Neo Shadowdream

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anarchist_Kitten View Post
    So the new "Doppelgangers" what's up with that? I mean I can already make a claws/regen stalker via the Mission AE, or are they going make it so that even enhancements and such are carried over, and can we finally have EATS and VEATS in missions?
    I'm fairly certain, they mean you can set it up, so that the doppleganger is a copy of the person running your MArc.
  2. I believe Alienware uses a skinning program by default, which one it is, I don't remember, at any rate, set it up to not skin cityofheroes.exe.
  3. Heh, turns out I forgot to copy that texture into the "Alt" Folder for the installer... so I had the texture done but it wasn't being installed. I've fixed it, and updated the installer/zip file.
  4. HA! thanks for the catch, I'll correct that.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Can I get it sans Installer?
  6. I miss my Pogs I had a HUGE collection of them, the Apollo 13 ones were great too, and came with a rocket that you could screw together to hold them, I was 10 at the time, and the rocket reached well over my head lol.
  7. If you are having trouble with Telling what enhancements do what after leaving Training Origins, check this post out:
  8. Well I was hoping a quick Texture replacement might have fixed the float displays, but sadly they are generated from a print call, using in game fonts, I was able to remove the correct font, and it just defaulted to the next in the list... so basically I would have to remove all fonts from the game for that...
  9. Installer updated, there is now an optional setting that allows you to have +Res enhancments keep the original purple background, I've also included Shadow State's fix for set IOs, AND even made the +Res set IOs use the correct BG when the option is selected.
  10. Sure, I can add that as an optional install, Soon (tm)
  11. Ok my web host is back, and yeah I'd like the bitmaps, if for nothing else, just so I can modify as needed. I'll PM you with contact details.
  12. *sigh* just as I get this going, my web host goes down....
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    Great Pack Neo, I just want to re-post this link incase it gets missed from the other thread, as it will fix the whole icons showing through on set IOs.
    I was actually in the process of doing these myself, but do you mind if I include these to save my lazy self some work?
  14. Started because of a thread in the Suggestions forum, I bring the DO/SO Standardization pack! What this pack does, is remove the sometimes confusing icons from DOs/SOs replacing them with the icons from TOs/Generic IOs.

    The only issue with this, is that DOs/SOs of Damage Resistance/Defense Buff point to the same file, this is not correctable by me, so I have included a composite of the +Res/+Def icons.

    Also, some IO sets will show the underlying enhancement type icon like the Numina, Universal Travel sets for some reason use the Range background... who knows why. Generic Res IOs use the correct icon now, though Set IOs for Res use the composite +Def/+Res since those incorrectly point to the +Def image.

    I have a PM to War Witch, about the issue, so I'm hoping this can be corrected.


    Also corrected To hit buff/debuff icons:

    Download Here
  15. Yeah that's a fix I had already done locally. Though as I said, I feel it would just add to the confusion when SO/DOs don't show the same icon. BUT with the icon I've done for them, I'll probably include those textures.
  16. You know my wife, just gave me a great idea, and I'm gonna see if I can pull it off, I'll edit this post soon with the results I hope!

    [Edit]Well, it didn't do what I had wanted, and I should have known, though now TO, and IOs show the right background..... which would just add to confusion when SO/DOs don't.... sigh[/edit]

    Though I did come up with this:
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Also, if you do decide to do a hybrid symbol like that, may I suggest a gradient of colors? And perhaps a slightly different way to represent the inner symbol? It just does NOT look right next to the other b/gs.

    What did you have in mind Thirty-Seven? I've seen some good input from you in Corva's thread, so I'd like to see what you got here!

    And yeah I've been meaning to post a thread of my own, just lazy, and sick.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    the floating numbers such as damage/healing/etc. done and all those other things that come up over a toon's head during activities. Not only does that require a bit of incorporation into the visual display but it also involves quite a bit of data transfer from the servers and
    Actually no, it requires nothing extra from the server. Your client displays those numbers based on what the server is already sending it for Hits/Misses/Heals.... Look at your combat tab, Everything you do is sent there, the client then rounds that up/down, and floats it over your, and others heads.

