. I'm also testing the set and will relate my experiences in this test thread. That's what it's for after all.
I'm not whining. I'm trying to give constructive critcism.
Teleportation pool + hover (or Air Superiority + Fly) and the Leaping pool are both viable selections for travel powers. Wonders can be done with TP and TPfoe with which you have an obvious lack of experience. Check out Elernet's example of what can be done via his vids. With the build I suggested earlier, you enter the combat instantaneously. This allows you to "shock" your opponent who may be fighting someone else. You can tpfoe a runner...which, if slotted correctly, can be up every 10 seconds with a fairly long range. LF + Swift + Hurdle = fairly fast, unsuppressed combat travel which you can switch to hover if you are dealing with knockback.
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So, you're successful with TP because you can gank people and kill steal? Way to prove me wrong.
TP Foeing of runners doesn't work very well on SJers. Regardless, TP foe isn't TP. I'm talking about chasing people down with teleport, not cycling them with TP foe. TP foe isn't a "travel" power. Any schmo can perma-TP foe someone over and over and plink their HP away. Also, supplementing TP with unsuppressed movement speed is padding the viablity of TP. If you want to say "TP + Hover + slotted swift/hurdle/LR + TP foe is amazing travel" then ok, I'll agree. However, I said that TP was not good for chasing runners. You've done little to convice me and yes, I have plenty of experience.
Maybe I exaggerated by saying a TPer would never kill anyone, but no way is it on par with SS, Fly or SJ.
-Fly powers negate the KB protection form Hover. There are plenty of -fly powers in PvP, especially on the Hero side. It can be ok in some situations, but I wouldn't rely on Hover for KB protection in that environment.
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so are you offering solutions or tearing a poster down. i think i missed it, or maybe i for got it in the long post.
i got that tp is bad, hover is bad. with that aside. you most likely will be going with the leaping, which takes care of immob and kb. so now those aren't a problem anymore. so what is left ? healing? i just can't remember what you are promoting.
it better be add regen to a power! -
The big problem with this power set, as I have stated earlier is that you cannot cover the self heal hole. Aid Self is an interruptable power, and /elec is a +res power set, therefore you can't rely on using it when you really need it.
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Sure there is. And it's not interruptable either. There are these little things called Inspirations. There's a green variety of them that *gasp* heals you!
Yes there are holes, however if there were no holes, why would anyone play anything other then this set? Why does everyone think that this set should be so much more powerful than all the other Armours? This set has some amazing powers and some amazing strengths, yet everyone is only concentrating on a couple of the weaknesses that it has. It's kind of depressing, really.
Now, no one has played this set to any kind of decent level, however from the low levels that I've been through it looks like a fun, neat set. Maybe we should give it a chance and actually try the aspects of it out that we're complaining about before whining.
I'm just sayin'.....
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QFT. Nothing wrong with the set having holes, every set does, and every set needs some for balance. The holes in this set aren't insurmountable by any stretch of the imagination.
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word. the last thing i would want is this set to become the end all/be all. but i think regen word help the set out. a minor additive and it isn't over powered. jump on my bad wagon already!!! -
yeah i hate the unlucky streaks. those are nuts! i have them on live sometimes, even after using BU and everything.
and i was starting to think it was an acc prob too, but i agree with JayboH, i miss SO's. you could never know for sure unless you get them and test it yourself. -
How wrong you are. I won't go into why because this isn't the official teleport board. I agree...I wish that Electric armor had either knockback protection or immobilization protection. I would have, however, selected leaping pool anyways. Even so, every single hole is filled with the appropriate power pool selections. I don't understand the moaning that is being dredged up by this new secondary.
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lol, you would think i was starting a pinkstar fan club or something, but i agree again.
not only that, this set needs holes. we keep talking about fire and DA being covered by other powers. but they don't have an "overdrive" power like ES.
so with that said, i think recon will be an over kill, regen would fit better while added to a "nothing" power like grounded. immob and kb would have to be a player's prob to handle, ( i suggest hover, tp, selfaid).
and you brought up pvp, processedmeatman, i suggest get tp foe then. all in all, even if you chase something down and hit it, it will still move away because of your supression and your lack of holds (speaking in terms of elec/elec).
and i don't think you are sneaking up on anything with a "shock brute" (i just coin'd that term, i think, so if credit is given, hook me up). -
ok, now i am changing my vote. from recon to "add health recovery to grounded"
leaves holes while not making it over powered.
and tp/hover seems to help out taking aid self, also keeps with the Mu theme >.< -
*edit: i forgot that this is the elec melee topic*
oh and i agree with #4: if conserve power was recon, that would be perfect. even leave it late and in the same spot would be better than no healing. -
yeah i noticed the "charge" on attacks too, i thought maybe it was just the set. that was another thing that annoyed me about JL.
i guess i will be in the "JL is small, and have yet to hit more than one person with it", but maybe i will give it more time then.
i was getting angry that 2 people were stacked and i click the father person, and it said i was too far away, so i get closer and now the guy in the middle... isn't anymore >.< -
Mu is cool. Hover is in, 3 leaping is out.
i will miss healing, but i won't cry if they would add immob protect to grounded so i don't have to take combat jumping.
there are holes, but.... (thinking) i guess i could take tp to get around immob, get hover for kb. that still leaves healing.
everyone keeps saying take aid self, but that is bad (or not ideal) for a non def brute, i even think castle said something like that. -
i like! although, i feel like CB's animation has been slowed slightly. maybe it's just in my head.
