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  1. I was talking about ppl purposely giving other ppl debt, cause that happened to me alot.

    not "accidentaly"

    "Oops, i 'accidentaly' tped foe and put you in that PvE group. Sorry"
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    the problem is PvP debt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is exactly my point and the problem. No matter how you feel about debt, intentionally giving it to someone (monster training, TPing into mobs, etc.) is griefing in every aspect of this game except (apparently) PvP zones. THAT is the issue here that I am concerned with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yep and i think this is all unfair
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    IDK if this was brought up because i dont feel like reading the whole entire thread, but i acctually thought about it when i just made my post, here it is:

    Cuppa, is someone in a PvP zone aloud to Teleport you, hold you, immobilize you, or in any way do something to you that you cant control INTO a PvE mob? Does that count and is acceptable? Because that has happened to me 1000+ times and i HATE getting debt.

    Now your probably going to say that this is a PvP zone and it has risks and i understand that. But then why are PvE's in a PvP zone? I can understand for Sirens Call that you need them in there and the meteor guys in BB and the guys in the "web" for WB.

    But can a player do that to ya?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    During CoV beta, a player asked:
    [ QUOTE ]
    So instead of joining right in, I drag my toggle (darkest night) herding up say a few spawns of mobs, and drag them over the battle, hoping to cause a big ruckus, get a few people to drop below 50% hp, and bam SCOURGE!...

    Got a tell from a guy afterward saying that I griefed them.
    Sure a few guys got killed by NPC damage so they got debt, but it is a valid tactic yes?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The OFFICIAL response, from Statesman himself (please note the red), was:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, it's a valid tactic the way you describe it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    theres something different there:

    That guy tped foes TO the player, we are talking about the player TO the foes...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    still the same end result though nether

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well since the guy that had the foe's tped to him already was ingaged in battle (meaning had his toggles and stuff on or inspirations) but when you are just being tped into a mob out of pure randomness, and can be kind of different

    but you do have a point
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    IDK if this was brought up because i dont feel like reading the whole entire thread, but i acctually thought about it when i just made my post, here it is:

    Cuppa, is someone in a PvP zone aloud to Teleport you, hold you, immobilize you, or in any way do something to you that you cant control INTO a PvE mob? Does that count and is acceptable? Because that has happened to me 1000+ times and i HATE getting debt.

    Now your probably going to say that this is a PvP zone and it has risks and i understand that. But then why are PvE's in a PvP zone? I can understand for Sirens Call that you need them in there and the meteor guys in BB and the guys in the "web" for WB.

    But can a player do that to ya?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    During CoV beta, a player asked:
    [ QUOTE ]
    So instead of joining right in, I drag my toggle (darkest night) herding up say a few spawns of mobs, and drag them over the battle, hoping to cause a big ruckus, get a few people to drop below 50% hp, and bam SCOURGE!...

    Got a tell from a guy afterward saying that I griefed them.
    Sure a few guys got killed by NPC damage so they got debt, but it is a valid tactic yes?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The OFFICIAL response, from Statesman himself (please note the red), was:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, it's a valid tactic the way you describe it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    theres something different there:

    That guy tped foes TO the player, we are talking about the player TO the foes...
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    i agree with you iltat... in some of it.

    But would you like to continuesly get TP into a mob ever single time you step foot off your base? I for one would not. For controllers/dominators it does take some time to get your debt gone but i do not want to ex myself down to burn it off cause durring that time i could be getting XP which would help me lvl. If i was 50, i could careless about debt, which, coinsidentaly, are the ones TP the foes into the mobs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It takes a while for anyone to get rid of debt. Thus why I'm arguing against giving people debt (not sure if that was confusing in my post?)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh, nvm, i 100% agree then
  6. i agree with you iltat... in some of it.

    But would you like to continuesly get TP into a mob ever single time you step foot off your base? I for one would not. For controllers/dominators it does take some time to get your debt gone but i do not want to ex myself down to burn it off cause durring that time i could be getting XP which would help me lvl. If i was 50, i could careless about debt, which, coinsidentaly, are the ones TP the foes into the mobs.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Who are you trying to kid? If this was the case I wouldn't care. But this is not what you do. You set out to ruin everyone else's fun to make your stupid point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh I forgot your the Great Dinah Might who knows everything. When you tell someone to stop, the whole server stops. I wouldnt want to get you mad at me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you know what, i think ur jealous of her!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I notice this card being played alot. Because I'm well liked, for some reason people this it takes away from the strength of my posts. Truth be told I don't care if the entire freakin server was against me, I am who I am.

    and to be honest you don't have to walk very far to find people who dislike Dinah Might.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    gratz on 3001, with all this posts and stuff going on, i wont be to far behind even though im like 2.4K
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you Nether for summing that up.

