ok, i still dont have a picture ready to post it but when i do i will. so i will start with my name:
RL Name : Christine ( you can call me chris, that is what all my friends call me)
I have one brother and one sister and i live in Georgia. I will be going to highschool next year to play the flute and i also play the piano. I love science and math but mostly science because i like to create and test stuff out.
I like to travel alot, iv been to 3/4 of the USA and been to Canada, Jamaica, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Germany, Turkey, Greece, England, and Paris. I like to play on the computer alot and my dad introdused me to comics when i was a little girl and that is why i am here on CoH and you can expect me on CoV.
I keep high grades, Honor Roll. I like animals. I have 2 dogs a cat, 2 lizards, 5 birds and 10 fish. I LOVE to go to the movies with friends or alone.
So that is pretty much me, cya all ingame