32 -
Never in her life had she had so much fun.. or felt so powerful. Indeed, she had been freed just as she had told Tar. But there was something tickling at the back of her mind, something...wrong and she couldn't quite place it. As Neut threw down the broken and twisted body of some nameless hero, she violently squelched the feeling. Power hummed through her. And it was very tangible to her partner Tar.
"Unbeilievable." he thought to himself. Tar brought his fists up and looked at them. Then he flexed. "I had no idea I could feel like this. Kronos, eat your heart out. Nothing is gonna stop me now. Nothing or nobody."
Tar turned to Neut. She licked her lips in anticipation, her eyes glowing a surreal radioactive green. " We have cut a swath from the Zig to St. Martial and back. Bring me a real challenge woman. I want Ghost Widow." he snarled.
Neut gazed at Tar, then looked at his mutilated head. Something.. wrong...NO.. nothing wrong.
"I know where to find her. And in a fitting setting I might add.
Bloody Bay. I believe she was sent there on Lord Recluse's order to oversee a new Phanlanx of Suped up Longfangs. They have them guarding a base I believe."
Tar did not register the fleeting look of doubt on Neuttrino's face as she delivered this information. All he could see was his hands around Ghost Widows throat. His eyes literally saw red. He stalked to Neut, grabbed her by the throat and said.
"You had better be right about her being there or else. I grow bored of this lesser game"
Neuttrino placed her hands on Tar's hands and let loose with a healing wave. "Yes , I know she is there. Now use that anger on her. I will keep you strong and energized. Let me go my big strong arbiter. Prove to me you still have what it takes. I don't think I realized how much it excites me when I see you in action." she purred.
Slowly Tar brought his hands away from her throat and moved them to cup her chin. He grinned. "I'll show you what I still can do. Let's go" Tar turned, and gathered himself for a mighty leap to the Bloody Bay Heli-pad. As he jumped, Neut lifted off the ground and flew after him. As she flew, images came to her. A white room. A small green man strapped down on a table. Pain in her neck and a cold, sinking feeling. A white woman's face, with soulless white eyes filling her vision. Neut faltered in mid air, her hands going to her head. It hurt. There was something she was supposed to do. Something concerning the tank, Tar, that she was now paired with. But what was it? Something Ghost Widow had whipsered to her to do.
"Get a move on girly!" roared Tar as he crash landed on the Black chopper platform. Neut looked up and resumed her flight across Mercy to land gracefully on the plattform.
"After you my dear." Tar said
Blue couldn't believe it. No way that was Neuttrino.. but it had to be. And Tar? No, Tar had horns. This bid guy had... stumps??? Blue was flying over Mercy headed out to a meeting point to hook up with some fellow EN'ers when he happned to spot a giant man leaping through the city. A very familiar looking woman was flying after him. Blue turned to follow and found that they were headed towards the Black Chpper pad that takes villians to Bloody Bay. He floated high as he watched the big man laugh at something the woman said as they entered the chopper. "Holy [censored] I have hit the jack-pot! It's my lucky day! I gotta call the team!" He whipped out his communicator.
"PH! Come in PH! You are never gonna believe this! I found them! I spotted them in Mercy! They are on their way to Bloody Bay! We can get them there! I can't believe this! I found them!"
Ph heard her com go off. She turned away from Dr. Sheridan. "Excuse me Dr. I need to take this." She lifted it to her ear then pulled back suddenly at the loud voice yelling excitedly through the link. "Calm down, calm down.. Blue Electric? Yes, yes, I can hear you fine.. slow down... found who? WHO!!!!!" Ph almost dropped the communicator as the message came across. "where are they headed? Blue! Calm down! Where are they headed. Bloody Bay? Meet us there."
Ph snapped her com shut. She whirled around. Excitement and hope flooded though her. She knew they had to move fast."Teen Tar Heel!! Round up the troops! PRONTO!!" Ph flipped the com open again and punched the all receive button. Her face went grim as she marshalled her thoughts.