    That said, I'm all for more options.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kassfam View Post
    Wait, I do not have a Intel Integrated Graphics card! I know for a fact, and i've been playing this game for a LONG time, and this problem never happend. Yesterday i re-installed this game, and then all this stuff is happening..

    Originally Posted by kassfam View Post
    Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor
    Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
    Video Device Name: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
    Manufacturer / Chip: Intel Corporation / Intel(R) GMA 3100
    Video Memory: 286 MB
    Driver Version: 7.15.0010.1666
    Driver Date: 2/26/2009 12:34:14 PM
    Driver Language: English
    Sorry, you have an Intel Integrated Graphics *Chipset* with Outdated drivers to boot. Someone should be by soon to help with the driver situation soon (tm). My SearchFu is weak today.
  20. I have a PM to War Witch about the Resist "Pog" Icon in game. but until then I have made a composite of the Def/Res icons

    What do you guys think? Should I include it in the pack or leave it as is, and hope a fix is put through soon?

    And hey, who knew that all HO/SHO's used the damage background under that Hami-O Icon!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vornotron View Post
    Yaaaaaay! I have installed it! Thank you!

    Also: am I correct in thinking that essentially what you did was change the "pogs", and then erase the "icons"?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
    Hey, Shadowdream, would you mind if I quote your post with the example picture and link in my opening post?

    This is supremely awesome and I think it deserves to be seen by anyone who clicks this thread.
    Go ahead, but note my last edit about Defense/Resist enhancements.
  23. In order Sci/Tech Acc DO, Nat/Tech End Mod DO, Tech Heal SO, Natural DMG SO, Nat RechRedux SO, Natural To Hit Debuff SO (Note the downward arrow instead of the upward), Mutation/Sci Confuse DO, Mutation/Sci Hold DO, Mut/Sci Interrupt Redux DO, Mut/Sci Taunt DO.

    Like it? Download it! it modifies ALL Enhancments to the TO style Icon, keeping the SO/DO borders.

    [Edit]Turns out that even though there is a Resist Icon in the game, Resist Enhancements point to the Defense Icon. This has the wonderful effect of, Defense, and Resist Icons are exactly the same. And sadly, without a change Dev side its stuck like this, as far as I can tell.[Edit]
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Shadowdream, I am really curious what it is that you had planned to do, now that I know the situation in which we find ourselves. Prolly best to only PM those who are curious though.

    (Hopefully that wasn't too much depth for the Moderator's taste. )

    Well, I'm nearing completion of the SOs, and will be starting on DOs soon. I really like the outcome, so far, and will post a few screen shots in a bit.

    [Edit]Screenshot showing a few SOs a TO and a Numina IO[/Edit]
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Coolness. If you could post to this thread when you get that far it would be great!

    [Edit: So.... I looked into a couple things, and it doesn't look as though it is possible for the players to edit the Enhancements in the way that has been suggested up-thread. You see, the Enhancement images are created from various pieces on an as needed basis (or so it seems) and the unfortunate part is that the image that gets overlaid onto the colored background is it's own thing. Soooo, what this means is that even if a Hold image were created to be overlaid, it would be applied incorrectly based on the images that are currently in use. Sci/Tech would get the biggest shaft, having only what, two symbols to work with. I feel that we must simply continue to lobby for some kind of update or somesuch. A client-side fix just isn't possible as far as I can tell.]
    Indeed, there are 2 images for each border, a plain colored "Pog" then the various enhancement icons are overlaid to that. But it IS possible to do the client side fix, as I have made progress on said fix.

    Originally Posted by Vornotron View Post
    Neo Shadowdream: what do you need time to do, precisely? 'cuz if it's "make images", I've got 'em. Unless of course you're being Ambitious about it and want fancier art.
    No, I'm sticking with the stock art, if you could send me the Zip file you have, it might help speed me up some. I'll PM you about that.