    To all who are seeing this thread for the first or millionth time, this is the question at hand:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cuppa, is someone in a PvP zone aloud to Teleport you, hold you, immobilize you, or in any way do something to you that you cant control INTO a PvE mob. Does that count and is acceptable?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I personally don't think it is fair for another play to go out of their way to try to give another play debt. I know it is griefing in PvE, so why isn't it in PvP?

    I would love to get a Red Name to comment on this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the devs know in their hearts that what Sleepy Kitty (and others) are doing is griefing, no doubt. But the problem is that they don't have any way to enforce it. How does Victim_47 prove to the GMs that Sleepy griefed them? They can't, so rather than open that pandora box of trying to punish someone based on only 2 people's statements, they say it's a valid tactic.

    Especially when, as someone mentioned, there are so many options you can choose from when being attacked. Control the person, run, group with others while badge hunting who can actually kill an attacker. Pushing a person into enemies is far from the only way to "defend" yourself.

    Cuppa's reply sounds like open season on anything goes in pvp zones. People already exploit the system by having a hero confuse a stalker at the villain base, thus letting a risk-free stalker AS villains 2 inches from a drone. If that is ok, and it seems to be by lack of response by GMs to it being done, then it seems clear that anything goes and TPing someone into drones or mobs is fine. I'm sorry Sleepy, but by choosing to give people debt rather than end the encounter in the PVP-sanctioned way - run if you can't kill them with your human teammates - then you have no room to claim another person's tactic is foul. Yes, they attacked you, while you were ever-so-innocently hunting in a PVP zone. If you are constantly getting attacked so often that you get fed up, then maybe look up some teammates. But there is "against the rules" and there is "dishonorable". Intentionally giving someone debt may not be against the rules (at this time. I wouldn't doubt if they figure out some way of tracking it, that this will change) but it doesn't do much for making you a very honorable player.

    And this isn't aimed at you only, but you're the most vocal and expressed your repeated use of that "tactic".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what if someone stays where they were dead and /petition and wait for that GM to come and solve the problem?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you Nether for summing that up.

    To all who are seeing this thread for the first or millionth time, this is the question at hand:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cuppa, is someone in a PvP zone aloud to Teleport you, hold you, immobilize you, or in any way do something to you that you cant control INTO a PvE mob. Does that count and is acceptable?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I personally don't think it is fair for another play to go out of their way to try to give another play debt. I know it is griefing in PvE, so why isn't it in PvP?

    I would love to get a Red Name to comment on this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the devs know in their hearts that what Sleepy Kitty (and others) are doing is griefing, no doubt. But the problem is that they don't have any way to enforce it. How does Victim_47 prove to the GMs that Sleepy griefed them? They can't, so rather than open that pandora box of trying to punish someone based on only 2 people's statements, they say it's a valid tactic.

    Especially when, as someone mentioned, there are so many options you can choose from when being attacked. Control the person, run, group with others while badge hunting who can actually kill an attacker. Pushing a person into enemies is far from the only way to "defend" yourself.

    Cuppa's reply sounds like open season on anything goes in pvp zones. People already exploit the system by having a hero confuse a stalker at the villain base, thus letting a risk-free stalker AS villains 2 inches from a drone. If that is ok, and it seems to be by lack of response by GMs to it being done, then it seems clear that anything goes and TPing someone into drones or mobs is fine. I'm sorry Sleepy, but by choosing to give people debt rather than end the encounter in the PVP-sanctioned way - run if you can't kill them with your human teammates - then you have no room to claim another person's tactic is foul. Yes, they attacked you, while you were ever-so-innocently hunting in a PVP zone. If you are constantly getting attacked so often that you get fed up, then maybe look up some teammates. But there is "against the rules" and there is "dishonorable". Intentionally giving someone debt may not be against the rules (at this time. I wouldn't doubt if they figure out some way of tracking it, that this will change) but it doesn't do much for making you a very honorable player.

    And this isn't aimed at you only, but you're the most vocal and expressed your repeated use of that "tactic".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what if someone stays where they were dead and /petition and wait for that GM to come and solve the problem?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you Nether for summing that up.