"Attention all available Everyniighters. We have a positive identification on Tar Heel and Neuttrino. They have been spotted moving into Bloody Bay. I want all available EN'er assembled ASAP near the chopper pad. We don't know what condition they are in, but for now consider them highly dangerous until we recon and see what they are up too. We don't know the extent of their conditioning. If you see them, do not engage, I repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE till we are fully assembled. PharmaHawk out."
TTH turned to PH. "They found Uncle Tar?"
"Yes, so it seems" she replied. "We have no time, let's move"
"But, its Bloody Bay. I am not ready to go there yet." TTH
PH said over her sholder as she hurried out of the room. "Yes, you are. We are going to need everyone in on this. WE have a chance to get our own back and rescue them. And its going to take all of us to bring those two down. Every last one of us." -
Cabin Girl grasped the side of the ship, heaved herself over, and fell heavily onto the deck. Her regen was kicking in but she had severly pushed her limits. Not even the green and blue pills had helped as fast as she had taken damage and expended her energy in the last battle.
As she lay there she began to weep. She had never felt such fatigue, physically and mentally. Neut was gone. She couldn't believe it. "We were winning, we almost had them...but that thing... oh god" She turned face down on the deck and began to sob. Never had she been so frightened. She had cheerfully gone up against every archvillian in Paragon and successfully arrested each and every one of them. But this ... this.. was unknown.
All Cabin Girl could see in her mind's eye was red lighting and spiders. And then a shadow cast over everything. It appeared without warning, a deafining blast that knocked Cattnip and herself clear across the street. She had no idea where Cattnip landed. She had slowly regained her feet but was dazed. All she remembered was looking up and seeing this..this huge black shadow, picking up Neuttrino's limp body..then seering laughter...then the darkness took her.
Cabin Girl reached for her communicator...it was gone. Lost in the battle she supposed. She sighed and sat up, marshalling her emotions and fears under control. "Yarrrr.. where are you?" she wondered. She knew he would be concerned when she hadn't come back to the fight after she left so quickly. And she knew, he wouldn't be happy with the news about Neut. Or about the last words she heard before she blacked out. "I have her, she is ours. The plan is complete" What did it all mean?
Nuettrino slowly opened her eyes. She had a massive headache and the brightlights just intensified the pain. She put out a healing wave..but nothing happened. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. She reached deep down and felt...nothing. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was laid out on a table of sorts. Cold..unfeeling steel. The room was small with very bright lights above.
A femine voice slid silkily across the room. "Ah, awake at last dark one. How very interesting."
Neut's eyes adjusted to the white skinned woman floating across the room towards her.
"The final piece to our plan. With you in place, we will be unstoppable." The white ghostly woman carressed Neuttrinos cheek. "Nothing to say? Eyes are the window to the soul.. and you are so much like me. You show nothing."
Neut lay still, wanting with everything she had to blast this creature into nothingness with her neuttrino bolts but she was to curious as to what this woman was talking about.
"What happened to my cohorts.?"
"The two that were with you are dead." The woman said as she leaned up and turned away to walk to a door. She opened it and called to someone standing out side. "Come in and get your job done. She's ready." She came back to stand at the end of the table.
A smallish man in a white lab coat came in with a machine that Neut did not recognise.
"What are you going to do to me?" Nuet whispered, fear starting to set in and tried not to show. She tried to move, to activate her powers, anything. She couldn't move.
"You have been immobilized my dear dark one. You can do nothing. But.. you will become more powerful than you have ever known. You will work for us against Statesman's so-called forces of good. And, you will be reunited with your partner Tar Heel. I forsee no-one stopping the pair you will make." the white woman smiled.
"Never" Neut said. "I will fight you. My group will come for me."
"Oh yes.. I imagine they will. I sure hope so" she replied. Ghost Widow turned to the man. "Begin" She turned and looked at Neut. " And make sure she is ready for me. I like this one. I may keep her for myself." The door shut behind her.
NEut started to struggle. No , she thought to herself. This can't happen. Rejoin Tar...he has been taken? Not possible.. not possible.
The man came close to her with a syringe of greenish looking fluid, a grin spreading across his face. "When you wake up, you will be ready to do Lord Recluse's bidding. You will take your orders from Ghost Widow"
"Ghost Widow" Neut muttered. "Who is she, and why does she take such interest in me? I am no-one important really. I am not a fighter, not powerful." She looked at the man beseechingly. "Let me go."