News 8's story on the event is now online!
If you scroll down you can play the video. I'm in it! Well... in the background. For 3 seconds. (1:08, on the right, with the cap.)
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hhmmm, i was on there too.... crud. a whole 4 secs. (:12-:16) shout out to yukie, who was sitting next to me in the event and in the news cast. -
wOOt! For Meet and Greet!! We got to meet all kinds of peeps from the area. And after getting 2 Statesmen Heroclix figures outside, I smashed Statesmen under my boot, "Take that! for all the Nerfs!". All that was left was a flattened tanker :P. But i still have another here sitting on my desk. Thank you guys at NCsoft for creating a game we can love on all levels. Infinity FTW!!!
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hey akuma,
here you go.... nerf'd -
i have to agree with the first post. i enjoyed myself. and i was happy to see somefaces behind the forum names.
as far as the rockstars, i only met cuppa and gilgamesh. cool people.
dj was awesome. MC was styling and was having fun. AA looks cool. the card game looks cool and deep. thx to the AEG team on that one.
oh and the news reporter was a surprise and i did my best to run away!
free pizza! FREE HAT!!!! (get it? like on south park? no? oh well)
here are my pics...
the spot to be at.
cuppa and i
angry angel's doll
news team
and finally, a little girl playing her tank against the carnies. -
I think my comparison to RI and DN was a fair one. The primary purpose of the power has little to do with whether it is a PBAOE or a ranged toggle. Hurricane fulfills the same function on teams as RI and DN: that of heavy accuracy debuffing. To compare it to arctic air or hot feet is like comparing deceive and blazing arrow. They're both ranged attacks. That's pretty much where the similarity ends.
As you stated, the primary purpose of Hurricane is -tohit, and the other defender powers which provide comparable tohit debuffs are also autohit toggles.
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but the DN and RI use targets(anchors) which is the compromise for the usage. with hurricane, there is none. i avoided DN and RI comparison because of that reason.
that is why it is easier to compare to the other pbaoes that i stated.
Now it just looks like hurricane is a power with no draw backs when you compare to DN or RI. -
As Concern stated earlier, the KB on hurricane is currently wacky crazy in Pvp. This is not intended, and is supposedly going to be fixed. When I run it in pve, I KB maybe a single mob every five seconds if I'm trying to corral a group of five. The unreliable and spaced out nature of the KB in pve is actually a source of mild frustration for me.
As for the few silly people suggesting making hurricane a clicky, please for the love of god go make a stormie now. The entire strategy of pve hurricaning (and thus the vast majority of a stormie's team defense) would be utterly ruined by such a change. I get enough grief from people who automatically glare at me for turning it on. Why don't we just make radiation infection and darkest night clickies while we're at it?
Seriously, I haven't pvp'd much at all with my storm, but I don't want my pve defenses to be destroyed because someone couldn't think of a sensible solution to a problem I'm not even sure is much of an issue.
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i just wanted feed back, so thx.
i just remember getting held in a corner (starting with tp foe) for 4 mins.
i feel hurricane is pretty much an def armor(-to hit) with kb and anti-range.
Now to compare darkest night and the rad inf is kinda wrong. it's better to compare the power to Artic Air and Choking Cloud (and maybe Hot Feet with the cons). but all those have heavy to-hits place to them for their effects to take place.
would you suggest hurricane be even'd up to the other PBAOE toggles or keep the auto hits and be a click? -
A nerf on Hurricane would be silly.....the power is easily overcome by being on a good team and properly buffed....heck you don't even need that with powers like Aim, Rage, Focused Accuracy, Yellow Inspirations, etc. etc.
There are MANY other things that need to be looked at in PvP and Hurricane is not one of them....Energy blasters dropping multiple toggles with every hit being one of them.....
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wait.... what? oh, nvm. (one more post count! yay!)
-Ninelives the Ninja Poster -
My only complaint about it is that it's auto-hit. A level 15 NPC with hurricane managed to keep a level 40 on the floor for a good 5 minutes straight.
I don't mind the debuff being auto-hit, but the auto-hit knockback has to go. :\
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nice avatar.
i like the kb and the debuffs on me. in PvE, the sorcs give us a break, but in pvp there is none. a click hurricane (instead of the toggle form) could fix it, right? -
Well, i think if Hurricane was made into a click power instead of the toggle then it would even out.
all the kb, range and melee things can remain. the storm will pass. the hurricane armor shall be no more. -
me likey.
now i want some candy... gtg. -
this arguement sounds alot like the spec terror arguement when the arena first came on.
when you boil it down, the unprotected will have to find protection.
good... now plz. stop arguing in circles.