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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dawnshift View Post
    All of those look awesome, NH! If you're still open for requests, I'd love something for my Peacebringer, Dawnshift. Here's a quick reference sheet:

    Thanks in advance!
    Pretty tied up right now, but I'll try to have a go within the next few days.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hidden Hero View Post
    Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time.
    No probs, pretty busy right now but I found time to have a quick go:

  3. Thanks that typo just made me spit my coffee out

    Congratz Henri!

    Liz, love your character now that's the kind of concept to inspire some art!
  4. Nice work KK, looking forward to seeing more
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Denji View Post
    You are more than welcome to hog this thread all you like, NH!

    When you have a moment (I'm sure you're busy), can you please do something with my main, Nigredo Fist/Schwarzen Strike? Thanks a bunch in advance!
    I got a kinda Noir feel about your pictures, so I went with that, hope these are OK...

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hidden Hero View Post
    I don't have actual reference pictures on dA but she's the character in the She was born this way art commission I have there. Her costume is relatively simple, so I think you'd be more than able to use that as a reference.
    Ok, I'll take another look
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hidden Hero View Post
    Wow, NH, you're really on a roll! I think these are really good, and truth be told, I follow your posts when you post them to the CoX group on dA. (As long as the link to my dA page shows up properly) Do you think you could do one of the Little Professor. I have a piece of art that was done of her and minus the miniskirt (wish it looked like the proper leather design in-game) is pretty easy to recognize and copy. I'd be really appreciative if you could do a freebie. I'm just so impressed by what you've done already I couldn't help but want to ask.
    Hi HH and thanks, time permitting I'd be happy to have a go, but the only Little Professor reference shots I could could find were from the waist up, do you have a full length image or am I looking in the wrong place?
  8. Night_Hornet

    November Art Jam

    Originally Posted by Henri View Post
    Dyou have a DA page or anything Night Hornet, your stuff is amazing. I'm relatively new to the art scene and really take reference from stuff i like. I'd love to see everything you've done.
    My thanks Henri, I like your stuff too

    TBH I'm kinda new too, the style I use was born out of a desire to be able to tell better comic stories (ultimately I'm more of a frustrated writer than an artist ). It's only recently (with a lot of hard work) that I have felt it was good enough to share. But if you want to take a look I am on DA -

    Also I do post a LOT more images on my comic FB page (link in my sig)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Foxy_Ferret View Post
    Wow... Are you still taking requests Night Hornet? Your work is amazing. <3
    I think perhaps I should stop hogging this thread and get back to work on my comic

    Anyway, here you go Foxy:

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    [You're on a roll Hornet! Awesome stuff![/color]
    Hey DD, I saw that you made a request a while back, so I had a quick go...hope you don't mind

  11. As a Hornet I couldn't resist attempting Pollen Anna:

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Foxy_Ferret View Post
    Wow... Are you still taking requests Night Hornet? Your work is amazing. <3

    Thanks Foxy for the compliment

    Please note although I have recently contributed a few pieces this isn't my thread and this is a general thread to see if any artist is willing to spend some free time doing some art for requesters. It's just that I've had some free time recently. Unfortunately I can't promise to do any free pieces or do specfic requests, but I'll try to chip in every now and again.
  13. Thanks for all the feedback Wish I had time to do this all day
  14. Night_Hornet

    November Art Jam

    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    And people should feel free to do an actual self portrait as well
    Ok, you talked me into it

  15. Night_Hornet

    November Art Jam

    Originally Posted by Henri View Post
    This is a portrait, kind of, of Robot H3 NRi

    Mostly was trying to improve my metal techniques here...

    Anyway, hope you like it, cheers H

    This is great Henri!
  16. Here's my quick take on Mobilise

  17. Night_Hornet

    November Art Jam

    Here's a piece I did recently of Night Hornet, not only is he my main but un-masked (in the comic) he looks a lot like me:

  18. Night_Hornet

    My Latest Comic

    My thanks for the feedback

    Henri is correct as "simply isn't cricket" is a well known British phrase. The idea for the 'Tax Man' was for him the be the archetypal idea of an English civil servant (all be it a sixties idea of it) and several Hollywood movies would suggest that English voices make the best villains eh

    Also my understanding at least in the UK is that taxes are raised and tax levels are increased, although as pointed out it doesn't really matter.

    Despite that fact that the comic has an ongoing storyline and different story arcs, I do try to make each issue accessible for the new reader, however I guess this issue was the exception as it directly followed on from the previous issue. Indeed if there is anyone who has the time or the desire to read the comic, I'd advise starting from issue 18 as that's a good starting point.

    I will post my next issue here as it will come with costume codes hidden within it (my thanks to Avatea).
  19. Night_Hornet

    My Latest Comic

    I just completed the latest issue in my long running saga, I'd be grateful for any comments or feedback

    GGRRR Issue 23

  20. Night_Hornet

    October Art Jam

    Originally Posted by Henri View Post
    Nice work Hornet, really atmospheric
    Thanks Henri

    And as for "copping a feel", the idea for the piece was to re-create a classic horror movie image where the vamp is about to bite, but hey read it as you will

    Not counting mine, there's some great pieces so far.
  21. Night_Hornet

    October Art Jam

    Thought I might as well have a go, the female character is Clickwork from the GGRRR supergroup.