He just grinned. "It's no use you know. You and that tank you call Tar Heel will be virtually impossible to kill. Lord Recluse has great plans for you both. For your entire team. He has just been waiting for the right moment."
He brought the syringe down and injected Neut in the neck. "My favorite part." he said , smiling as he withdrew the needle. "But I agree with Mistress Widow..if I could only read your eyes as the change happens." he tilted his head." I would so love to watch your pain."
"Ah.. you are awake at last -
Cattnip suddenly found herself in the hospital. Her head was still hurting from the blow she had taken in that back alley.
"Never saw that coming..sheesh" She stepped out of the porter and turned to look for Wolf, sure that he was following.
She waited for a good 5 min... nothing. "Oh man. This can't be good. Something has happened" She started down the hallway when the porter next to her brought in another person. She turned to look.
Cabin Girl suddenly found herself in the hospital. "$%!$ it! I had you!! &%*#@ Yarrr.. goin off like that... when I get my hands on you..you are so gonna be on your knees apologizing to me. %^#%@$ pirate " the expletives slowed to nothing as she realized who she was looking at. "CATTNIP!!!! Oh my god! Its been forever!" She stepped out and greeted Cattnip.
Cattnip couldn't believe her eyes. "Cabin Girl! It's so good to see you!" She stepped up to CG and gave her a big hug. "How odd to see you here? What are you up too?"
"Oh you know, runnin amok in the Rogue Isles, takin out baddies.. pilligin, plunderin,, what I do best. Well, at least until I got broadsided by a group of Longfangs. Just about had them if Yarrrr hadn't have got distracted" CG cocked her head. "What about you? I haven't seen you around?"
"Well" Cattnip sighed, " I ran into Northern Wolf and decided to run with him a bit. He hasn't changed much. But something odd happened. WE were both taken by surprise by.. someone. Was weird too, I just caught a glimpse of a shadow before Wolfy sent me here. And that is weird too. He has never done that before." Cattnip looked sad for a sec then flashed CG a big grin. "But hey, ya just gotta get up and go again right CG?"
"Right! And I need to catch up to my Captain before he gets in over his head. Hey, wanna come along?"
Cattnip hesitated." I really should try to find Wolfy, but I justt can't get over why he did what he did....like he didnt need me. Ah well. I haven't been up to speed really lately." Cattnip sighed. "Sure, I will go with you. Maybe I will run across him."
Cabin Girl slapped Cattnip on the sholder and smiled. "Let's go."
As they started toward the door, another porter went off and out stepped Neuttrino.
"Ahoy lass!" Cabin Girl said welcoming the confused Neut.
Neuttrino looked around and muttered"This is not the EN Jet" She looked at CG and said, "I am not supposed to be here. I have got to get back to Tar. He needs me. He is in over his head and I was ordered to stay with him." She quickly stepped out of the porter and headed toward the door.
"Hey whoa girly." Cabin Girl halted Neut. "Lets travel together. I gotta feelin we are all headed to the same spot anyway. Safety in numbers right?"
Neuttrino nodded. "Let's get a move on then. Things are out of control and happening way too fast. If Tar goes down, we are in serious trouble. I can't let them get their hands on him."
"Who are them? asked Cattnip as they opened the door to street and stepped out.
As the ladies hit the steps, they heard the sound of las-guns being fired up. They looked up to see an ambush of arachnos LongFangs with a Mistress Tarantula waiting at the bottom of the stairs. "Neuttrino!! You will come with us. You are wanted by Recluse himself. Surrender now."
Cattnip looked over the group of villians as she felt an energizing glow come over her. "Dang Neut, look, they called out the army just for you. He must really want you." She popped her claws and crouched.
"Ya, you must be dangerous or somethin. My kind of odds." Cabin Girl laughed as she drew her broadsword, a red glow brightening up her eyes.
Neuttrino looked at the Mistress. The two scrappers were buffed and ready. "What does Recluse want with me?"
