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  1. Hi Ian.

    I must say I've been rather impressed with your designs thus far, and I was wondering if I could hire you as well.

    I am in need of a costume for a new Mastermind, Ninjas/Dark Miasma, probably Magic Origin. (Leaning towards Super Speed as a travel power if that helps.) Honestly I don't have a background concept b/c I tend to base that around the costume (lame excuse, I know), but that's just how I've always done it.

    Basically though...I want to look like a guy who would be in charge of a pack of Ninjas. I tried defying stereotypes once and hated it. I want to embrace stereotypes! Stereotypes ftw! All my male characters need to be major badasses, and this one should be no exception. Possibly incorporating some of the more "ninja-like" costume pieces, like the wrapped gloves and boots (pretty fond of those). And definitely some kind of mask, covering at least mouth and hair. Not saying I want to be "all decked out in black" or anything, but I'm leaning towards something not too flashy, but intricate.

    Help me out here?
  2. What is most surprising to me is how much hurdle increases SJ'ing speed.

    It adds like ~20 mph. The difference is quite noticeable.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Seems like all mobs are behaveing like this. If they have seen you once, they seem to always see you even after they are no longer agrod on you and you are hidden.

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    Zen is correct. I thought we went over this?

    _Castle_'s talked about it before. According to my understanding, once a mob aggros onto you, it always knows where you are, even after you re-hide. The only thing getting out of range does is give them a chance to target someone else. That's why you can still be shot at directly through hide.

    This is especially troublesome on ambush spawns, particularly in mayhem missions, as they come pre-aggroed. You can get hit like hide isn't even on. No amount of hide, stealth, etc. can prevent this. It's the way Mob AI is coded.

    According to _Castle_ it has to work this way, at least for now. One idea I had was to have Hide issue a "Placating Pulse" in PvE in a large radius whenever it re-hides. I don't know if this is valid from a coding standpoint, and ambushes would still be a problem, but it would cut down on being targeted through hide without having to change the fundamentals of Mob AI.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    *"The Deal" is the original concept that if you want to deal damage, your ability to withstand incoming damage is reduced and vice versa. The better you do the one, the less you are able to do the other.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What about Brutes? Or Dominators?

    Brutes have both. Doms have neither.