    To all who are seeing this thread for the first or millionth time, this is the question at hand:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cuppa, is someone in a PvP zone aloud to Teleport you, hold you, immobilize you, or in any way do something to you that you cant control INTO a PvE mob. Does that count and is acceptable?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I personally don't think it is fair for another play to go out of their way to try to give another play debt. I know it is griefing in PvE, so why isn't it in PvP?

    I would love to get a Red Name to comment on this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the devs know in their hearts that what Sleepy Kitty (and others) are doing is griefing, no doubt. But the problem is that they don't have any way to enforce it. How does Victim_47 prove to the GMs that Sleepy griefed them? They can't, so rather than open that pandora box of trying to punish someone based on only 2 people's statements, they say it's a valid tactic.

    Especially when, as someone mentioned, there are so many options you can choose from when being attacked. Control the person, run, group with others while badge hunting who can actually kill an attacker. Pushing a person into enemies is far from the only way to "defend" yourself.

    Cuppa's reply sounds like open season on anything goes in pvp zones. People already exploit the system by having a hero confuse a stalker at the villain base, thus letting a risk-free stalker AS villains 2 inches from a drone. If that is ok, and it seems to be by lack of response by GMs to it being done, then it seems clear that anything goes and TPing someone into drones or mobs is fine. I'm sorry Sleepy, but by choosing to give people debt rather than end the encounter in the PVP-sanctioned way - run if you can't kill them with your human teammates - then you have no room to claim another person's tactic is foul. Yes, they attacked you, while you were ever-so-innocently hunting in a PVP zone. If you are constantly getting attacked so often that you get fed up, then maybe look up some teammates. But there is "against the rules" and there is "dishonorable". Intentionally giving someone debt may not be against the rules (at this time. I wouldn't doubt if they figure out some way of tracking it, that this will change) but it doesn't do much for making you a very honorable player.

    And this isn't aimed at you only, but you're the most vocal and expressed your repeated use of that "tactic".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what if someone stays where they were dead and /petition and wait for that GM to come and solve the problem?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Who are you trying to kid? If this was the case I wouldn't care. But this is not what you do. You set out to ruin everyone else's fun to make your stupid point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh I forgot your the Great Dinah Might who knows everything. When you tell someone to stop, the whole server stops. I wouldnt want to get you mad at me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you know what, i think ur jealous of her!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, of course who isnt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I just sent a PM to cuppa asking if purposefully giving a player debt is considered griefing. Will update when she gets back to me

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Who are you trying to kid? If this was the case I wouldn't care. But this is not what you do. You set out to ruin everyone else's fun to make your stupid point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh I forgot your the Great Dinah Might who knows everything. When you tell someone to stop, the whole server stops. I wouldnt want to get you mad at me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you know what, i think ur jealous of her!
  14. IDK if this was brought up because i dont feel like reading the whole entire thread, but i acctually thought about it when i just made my post, here it is:

    Cuppa, is someone in a PvP zone aloud to Teleport you, hold you, immobilize you, or in any way do something to you that you cant control INTO a PvE mob? Does that count and is acceptable? Because that has happened to me 1000+ times and i HATE getting debt.

    Now your probably going to say that this is a PvP zone and it has risks and i understand that. But then why are PvE's in a PvP zone? I can understand for Sirens Call that you need them in there and the meteor guys in BB and the guys in the "web" for WB.

    But can a player do that to ya?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    What you're doing now is something different entirely, though. Don't you think?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, because once I get my bounty , that person tells all the villians to kill me and they proceed to do so. What am i supposed to do? keep letting them kill me, i dont think so.

    And that thing about Lady Myrtle, she goes straight for me everytime, so I do the same thing to her.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    haha, i remember that the other day, I was Figi and we all just come and attacked you.

    p.s thanks for the debt and pushing me into PvE's, i love debt
  16. jeez, so suspenceful, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO FIGI!
  17. here is an updated one of my:


  18. jeez, u cant just leave me hanging like that!
  19. i got Figi out last night and faught a few ppl. there were a few fair fights and a few that werent so fair. But all in all i LUV PVP
  20. i just realized that it says on my older post it was posted at the time of 4:11, well my b-day is 4/11 hahaha
  21. Creatures Of Below is now recruiting in the Rogue Isles. Send a tell to Me, Silent and/or Jacko

    info about this group is: here

    Must be a monster of some sort to be able join. The VG teams alot and will do PvP
  22. AHHHH this is getting intense! i almost peed in my pants is so good. hope i dont go to the zig and i hate those vahzilok!