The Tarantula rose up."You stupid hero. We have begun to take your most powerful. You have no idea do you? You will be the downfall of your meddling group of Everynighters. How I relish to see you fail. GET HER!" -
It couldn't be him. He was still as she remembered him. He looked like he was in a hurry..but when had Northern Wolf ever not been in a hurry? she thought to herself. "No way is he gonna remember me."
She had been mopping up on a lead she received from Indigo. She had just come out of the office when she saw him.She smiled remembering the good times they had had together and the all the odd looks they got as a crime fighing duo. "I should say Hi.. see whats up."
She poured on the speed and caught up to Northern Wolf at the tram.
"Meow Wolfy" she purred in his ear as she came up behind him.
His eyes went wide. "Cattnip?!?" he replied turning towards her. "It's been forever and a day. Where have you been?"
"Oh, you know, this, that, keepin the baddies down to a minimum. Actually took some time off after a mission gone wrong. Those Malta sappers really had my number. My regenerative powers aren't like they used to be. I can still mop up though, just takes me longer. You might say I have been somewhat of a 'Lone Wolf' lately. I just left Final Option SG. Wasn't really what I wanted anymore..ya know? Got restless"
"Anyway. saw you coming out of that building there and thought I would say hi! What's up?"
Wolf looked at her and grinned. "On my way to meet up with some rogue pirates. Get in on the action in the Rogue Isles. The Everynighters have a bit of trouble and I am itchin for a fight"
Cattnip looked at him and grinned. "Well, I can phone in my report to Indigo. I have some time....want a bit of company? Just like old times?"
The Paragon Tram pulled up to the station. Northern Wolf looked at Cattnip. "Dogs and Cats working together?"
She replied, " Total chaos. What's this world coming too?"
Wolf laughed and got on the tram with Cattnip following. "So, we are going to rescue a bunch of pirates?" she asked as she chose a seat.
"Not quite. Just going to give a bit of back up. It's gonna be rough." he said as he sprawled in the seat next to her.
"What.. I am gonna muss my fur? Get my tail stepped on? Get my whiskers kinked? Sounds like good times"
Wolf just smiled.
They quickly made their way to the connection tram to the Rogue Isles. They disembarked in an area called Warburg. Cattnip glanced at Northern Wolf. He could see that preditory glean in his eyes. He was all about the hunt. She fell in step beside him, falling back into the old pattern. She was amused that it was like gettin on an old bike again.
"I've missed this." she murmered.
They roamed the streets, keeping their eyes peeled for anything. Everynow and then they would run across a fight going on. There were some heroes currently at work trying to clear the streets. Carefully and quietly, as not draw any attention to themselves, they skirted the street brawls and continued their search. They stowed on board a ferry they found at dock, ready to depart. When the ferry docked, after waiting till all the passengers disembarked, they got out and made their way inland.
"Cap Diablo..what kind of name is that for an Isle?" Cattnip whispered? Wolf shook his head and continured on. They slowly headed toward a large round domed building at the top of a hill.
"We get on top of that, and we should be able to get a better layout of where we are." Wolf said over his sholder.
Suddenly Cattnip paused, her tail bristled. She popped her claws. Wolf immediately followed suit and went into a crouch. All around them came the sounds of hissing.
A giant Cobra reared up with a dozen snake warriors behind him. Clearly they were outnumbered Cattnip thought.
"Just like old times eh Puss?" Wolf said to Cattnip. They had gone into a back to back fighting stance.
Cattnip let out a hiss of her own. "Everyone knows a cat can stare down a snake, but these poor fools don't know any better. Shall we?"
Wolf moved lightning fast with a focused strike that knocked the Cobra back into the others.
"Hey!" cried Cattnip. "Save some for me!" She leapt into the fray, claws slashing the nearest snake warrior. Before her first target dropped, she had eviserated the one behind him.
Within seconds, it was over. The snakes lay on the ground. Northern Wolf and Cattnip stood looking at the carnage.
"Good job, I see you haven't lost your touch Cat."
Cattnip sheathed her claws, looked at Northern Wolf and grinned. "And you haven't forgotten how to show a kitty a good time. I want more."
