
Forum Cartel
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  1. yeah i agree and good job putting all this together
  2. i wouldnt mind teaming with some of yall tonight unless i just drop dead from unknown causes but sure
  3. ok, i still dont have a picture ready to post it but when i do i will. so i will start with my name:

    RL Name : Christine ( you can call me chris, that is what all my friends call me)
    I have one brother and one sister and i live in Georgia. I will be going to highschool next year to play the flute and i also play the piano. I love science and math but mostly science because i like to create and test stuff out.
    I like to travel alot, iv been to 3/4 of the USA and been to Canada, Jamaica, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Germany, Turkey, Greece, England, and Paris. I like to play on the computer alot and my dad introdused me to comics when i was a little girl and that is why i am here on CoH and you can expect me on CoV.
    I keep high grades, Honor Roll. I like animals. I have 2 dogs a cat, 2 lizards, 5 birds and 10 fish. I LOVE to go to the movies with friends or alone.

    So that is pretty much me, cya all ingame
  4. Netherflare

    Call for Models

    well now it is my turn

    Name: Netherflare
    Server: Champion
    Type: A Fit Suit for any hero, even boys (this is everyday where)

    Front w/ Face
    Another Side

    and then my other gal:

    Name: Austerity
    Server: Champion
    Type: Hungry to kill villain type suit.

    Here it is!

    thats it