He just laughed. "A gentlemen always obliges a lady. Shall we?" -
"But MOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!"
Everynighters SG
Nuettrino 50 emp/rad *can't keep you healed..sorry, nerfed beyond repair*
Whisper 50 Warshade *retirred*
Cabin Girl 41 bs/regen "Oh yea?? take this!!"
Tiny Fizzy 6 grav/kin *hiding in Ratchet's sock drawer" -
Cabin Girl winced and rubbed her ear as she put down the Communicator. "Is Tar ticked or what?..Bah, he will get over it" she smiled to herself. "Still , my Captain needs to know"
She walked up to the front of the ship where Captain Yarrrr stood, brooding. She came up behind him and slipped her arm about him, leaning into his strength.
"Yarrrr, Tar is beyond pissed with us. Recon only he said. Sounds like they have a plan but he didn't say. Guess I can report back on our findings or whatever we run across?"
Yarrrr stared straight ahead. "Yea." he muttered. "Who's the stowaway?"
Cabin Girl flinched and turned away. "It's Popo. He's back from his journey." She turned back to him to gage his reaction. Yarrr didn't move. "Have him thrown overboard." he snapped coldly.
"Sure" CG laughed. "Harrr already did that, the man needed a bath so badly. He's below sleeping. Yarrr, he ..." she hesitated. "Something is not right with him. Something happened to him out there..He has changed. I think it's time you forgave him and got on with it. We need him for what's coming don't you think?"
"Think! Think?" Yarrrr barked. "Thats all we ever do is think! I am tired of thinking!" he started pacing. "We are going to the Rogue Isles. We are gonna find Tripps and whoever else those bastards have captive, then we are gonna lay waste to the entire isle! I am going to beat them down so bad that even in thier sleep, they will have nightmares about me!" he glared at CG. "And if those 'Thinkers" want to help, then they better get off their duffs and haul [censored] over here or there is gonna be nothing left for them but to sweep up after me."
CG crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Feel better?"
Captain Yarrr stalked over to CG looming over her with deadly intent. Cabin Girl stood her ground. Never had she seen him look so deadly. "Either you are with me or against me. And if you even think you are gonna stop me.....then get off my ship."
Suddenly, there were sounds of swords being drawn. Captain Yarrrr whipped around drawing his own sword. Cabin Girl drew hers as well and stepped into place beside her Captain.
Captain Harrrr and Lil Popo stood there, swords at the ready and pointed at Yarrrr. "You are not throwing anyone off this ship. You ain't gettin rid of us that easy." Captain Harrrr held up his communicator. "Tar wasn't exactily too soft spoken about he wants us to do. We are to proceed to the Isles and find the location of Tripps. And there is more. Eightball has a double that may have been ratting the EN out. They are hot on his trail now. Slow has been recently kidnapped and something about Murg. He is MIA as well. Besides that, it's pure chaos over there. Lot's of yelling going on. Now then Yarrrrr... what are we four gonna do about it? He said as he lowered his sword.
Yarrrr stood straight, looking at Popo. He started to grin. "Well, we are gonna beach at the Rogues Isles and find our lost EN. And heaven help those who get in our way."
Cabin Girl laughed as she sheathed her sword. "Ok, who's up for a picnic on Mercy Island?
At that moment from up above in the crow's nest. "Land Ho!!" cried First mate Fizwink. The pirates looked up to see him pointing toward the Isles. They turned forward and stepped up to the railing.
"They have no idea of what's coming. I almost feel sorry for them" said CG wistfully.
"Wait till the get a load of us" Lil Popo murmered
"Poor bastards" Yarrrr growled.
"Aye" Harrr replied.
All four pirates were grinnin as they looked towards the Rogue Isles. -
Neuttrino could only sit and stare at the slides. There were no words. There was only stunned silence from the people at the table.
She looked at the faces of the EN who were there.
"This isn't happening." She looked at Tar. "This can't be right! Tripps would never...she couldn't..I know her! She is not capable of .." Neut choked up.
Shelooked around again and something occured to her immedately..
"Wheres Slow? He was right behind me?"